Let’s Look…At What We Eat in a Week

I love joining this little monthly link-up with random prompts to share a small aspect of our lives. I missed January while we were in the depths of surviving having two kids home with COVID. The prompt related to organizing in the new year, and I can assure you if I had written that post, it would have said, ”I’ve organized nothing. I’m just surviving.”

But this month is about what we eat in a week!

Given that we have a toddler and preschooler, what I eat is pretty much whatever is left on my kids’ plates that they refuse to eat. #parentsoflittles

Every morning, the boys wake up and have toast and yogurt. Every day. And this is the bread I swear by. It is GOOD.

There was a point in time during the pandemic where it was impossible to get, and I can attest, this bread is hard to replace.

And as their parents, I can usually snag a little bit of toast that’s been cast off from the boys. That is, if it’s not fed to the dog first.

Lunches around our house are done on the fly…sometimes it’s just snacks.

But I do plan dinner each night…this past week we’ve had…

Salmon and sauteed spinach! Nathan and I love this meal. Jonathan and Harrison won’t touch it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Their loss.

What we call ’taco pie’ at our house. Basically it’s just everything that normally goes into a taco in one skillet. Maximize efficiency, minimize dishes!

Friday night we got take-out from a local BBQ place, and then on Saturday, I had dinner with girlfriends.

Sunday evening, I made one of Nathan’s favorites from childhood: cheesy chicken.

It’s super unhealthy and also, consequentially, super delicious.

The rest of the week, Baby J and I have been on our own, as Nathan and Harrison left Monday to head to Colorado to go skiing. I de-thawed some lasagna pieces for us, and we survived on leftovers.

We’re headed out to meet the boys in Denver for the weekend. I’ll be back here next week!

16 thoughts on “Let’s Look…At What We Eat in a Week

  1. I never did eat leftovers from my kids plates; but in my defense they rarely had anything leftover to pick anyway. We’re having salmon tomorrow night and my boys STILL won’t touch it.

    1. I overbaked salmon for years too. We’ll have to try that recipe! I only season ours with olive oil, salt and pepper. 😊

    1. Hahahaha. I thought it sounded repulsive the first time Nathan called it that. But it’s certainly grown on me.

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