Let’s Look At…How We Plan & Do Date Night

First off, thank you so much for understanding the need for a break last week! Everything just seemed to go haywire, and I needed some time to catch up. But I missed you guys! My week felt like it was missing something the whole time, so I’m so happy to be back!

Given that tomorrow is Harrison’s birthday, and my post will be fully dedicated to my little guy, I’m posting ”Let’s Look” a day early! I love this link up. A fun little prompt sharing a little part of our lives. As usual, the link-up is hosted by two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything). Before we get to this month’s prompt…a look back at what we’ve looked at this year:

And today, we’re talking date night. You guys, I love a good date night…or date day. 🙂

Here’s the guy I go on date night with for the past 10 years…

A couple of things about this topic as I thought about our seasons of life.

-1- Before kids, we rarely called anything a date night. I mean, we were always hanging out with each other. Either with friends as a couple or grabbing a bite to eat on Friday night.

-2- Since having kids, we’ve gone through seasons of date nights. We’ve had seasons where we were great about planning date nights. For about a year when we had just Harrison, we went on monthly date nights, and took turns planning the activity, lining up babysitting, and surprising the other.

We’ve also had seasons where we go four or five months without a date night. And I’m totally ok with that. Date nights are a nice plus. I think the real work and connection comes in regular communication with each other. To me, date nights are just an added bonus to do something fun.

I only say this because I felt the pressure and like something was wrong with Nathan and myself when we weren’t having regular or weekly (which, you guys, sounds like a dang dream) date nights. But as is often the case, comparison is the thief of joy.

-3- You make what you can work. In this season of life, the date day may be my most favorite of all. With two little kids and two full time jobs between Nathan and myself, my absolute favorite type of date is a text at 3:30 saying, “Meet for happy hour and queso at 4?” And we grab an appetizer and a drink for an hour or so before picking the boys up from daycare. The plus side of this type of date is that I then get to go love on my boys and rock my baby to sleep that night. It is the best of everything, in my opinion.

-4- We make it a point that the boys hear that Mom and Dad are going on date night. When Nathan and I did our pre-marital counseling, one of the questions we were asked is what do we want to carry forward into our own relationship that we saw our parents doing. And Nathan said he always remembers his parents being good about making time to spend with each other, and that being a part of their rhythm of family life. So, when we go on date night, we celebrate that with our boys. They get to hang out for the evening with someone more fun than their parents (usually Aunt Ashton), and we go spend some time away from being parents.

So now to some more traditional questions about date night…

What we do varies. Post-COVID era in particular, what qualifies as a date night to me is wide open.

Like I said above, sometimes it’s a quick afternoon happy hour meet up.

Sometimes, it’s a more formal drinks and dinner. Food pretty much is always involved, because it’s our favorite way to spend time together.

Occasionally, date night involves friends and other couples. Given that most of our couples friends are in a similar stage of life as us raising little kids, couples date night is usually planned out months and months in advance due to needing sitters, scheduling around kid activities and vacations.

We generally take turns with planning. While we used to be on a very formal schedule of planning date night, nowadays it’s really up to whoever has the time or an idea of what they’d like to do.

And now I’ve inspired myself to go put another date night on our calendar. 😊

12 thoughts on “Let’s Look At…How We Plan & Do Date Night

  1. It gets much easier again- with 3 teens in the house we pretty much can have a date (day or night) whenever we want. We even managed 3 weekends away last year and my boys wanted to stay home alone– that was huge as the previous year they didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in the house alone so we had one of the grandparents come just for dinner and sleeping. But we definitely had years where we hardly ever had dates when it seemed like we would never have time alone again. LOL.

    1. We are definitely in the few and far between date nights. I try to remind myself of the positives of it – that the boys will be independent and not need or want me there before I know it. Three weekends away, though, is huge! Are you planning any weekends away this year?

  2. I’m so happy for both of you that “dating” is a priority in every season. Cheers to making it work for you.

  3. I love the idea to meet for a drink and appetizer before getting the boys! I may steal that idea for when we are both working from home, especially in the summer. Nothing makes me happier than sitting on the patio and enjoying something to eat and drink.

  4. You are so so right about comparison being the thief of joy. My husband and I have gone through seasons where it just doesn’t work out to have a date night one on one… but when I look at friends who are strict about doing a date night every single week, I feel like I’m doing something wrong. But it works for us, and that’s what matters!

    And I love that you make a point to stress to your kids how important it is for you and your husband to spend time alone together. Such a wonderful example you are setting!

    1. Love to hear that we aren’t the only ones who go through periods of time where date nights just don’t work out for whatever reason.

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