Let’s Look At…Tidying Up

It’s Let’s Look day with Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything! If you’re new here, it’s one day a month that we share a little peak into some aspect of our lives. So far this year, I’ve shared:

Being a Type A personality, I have a soft spot for things be orderly and tidy. If you want to speak my love language, talk to me about organizing and everything having a place.

The flip side of that coin is that I would be the most bitter, frustrated mom and wife ever if I spent the time needed to tidy everything at the end of the day.

I used to be that super bitter, exhausted, shell of a human being as a brand new mom. I wanted my house to look the way it did before babies. It’s just not possible, though. There will come a day when the boys are off on their own, and my house can be mostly tidy at all times. But I’m doing my best to enjoy living in a house that’s a little messier.

I try to do a small amount of tidying every day. Usually I take 20 minutes after the boys leave for daycare and tidy things that are at a level that I just can’t live with anymore. I get as much done as a possibly can before the clock hits about 8:10, and then I just let the rest go. For the rest of the day. That’s right. I don’t bother to tidy up at all after the morning.

Come along with me as I tidy one morning…

Always left with a sink full of dirty dishes after the boys’ breakfast.

Then a quick spin through the living room from this…


Always make our bed in the morning and pick up my nightstand…

Then run upstairs, and quickly tidy Jonathan’s room…

This particular day, I had Jonathan home in the morning for a dentist appointment. He’s even getting in on the tidying!

And since Jonathan was home, I did a quick sweep of the playroom. From this…

To this…

It’s about keeping the house manageable for me. Not about perfection.

6 thoughts on “Let’s Look At…Tidying Up

  1. Manageable…not perfection. So true. A made bed is a non -negotiable at our house…for the kids too. Every year, I show my students the video “if you want to change the world, start by making your bed.” And tell my kids too. I’ve always been the tidier while Travis is more of a cleaner. Good balance 🙂

  2. Yep, I definitely had to lower my standards a bit once we had kids too! In just another year or two your boys will be able to help you- which will not be a help at all at first but if you train ’em young it can be a huge time saver further down the road.

    1. Yes! Hoping I can be good about getting them involved early. Harrison has responsibilities like helping unload the dishwasher each morning. I hear a lot of whining and not much helping so far…but I’m hopeful that it’s starting the idea of contributing to help the family run early. 🙃

  3. I totally agree with you about being more relaxed with cleaning when you have young kids. They grow up so fast and then you miss those days. I sure do!

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