Tag: Jonathan

Plagiocephaly + a Baby Helmet

It was at Jonathan’s two month appointment that our pediatrician first pointed out that the back of his head was flatter than the other. Both Nathan and I had noticed it, too. Primarily because we knew what to look for this time around. Harrison, also, had some head flatness on one side of his head. Likely from sleeping for long periods of time very early in his life and preferring to have his head to one particular side. Jonathan, also, was a good sleeper pretty early, and the doctor gave us some exercises to help us work with him to start stretching his neck muscles to help him to put less pressure on the flat side of his head.

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Friday Favorites {01.15.21}

I’m not sure where this week went. I’ve been stealing away as many minutes as I can rocking my sweet baby J to sleep in the evenings. Harrison has taken a liking to a game he calls “car crash,” which involves pushing matchbox cars into a big “car crash” pile. Everyone has settled into a new routine getting out the door in the morning, and playing and having dinner together at night. It’s kind of almost felt…dare I say…normal…? (Whaaaat? What’s normal in a pandemic world???). Anyways, happy Friday friends!

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Friday Favorites {01.08.21}

I just had to go back and re-type that date. 2021. Wow. You ever have one of the moments that you remember back when you were really young and you’d calculate how old you’d be in certain years, and thought to yourself, “WOW. I’m going to be SO old then.” I feel like that every new year. We’re a few weeks out from my 36th birthday. The US is a complete s*** show (sorry, not sorry. Call it like I see it). I just finished my first week back at work after my maternity leave. And the pandemic didn’t magically go away when the clock struck midnight on December 31. Which is a serious bummer. When does it all end?

Ugh. My heart is so heavy after what happened this week. Just when it feels like it can’t get heavier, something more unbelievable happens. And I think it’s an injustice to our nation and our fellow Americans to not say something when you see wrong in this world. So here I am saying that what is happening in our country is wrong. Enough is enough. And as much as I see influencers and brands saying that they just want to be a happy place and post pretty, inspiring pictures, there is a point where you must stand up and speak. Your. Voice. Matters. Every last single small voice matters.

On a lighter note, happy Friday. Let’s do these favorites.

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Dear Jonathan, (v. V)

Five months with you sweet boy. Enough time has passed now that it’s hard to remember life before your sweet spirit. You are my little calm always wanting to be close to mommy. You are Mr. Independent. Already so vocal when things are NOT happening the way you want. 

This month we watched you start to try to play with your big brother, eager to interact and have fun. Find joy in playing with your toys, and ever more proficient at rolling despite our continued attempts to keep you on your tummy. 

The ever observer. I love watching you take in your world. I couldn’t love being your mommy more. You are perfect, my sweet baby J. 



{originally posted to Instagram}

Friday Favorites {12.04.20}

Remember back in March when the world shut down, we all thought for sure we’d be through this pandemic in a few a weeks? Maybe a month. And all of the germ experts were like….you all have no idea. Buckle up. This thing is likely coming back for a second wave in the fall and winter. And that seemed so impossible and so far away?? And here we are in December. Still in a pandemic. CRAZY. We’ve been through almost an entire year living in a pandemic. It seems like the end is in sight, though. There’s hope that we don’t have another year of this, at least. And I am READY to be able to see my family again.

I’ve got a whole host of FAMILY stuff today. What’s this blog without Jonathan and Harrison pictures? A little bit of style and one of my FAVORITE sales of the year. And just some randomness. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

Watching these little guys together over the holiday weekend was the best. Four days of Harrison giving hugs to his brother, trying to make him laugh, and fetching his lovie for him when he cried. I love being their mom.

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Dear Jonathan (v. IV)

Another month of smiles, laughing, and coos. This month you’ve started interacting with us. You search for me when you hear me call your name. You watch and kick In excitement when Harrison plays with you. You’re happiest being held. Assured of your people being there. Loving you. 

Little boy. Being your mommy is the best job of all.  Watching you learn to love on your family is pure joy. I love you, baby J. So big.



Naming Jonathan Brooks

Some time back, I wrote about the meaning behind Harrison, our first little boy’s name. You can read that post HERE. Today, I thought I’d share the meaning behind Jonathan’s name.

Nathan and I struggle with agreeing on boys names. Girls names – no problem. We have loads of girl names we both like. In fact, if we were to ever have a girl, which doesn’t seem likely now, we already have a name for her. But instead, God has blessed us with little boys. Cute, adorable little boys that we STRUGGLE to find common ground naming them.

About a month before Jonathan was born, we got serious about figuring out a name. After all, he could have come at any minute, and I didn’t want to be trying to name him in the hospital! We eventually settled on Jonathan Brooks.

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Dear Jonathan (v. III)

Happy three months! We’ve really gotten into our groove this past month. You love the extra time with me and daddy to talk and play.  You’re showered daily with Harrison kisses and hugs.  Watching your sweet little eyes light up when we sit down and talk to you makes my day bright.

But putting you down to sleep at night, when your eyes quickly drift off, is my favorite.  Happy.  Content.  Safe.  Just being able to feel that your little soul feels loved and safe in my arms is the sweetest blessing of all.  You are pure quiet, kind, light in this crazy world, little boy.  My sweet little light.



{{For earlier letters to Jonathan, see my Instagram.}}

Jonathan’s Birth Novella

Jonathan’s birthday started on the most treasured day of the week for his brother, Harrison. Thursday. Trash day. We woke Thursday, July 30th believing that we would be waiting yet another day to meet our new sweet little one. Both Nathan and I thought that when Jonathan would make his appearance, labor would start in the early hours of the morning, just like Harrison’s labor. So awaking Thursday morning, I was disappointed that it would be one more day VERY pregnant on a VERY hot, humid summer day.

The boys gathered the trash and wheeled the trash cans to the curb, a favorite weekday activity for Harrison! And then I grabbed my one cup of coffee and set up camp with Harrison in the driveway to wait to wait for the trash trucks to come “dump the rocks out.” (Harrison’s interpretation of the trash truck’s job.) One truck came by, and about 8:30 in the morning, as we were waiting for the recycling truck, contractions started.

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