Tag: Lanes Lately

Lanes Lately {March 2022}

Sharing what one might call a ”photo dump” on the gram…but all in one blog post. Things I didn’t post, forgot to post, and little pieces of life I want to hold on to forever.

Life looks a hectic running around after this little one…

Jonathan is in full blown destructor mode. His favorite toys are objects around the house and our master bathtub’s water. He has his usual go-to kitchen drawers. I find this particularly fascinating, because they are not the same kitchen drawers that Harrison used to like. Harrison was more of a measuring cup drawer fan. Jonathan enjoys dad’s grill tools and loaf and muffin tins drawers.

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Lanes Lately – May 2021

I took last week off blogging, and I hadn’t really intended it. I had ideas about posts written down, but I try to be very intentional about where I spend my time. Baby J came home on Wednesday afternoon sick and he ran a 101-102 degree temperature for five days. Poor little guy was whiny, exhausted, and just so not himself. So with a baby at home during work days, and the beautiful weather outside this past weekend for gardening, something had to give. That was writing blog posts last week.

I hope you all had a great week! Baby J is on the mend, and back at school.

MAKING: Very little. We’ve been the fortunate beneficiary of the last few weeks before my parents head up to their South Dakota cabin to get a lot of food from them. Ribs, brisket! And we went to our very first restaurant post-COVID the past week. J’s very first restaurant experience ever at nine months old! He got the hang of it in no time, and both Harrison and J liked the people watching and different atmosphere.

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Lanes Lately // March 2021

I said on Friday that I’d ghosted this little corner of the internet lately. That means that there hasn’t been many life updates, so it seemed right to do a little Lanes Lately to catch you all up on the daily happenings around here…

MAKING: The grill is out, people! And burgers and hot dogs are being grilled! Grilling and smoking season is my faaaaav. I love heartiness of winter food, but food from the grill or smoker just tastes better in my opinion.

I’ve also got chorizo chili planned for later this week when the weather turns dreary and rainy. Our favorite for dreary, cold days!

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Lanes Lately – December 2020

Thought I’d share a little bit of what’s going on around our house lately (aka pictures that I didn’t post on Instagram.)

MAKING: We’re in chili mode over here. Once the temperature drops to 50 degrees or below, it seems to be on repeat at least every other week.

Chili and then the once a year Biscuits & Gravy made their return this Thanksgiving. I make homemade biscuits & gravy for Thanksgiving, and holy smokes. Every year, I wonder why I don’t make them more. Here is the BISCUIT recipe, and here is the GRAVY recipe.

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The Lanes Lately – October Edition

I’ve been gone from blog world for almost two months. I thought I’d only be gone for six weeks. Maybe even only four if everything went well! But like everything with life and a new baby, you just can’t really estimate what life will be like juggling two little ones instead of just one.

To make matters more interesting and challenging, because #COVID, Harrison was home with us for about a month leading up to Jonathan’s birth and for two months afterwards. This is his very first week back at daycare. I adore his daycare, and he has truly thrived there, so I was eager to get him back to his routine, his friends, and a place he really loves, but it also weighs on me these types of decisions right now. Whether he’ll be safe from coronavirus, whether we will be ok if he brings it home to us…you just can’t really know. We weighed the risks and benefits of it all, and decided that for Harrison and our family, it was best for him to go back to school. I know so many of you have had that hard decision to make this fall too, and it makes me so happy when I see other moms supporting each other and the hard decisions we make for our families. So keep it up, friends! This is a tough year and season of life, but I have no doubt that good, good things are coming.

MAKING: A whole lot of energy bites. I blogged the recipe HERE. We go through at least a full batch of these weekly right now.

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What’s Up Wednesday {10.30.19}

We’ve had the best October! We’ve done ALL the fall things. Not to mention enjoying the outside cooler temps – cooking out, playing outside in the yard, having the windows open. Those are my absolute favorite days.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


Nathan is traveling most of this week, so I’ve kept dinners easy for Harrison and myself

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The Lanes Lately: Pumpkin Patchin’

I could sing the praises of October from here until Sunday. I always forget leading up to it how much I love October. The cooler weather it brings beckons our family outside. We live our best lives when we’re outside. We went to the pumpkin patch this past weekend. We didn’t just skimp and only hit up one pumpkin patch, but TWO in one weekend. Because, why not? Seeing Harrison have so much fun running around on Kansas (or Missouri) farmland, Loving all the rocks, sticks, and corn, and finding a pumpkin that’s bigger than he is and trying to pick it up. Well, it just fills my whole heart with joy. As simple as that.

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