Tag: Letters To My Kids

Dear Jonathan, on your Fourth Birthday

It’s your fourth birthday today! You are so easy to love. I don’t know anyone who has met you and spent time with you that doesn’t adore Big J. You radiate the kind of energy that’s magnetizing. The kind of energy kids and adults want to be around. You are so silly and so unabashedly yourself. It’s refreshing to know and love you, little boy.

Your emotions live close the surface. And even though that’s a really hard trait sometimes in life, I wish I could protect that and nurture it so that it never goes away. It will be your greatest strength when you fall in love, and the hardest part of having your heart broken. But I pray that you live your life with your heart open for forever. It’s what makes you so uniquely you.

Well, that and your adoration of lawn mowers and tractors. You hear lawn mowers from a mile away. You spot lawn mowers everywhere we go. Your favorite weekend activity is mowing with your Daddy. And it’s been that way for years. If you don’t grow up to own a lawn mowing business or a farm, I will truly be shocked. You ask to see people’s mowers when you first meet them. Your favorite play date activity is yard work. You notice a nicely mowed lawn everywhere we go.

Your daddy and I are so very blessed to be your parents. To have a front row seat to your growing up. It is the most magnificent journey, and there are more times than I can count where your Daddy has sat down beside me at night after you go to bed and said, “Man. I didn’t know I needed a Big J in my life, but he is the coolest kid I think I’ve ever met. I love him more than I could have ever imagined loving someone.”

I love you bud. Or as you tell me at night now with your arms wrapped around my neck, “I love you so so so so so so so so so sooooo much.”

All my love,


P.S. Yes, you can have a birthday treat. 🙂

Dear Harrison on your 6th birthday,

Hi, buddy. Happy birthday! I asked you the other day if you were excited about turning six and why, and you said yes! Because it means you can go to first grade! You have always been so excited to get bigger. To learn new things, become more independent, do the big kid things. I look at you these days and all of the baby-ness of you is gone. You have grown into a full blown kid. And man, I just think you are the coolest kid.

I love so many things about you. You are the absolute best brother. Even though at times you’re a little stinker to them…especially Jonathan…wow, you are so protective and loving of them. You frequently tell me that Aidan is your favorite in the family. You love and care for your people so deeply. And you’re upset if you don’t get Mommy hugs before you go to sleep at night. I wish I could hold onto that for forever!

You are the BEST helper. If there is a task to be done, you are happy to roll up your sleeves and help. You love feeling involved, and working with me or Daddy on a project. I love working with you side by side.

You are fiercely competitive. As Daddy says, “If harnessed correctly, it will make you great.” And wow, I can see that already. Your desire to excel in everything you do will no doubt serve you will in life. Never willing to settle for just ok or average.

I sit here writing this, and just feel like its so inadequate to describe how amazing I think you are today. You changed my life forever when you arrived on Friday, April 13th. I had no idea the depth of love I could have for someone. That there would be no greater feeling in the world to have your son look up at you and say, “I love you, Mom.” And even though I’d love to keep you little forever, it is such an honor watching you grow up.

Happy birthday, my love.

Love always,


Dear Aidan,

Today is a day of celebration. But will I be sad? Yes. Does today mark the end of baby years in our house? Yes. I didn’t realize fully before I had you how close our bond would be together. You see, as your daddy had to focus on taking care of the big boys each day, it was mostly just you and me day in and day out. Late nights together. So much rocking. Begging you to please sleep for just a little bit longer. Complete exhaustion.

While you were my hardest newborn baby. I knew you were my last. And there was a sense of being able to enjoy it a bit more, because I knew if would be gone in a flash. That in no time at all I would be sitting here today writing you a letter on your first birthday. I knew I’d be longing for those evenings where you’d fall asleep on my chest, and your soft hair would brush against my chin. Where we would sneak away for a quick nap together, you nestled close to me and breathing slowly and contently.

While your nights invariably got longer, and we both got to sleep through the night, a newborn fog lifted to give way to the happiest baby. Squeals of delight are commonplace with you. The way your eyes light up when your brothers talk to you. The insistence of Sawyer not leaving the table at dinnertime because she knows you will feed her half of your food. Your absolute refusal to say “mama” or “dada” when asked. But “Ba. Ba. Ba.” over and over and over again.

Your baby year has been so fully enjoyed by this family. By grandparents who were blessed to be able to help us and care for you for three months before we could get into daycare. By big brothers who were so protective of you, and so proud. By your dad, who cherished his baby Aidan snuggles. And me. Your newborn scent. Your smile. The way you’d cling to me as your safe place. You will forever be so special to me.

I pray every night for you. That you may never doubt how much you are loved. There is no greater honor than being your mom, sweet boy. For all of the ways that you filled me and completed me, I cherish you.

Happy birthday, my Aidy baby.


Dear Aidan (v. II),

We’ve officially entered the month that you go to daycare and I go back to work. This month seemed so far away when you were born. And it was, five whole months with you already. Like any passage of time, though, lately, it’s shocking to realize the time has already come.

You’ve been such a blessing to me, little boy. For the first time, I don’t feel like I’m rushing your baby year. It took me two previous babies to really slow down. I don’t find myself eager to check off milestones. I’m so content to soak up your little-ness. Bask in the simplicity of gummy smiles and silly conversations. Enjoy the quietness of time away from the chaos, just nursing you.

I feel so fortunate to be your mommy. Nothing compares to the way your eyes search for me in a room. The way you settle when I pick you up, knowing that you’re safe and loved. Thank you for allowing me to get to experience babyhood just one more time.

Love always,


Dear Jonathan, (v. XVI)

Good golly. Today you are three years old. And I can just hardly believe that three years has already come and gone with you, sweet Baby J. You have brought us such JOY since that hot and humid July 30th.

It is impossible not to smile while you’re around. You are constantly saying something to make us laugh, making a funny face, or doing a silly dance. That is, when you’re not getting down to the very serious business of mowing, weed wacking, and leaf blowing the lawn.

You are so easy to love. Every single person who is around you any amount of time tells me that. Teachers, family, friends. You are something so special and unique in the way you make people light up inside.

You are such a precious soul, my Baby J. It’s such a sweet, quiet little soul. And while the outside world sees all of the quirkiness and laughter you bring, your daddy and I see your quietness and thoughtfulness. The way you let others take the spotlight and shine in the things they love. How you encourage and cheer as loud as your little voice will let you for others.

You are something special. I wish I could keep you this age forever. I want to remember all of the lightheartedness. The way you feel even now as I carry you up the stairs to bed, sucking on your lovey. You touched my heart and healed me the day you were born. Giving me another chance to live into the newborn stage of life again with fresh eyes. And you still heal me even today. Reminding me of happiness and joy in the world.

Thank you for your light in this world. You are magic, little one. Happiest birthday, my sweet Baby J. We love you so much.

Love always,


Dear Aidan (v. I)

Three whole months with you. My memory feels like a fog of the last three months, only just finally starting to feel like the light is getting brighter. The days and nights are starting to feel shorter. And I’m shocked to have finally started to catch my breath only to realize I’m three whole months into this life with you.

You are such a content little dude. You quietly watch your brothers run and bounce around you.

You are still, most certainly, very attached to Mama. Not ready to be very far from comfort and food. But I love being your person. I love the way you look for me when you hear my voice. When I crouch down and talk to you, the huge smile that creeps across your face.

You are getting a mama who has already walked this road twice before. One that feels a bit more sure of herself. I hope one that is a bit more patient. And a bit more gentle. One that still challenges you enough, but welcomes you into her arms when things are hard.

You are my last little baby. And that in itself makes me cherish it even more. Because I know already that it goes so fast. I’m here to soak it in with you. Every bit of your baby-ness. Every bit of your childhood. Every bit of it.

Love you beyond measure, my sweet Aidan.



(I’m taking next week off from writing to be with my family. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!)

Dear Jonathan, (v. XV)

{{A note to the reader: I’ve written my little boys letters throughout their whole lives. I share some of them here on this blog. Some are kept just for them in their memory boxes. Letters are my way of memorializing their childhood and their mama’s love for them.}}

We’re less than two months away from you not being my little baby anymore. While you waffle between wanting to be called Baby J or Big J, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be stuck calling you Baby J for forever. Maybe until I get used to just calling you Jonathan.

I’m worried about how you’ll do in this transition to big brother from littlest brother. You have always been my little shadow. Always preferring to be held by Mama, hugged and cuddled by Mama. You’ve grown up so much over the past couple of months, though. Seeking more independence, you’ve insisted that “No, I DO it.” But I still worry. Worry that you won’t get the attention you need to know you’re still so loved. Worried that you may be jealous of your new little sibling.

Let’s make a plan, little boy. That when you’re feeling lonely or need Mama time, you come hold my hand. And I’ll know that you need me for time alone with just you.

We’ll sneak away for even ten minutes of playing together in the bounce house trying to chase you around. Or plan a date night for burgers and ice cream. Or just cuddle in your bed before falling asleep at nap.

Change can be hard. But good comes out of change. It stretches us and teaches us what we’re capable of in the present. And I just know that you’re going to be great big brother.

You are so special. You are a piece of my heart. Always will be. I love you treats, little one.

Love always,


Dear Jonathan, (v. XIV)

{{A note to the reader: I’ve written my little boys letters throughout their whole lives. I share some of them here on this blog. Some are kept just for them in their memory boxes. Letters are my way of memorializing their childhood and their mama’s love for them. Our little Jonathan, who is our youngest, turned two this past weekend. I’m sharing my letter to him here.}}

My sweet little Jonathan Brooks. Happy second birthday, little boy! Another milestone, another letter from your mama. You are really starting to blossom lately, little guy. You make us laugh and smile every day. The day starts with you waking up and asking us to “mow?” And ends with you always telling us there’s a “BUG! BUG!!” in your room. Our nights are punctuated by me asking you just before I lay you down to sleep, “How much does mama love you?” To always have you respond with a “so much” that sounds like “fruit snacks.” I will always love you fruit snacks, little boy.

Read more

Dear Harrison, {v. VII}

My sweet boy. Happy fourth birthday, little man. Four years have gone by faster than I could have imagined. While the sharpness of the memories of your birthday have softened, I remember snapshots in time of those first few days. Pictures etched in my memory of your daddy holding you for the first time, the weight and seemingly perfect way you fit on my chest, moments alone with just you and me, figuring out this new world together. 

It doesn’t feel possible that it’s only been four years with you in our lives. You bring so much laughter and joy to the world, and it’s hard to imagine that the world existed before knowing that joy.

Watching you grow, expand your mind and your heart is pure delight. You are so tough but with the kindest of hearts. I see this amazing little man in you. In the way that you watch out for your brother and friends. In the deepness of the hugs that you wrap us in each morning. In your cleverness and curiosity. The way your eyes sparkle with delight day in and day out. 

I am the blessed one, Harrison. Blessed to know your sweet tenderness and your resilience. To know your heart.  I can’t believe it’s already been four years. It’s an honor to watch you grow, little one. Like I always ask you, ”How much does Mommy love you?” ”So much.” Happiest of birthdays, my little boy. 



Dear Jonathan (v. XIII)

Happy 18 months, little guy! Your Daddy and I were talking the other day about you. After spending two weeks at home with you, and we’ve decided that your ‘Terrible Two’s’ have officially started. Harrison calls you “the Destructor,” which is truly the most appropriate pseudonym for you currently. You take in the situation in a room, and go straight for where you can cause the most damage. No pantry shelf is safe. No baby gate need stop you. You are climbing, poking, throwing, and pushing every single boundary right now. All with a Cheshire Cat grin when your parents tell you, yet again, “No!!!”

You’re my tender hearted little one. Both simultaneously the second child, in your mostly laid back demeanor, and at the same time, the most dramatic little boy. You’re so determined that you’re not easily re-directed from danger or things you aren’t supposed to do, and it routinely ends with big tears.

You bring our family so much joy, little guy. Watching you come into your own as your own little person is my favorite. Watching you, it feels like I can see your little mind grow with each new discovery. Your dancing and swaying is some of my favorite when you hear your favorite songs come on. The way you reach up for me constantly, wanting to be held by your mama. You are my mama’s boy. Safe in my arms from anything. I’ll always be a safe place for you, little boy.

I love you so much, my little Baby J. I hope and pray that there’s never a day that goes by that you wonder how much you are loved. It is beyond measure.

Love always,
