Tag: packing list

Our Beach Packing List

We’re going back to one of our favorite places, the BEACH, so soon! And to prepare for that, I’m sharing our beach packing list! It’s also my way of forcing myself to make our packing list, so I feel a lot less stressed. I’m also sharing our list as a PDF printable as well at the end!

Nathan made an impulse purchase years ago for this bluetooth speaker, and it’s held up so well for years. The sound is amazing, holds a charge for a really long time. It just works really, really well!

We throw this beach blanket that folds up into a tiny pouch in our suitcase each trip. It’s a good place for the kids to be able to sit and have lunch at the beach, and then just shake off the sand at the end of the day to go home.

This beauty has been our travel stroller since Harrison was a baby. It maneuvers easily, it’s lightweight, and I don’t care at all if it gets beat up by airline baggage claim.

Ok – if you need a jump start on your own beach packing list, you can download my list here!