Tag: Skincare

Dry Winter Skin

Come about November each year, I notice my skin, especially on my face, gets really dry. By mid-December, it’s so dry that it’s flaking. I’m habituatally consistent in making sure to use my standard moisturizer at morning and at night. But come the winter time, I found myself year after year, peeling off dry skin from my face and slathering on hand moisturizer on my face in an attempt to quell the flaky skin.

This year, I decided that I needed to find a better solution. Using my standard moisturizer that I use the rest of the year just wasn’t going to cut it during the dry winter months. There had to be a better way to take care of my skin. After visiting with my dermatologist and my aesthistician, I’ve found a combination of moisture warriors that work for me and don’t cause my break-out prone skin to break-out.

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My Skincare Routine

A New Year’s Resolution I Actually Kept All Year

It was December 2018, and I had just spent what felt like at least a year and a half giving everything of myself and body to keeping a precious new baby boy alive. As the new year was about to roll around, I found myself wondering whether I wanted to make a new year’s resolution. I rarely keep them. But they’re good for a month or two. I decided I would commit whole-heartedly to taking care of my skin. I could start to see the signs of age beginning to wear on my face. Who knows if those smile lines were just the result of a better camera or all of the nights that Harrison was up at night as a newborn. But it was time to put more effort, and yes, money, into taking care of the only skin I’m going to get.

What that meant was that I started seeing the esthetician at my dermatologist’s office regularly. Like once every month or two. In addition to doing regular facials, peels, and dermaplane with her, it also meant changing my at home skin care routine too.

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