Young, Wild, & THREE!

First off, I wanted to say THANK YOU! for all of the advice and experience you shared on my Friday post with regards to all of my kitchen decisions! Truly so helpful to hear what has and hasn’t worked for you all!

Today, I wanted to share Jonathan’s birthday party with you all!

We celebrated Jonathan and Cousin Holden’s third birthdays with an amazing and fun Young, Wild, and THREE party!

I designed the invitations using Canva…

And we decided on an All-American boy themed party!

We used Paperless Post to send the invites electronically. This was my first time doing electronic invitations….and it was SO NICE. Why have I waited to do e-vites for this long?! I could send reminders easily, people could add it to their calendars straight from their phone. It automatically did our RSVP responses.

The day before the party we were on a group text thread with my sister and brother-in-law analyzing the weather for the next day. Every forecast had a 50% chance of rain. One app would say 25% chance, and at the same time another app would say it was a 75% chance. Then in the middle of the day, they’d flip their probabilities. We were sweating it because we were not preparing to be able to host all of the kids inside.

But thankfully, the rain held off and it was only brutally humid – such is the life of a summer birthday in Kansas. 😊

(( All source info I’ll put at the bottom of the post))

The excitement over this bounce house was HIGH.

Our birthday boys!! How cute is Holden’s bomb pop shirt?!

The food and the kids’ banquet table…

Those donuts lasted all of 10 minutes once the kids descended on the party.

How cute were these party favors??

And of course the cake!

The bounce house was packed the ENTIRE party.

The party planners had to take their turn, too…

And the cake was devoured. Every last piece. These kids put away some serious sugar.

Love raising our kids growing up with their cousins…

Baby Aidan was overwhelmed by the sheer number of kids running around his house…

But we all had SO MUCH FUN. We love our newly minted THREE YEAR OLDS!


7 thoughts on “Young, Wild, & THREE!

  1. That looks like such a wonderful party! I love the theme and the color scheme and I am so glad the weather held out for you.

    1. It was so much fun! And convenient to be able to buy decorations on sale after the Fourth of July. 🙂

  2. Wow, it all looks so nice! I love those kind of popsicles! The cakes look amazing, and you got some great family photos for each of the birthday boys.

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