Hi. It’s me. It’s January 1st. I’m sitting in our new kitchen drinking my morning coffee. (More on this soon??)
The house is it’s usual state of mild tornado. A function of lack of routine and five people living in this home.

I haven’t reflected much of late. Life has felt like a state of trying to keep all the balls in the air that need to be and just barely hanging on. But this winter break, or at least these last three days of it…I’m allowing myself to rest. And slow down.
This year, I want to be ok with doing less. To be more ok with not perfect. To be more ok with letting more internal expectations go.
I want to stay home. To feel planted in this place. To feel connected to and strong for my boys and husband. I planted so many new things this past year. A new business. A remodeled kitchen to name a few. And while I’m proud of those things, I want to mentally and physically “stay home” and grow the roots of those. They feel like little baby plants. Their roots have started to grow. But they aren’t big and strong yet. This year, I want to grow my business to be stronger. Bigger. More sustainable. To grow my home to more stability and happiness. And that means less “new” and more focus on the things I’ve already planted.
Do: accept criticism without getting defensive.
Try: to cut out more processed food & micro-plastics
Enjoy: doing nothing without feeling guilty. More boat time!
Create: more beauty through flowers
Go: on a vacation with Nathan.
Give: more attention and patience to my children.
Start: going to regular maintenance therapy.
Be: brave and unapologetic in my business. Take chances. Be ok with new ideas failing.
Accept: brokenness with grace.
Spend: time in daily prayer.
My word: Roots