7 Quick Jonathan Takes (v. II)

-1- When he finds something that we were looking for, he declares ”DARE IT IS!”

-2- Completely obsessed with his mow mow. That’s lawn mower in baby talk.

-3- I love it when he informs me he needs to put on his “sockies” before his shoes.

-4- His favorite part of the alphabet must be ”Q, R, S” because he’ll scream sing that to us over and over and over again.

-5- He’s still my little reader. Still pulls down book after book after book and flips the pages, sometimes pointing at certain things in the book.

-6- Jonathan is my wait and see kid. We had our parent educator over the other week, and she asked me if he ever does puzzles. No – never. No interest. We got one out, and after five minutes Jonathan came and sat down on his own accord, not when Mom suggested he come do the puzzle, and rolled through the puzzle like he’d been doing puzzles every day of forever. My mouth just hung open. Literally the first time I’ve ever seen him do a puzzle. And that’s the way most things go with him. Out of nowhere one day, he sits down and does something that you’ve been asking him to do or say for months.

-7- The way he runs or walks with purpose makes me laugh every time. He has one arm that swings vigorously on his right side, and the other just kind of stays still.

Love this little boy of mine. He is endlessly exhausting because he’s at the age of endless energy, but the need to explore things with no sense of danger. He doesn’t listen to a word I say and has no concept of consequences. But oh my, is he just complete cuteness wrapped up in sweet. Can’t believe that it won’t be much longer before he’s 2!

4 thoughts on “7 Quick Jonathan Takes (v. II)

  1. Aw, so sweet! I had one boy that never showed us any skills until he had fully mastered them… never spoke until he was talking in full sentences, never crawled but went right to walking, etc. I learned to stop fretting those “milestones” as my boys seemed to like to meet them whenever they felt like it.

    1. It’s so interesting how different siblings are from each other from even such a young age. 🙂

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