What’s Up Wednesday {06.29.22}

Happy What’s Up Wednesday! A little bit of everything in one post. I LOVE this post every month, and they’re my favorite to read of other blog friends! So let’s get into it!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We made HBH’s Chicken Gyros again, because we’re absolutely obsessed with the taziki sauce! We’re also having another Half Baked Harvest recipe this week: Lemon Butter Chicken Piccata, and some easy pasta with TJ’s sauce from the jar to round out the week. 🙂


We’re getting ready for our trip to my parents’ cabin in South Dakota. Here are a few pictures from last year at the cabin

It’s crept up on me again just how much babies change in their second year of life. Jonathan started walking just after his first birthday, and last year at the cabin, he was a brand new walker when we went in September. And now we chase him around the house.

3. WHAT I’M LOVING: I did a little picture refresh this past week. New pictures in frames makes things seem new and fresh again.

Annnnd….our fridge broke a few weeks ago. We’ve been using our downstairs fridge hauling food and drinks up and down for each meal, but late last week….

THIS BEAUTY ARRIVED. Is it my dream fridge? No. Does it work and it’s in the kitchen and not the basement? Yes. And that, friends, is definitely a LOVE.

4. WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO: We took a little roadtrip for a weekend in Omaha and had so much fun!

Then, Harrison left us for a week to go spend a week at my parents’ cabin with his cousin, Evie. We are still hearing about it, they had so much fun!

And then when Harrison got home, we celebrated Father’s Day and our favorite dad!

5. WHAT I’M DREADING: The drive. The drive to South Dakota is BRUUUUTAL. Nearly 12 hours, and we do it in one day. One very long day. And Jonathan is at a particularly difficult travel age, in my opinion. The never sits still, has no interest in movies, and can’t work an iPad phase of life. Pray for us! And my snack bag, which will be plentiful to attempt to keep the boys happy.

6. WHAT I’M WORKING ON: Nothing in particular right now…

7. WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT: Stranger Things Part 2 coming out. Who’s with me???

8. WHAT I’M WATCHING & READING: Nathan’s sister told us that we needed to give this show…

another shot. So we’re giving it another go!

We’re also in the middle of watching Severance.

I posted my book review for the month yesterday! I read three books – one was SO GOOD, one pretty good, and one was meh. Be sure to check it out there if you’re looking for a book to add to your reading list!

9. WHAT I’M LISTENING TO: The dryer currently. I do my best writing and work when it’s quiet. I absolutely can’t do any critical thinking with music or noise. Anybody else??


Are bathroom selfies still a thing? Maybe so when the lighting is good. 🙂 Date night outfit the other weekend was super comfy. I’m also a sucker that this dress can be washed and dried in the dryer. Anybody else love having clothes that don’t have to ”hang dry?”

They don’t have my same color, but they have two new super cute colors of the same dress!

Still wearing this dress weekly even if I’m only just working from home and staying around the house. It’s that comfortable. Also, so many color options, too. I got it in the Dusty Blue color. 🙂

If you squint, maybe you can’t see those bags under my eyes. I’d be remiss to not mention my summer uniform of shorts and a cheap tee.

11. WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND: We’re driving to South Dakota this weekend, and starting our week long vacation off with the family. I’m taking next week off from blogging to be with my family, and then I’ll back for my three year blogaversary!

12: FAVORITE AMAZON FIND THIS MONTH: I bought these shoes for Nathan for Father’s Day, and he loves them! Not to mention that Harrison has similar looking ones, so they’re both thrilled that they can match. 🙂

13. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH: Aside from our trip, I’m looking forward to a month of summer fun. Lots of pool time, hopefully!

And no more appliances breaking. After replacing a fridge and dishwasher within a month of each other, I’m hoping we can take a break for awhile. 🙂

Happy Wednesday, friends!

8 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday {06.29.22}

  1. I hope you have a fabulous time on your trip and wish you an easy and uneventful ride! We went to the black hills a few years ago and it is such a beautiful area.

  2. Never fun when an appliance breaks down! Have a great time on your holiday. Stay strong mama, we’ve definitely done a few long car rides and although they vary in terms of the amount of crying, it is usually worth it in the end. Last time we went on one I made a few surprise packets with new toys and candy and then brought them out whenever we seemed to be spiraling.

    1. Thank you!! I’m hoping it all goes smoothly and as quickly as 12 hours in a car can go. 😁

  3. Thanks for sharing the link to the sheet pan gyros! I’ve tried every Tzatziki sauce recipe under the sun trying to find one that tastes like what you get at a restaurant and this one comes pretty darn close!

    Hope your road trip went well!!!

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