Boston Recap! Part Three and Fourth Fun

It’s the final day of my recap of our Boston trip. Boston was the first trip that we took as a family aside from visiting family, and we had the BEST TIME. Nathan’s parents, Harrison’s Gigi and Pops, came with us. This was the final day of our trip, and it was the Fourth of July! In Boston! I can’t think of a more perfect place to be on the Fourth. If you missed the first parts of our trip, you can find Part One and Part Two of the recap earlier on the blog.

On the Fourth, we woke up and got ourselves dressed. Harrison helped his Pops with some work.

After everyone was ready, we headed for a walk to the Boston Seaport area. This is where the model of the Boston Tea Party ship is in the harbor, but we were headed that direction to check our a park to let Harrison run around and explore!

We didn’t have much of a plan, we just spent the morning exploring the city and enjoying everyone out having fun for the Fourth!

Then in the afternoon, Harrison and his Gigi and Pops headed back to the hotel to let him nap, while Nathan and I took the opportunity to check out a the Trillium Beer Garden near our hotel.

When Harrison woke up, everybody met up at the beer garden to enjoy people watching. We grabbed dinner from a food truck nearby, and watched the first part of the Boston Pops concert on the live feed screen they had put up on the Greenway!

Our little man, though, started getting tired before fireworks, so Nathan and I headed back to the hotel to put him down to bed.

Someday, we will make it to fireworks again :). The next day, it was already time to head home. So we packed up the hotel room, and headed to the airport to catch our flights back to KC.

This time around, we were seasoned pros at traveling with a lap child :). Of course, we lucked out too having an open seat in our row. That always helps too.

Until next time, Boston!

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