Boston Recap! Part Two

This is Part Two of our Boston trip. We had so much fun taking our little guy on his first vacation with his Gigi and Pops! If you missed PART ONE make sure to check it out!

I didn’t think anything could top our first full day in Boston, but I was wrong. Our day started out with little man exploring his new digs in the hotel room.

After a full day outside the previous day exploring the city, we opted for some inside activities on day 2. First up was the New England Aquarium. We got there as soon as it opened, only to find out that we were just in time for feeding the penguins!

It was so cool – and then we spent the rest of the morning perusing the other exhibits.

When you let the one year old be in charge of the map

At some point in the morning Harrison became more interested in what snacks I had brought, and less interested in the fish, and just when we were about to leave the aquarium, we found him completely passed out in the stroller.

After a quick stroller nap, and a light lunch and walk in the park, Gigi took our boy back to the room for his real afternoon nap.

Harrison with his Gigi and Pops!

While our little guy napped, Nathan, his dad, and I headed to the middle of nowhere Boston to tour the Sam Adams brewery!

I have to say, of all of the brewery tours I’ve done – and I’ll be fair – that’s not very many, this was very light on the “tour” and very heavy on the “let’s just sample the beer.” No complaints from the three of us, though. 🙂

After nap time beers, we headed back to meet up with Gigi and Harrison to get changed and ready for our fancy Italian dinner in the North End. We went to Ristorante Limoncello, and let. me. tell. you. It did NOT disappoint. Holy moly was this food FANTASTIC. Hands down the BEST Italian food any of us had every tasted. Harrison practically licked the tablecloth it was that good. The rest of us would have too, if that was acceptable behavior for adults.

I got one shot of the whole group together, and this was it. Don’t we look like a happy, well fed on Italian food, bunch?

After our extremely generous dinner, we rounded out the evening picking up cannolis on our way home from Mike’s Pastry to enjoy after a certain little guy went down for bed in the evening.

I think this was my favorite day of the trip. We stayed up far too late drinking wine, eating cannolis and playing cards in our hotel room, but man, it was fun. Maybe partially because the girls won the card game, but who can say for sure. 🙂

The next day, we had a big day planned of walking the Freedom Trail. I thoroughly enjoyed the walk, but the one thing I’d say about doing this with a little guy in a stroller, most of the historical buildings along the way are not stroller friendly.

Christ Church in the background on the Paul Revere plaza

We just enjoyed the buildings from the outside, and waved to the tour groups as they passed. One of Harrison’s favorite things to do right now is to greet passersby with a wave and a “Hi!” I wish the whole world could stay as friendly and kind as a one year old. 🙂

After an afternoon outside walking, we headed back to the hotel for the toddler afternoon nap, while Gigi and Pops took the opportunity to get some downtime in the city. That evening, the grandparents offered to babysit so that Nathan and I could do a date night. So, after nap time, we freshened up and headed out to dinner! But first, we had to make a stop at…

Fenway! It had to be done. Being loyal KC Royals fans, I can’t say that I’m overly excited about the Boston Red Sox, but we do respect the history of this place – and both agreed, we would LOVE it if the Royals would move their stadium downtown. It’s just such a cool area! Unfortunately, the Sox were not at home during our visit, so after a quick wander around, we headed to dinner at Island Creek Oyster Bar.

We ate so many oysters. Even the one of us that thought they did not like oysters. The food was insane. So stinking good! I think oysters are likely ruined for forever for me. We’ll just have to go back to Boston to have them again.

Meanwhile, Gigi and Pops had absolutely zero fun with little man. Zero fun. There was pizza eating, carousal riding, and touching all the “wa-wa.” Like I said, no fun. 🙂

Whew. That was a lot for just a few days! If you missed Part One make sure to check it out HERE. Only one part left to our big adventure!

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