Category: Family

What I’m Buying for Baby #2

The good part about baby #2 is that generally, you don’t have to buy all of the STUFF that comes with having the first baby. The stuff alone is daunting: crib, bassinet, bottle warmers, how many contraptions to get for your home to put baby down in, swaddles, sling, wrap or carrier, car seat, stroller. The list goes on and on!

The bad news for us was that we borrowed almost ALL of the baby essentials from my sister when we had Harrison. And when we found out that baby #2 for each of us was going to arrive within a week of each other this summer, we turned to our friends to borrow a lot of the things that we absolutely needed. But there were a few things on my list that I didn’t have the first time around or wanted more of, that I’m buying for baby #2, and I wanted to share those with you!

The Baby Bjorn bouncer.

We had a Baby Bjorn bouncer for Harrison, and it was my single most favorite thing to put him down in while I needed my hands free in a room. I’d pick it up and move it from one room to the next. Harrison loved it, particularly when he figured out he could bounce it himself, and we even took it to South Dakota us twice to my parents’ cabin. Aside from the pack and play, it was the only baby gear I brought with me that first year to visit them. That’s how much I loved it. And given that my sister also LOVED it, I knew I was going to be buying a second one for our new little guy.

Aw…Look at Baby Harrison in the bouncer.

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What’s Up Wednesday {05.27.20}

The days of May seemed to move faster and faster. At the beginning of this pandemic, days seemed soooo slow. And now, maybe we’ve gotten used to it a bit more – our new routine, spending time outside, or the impending countdown to baby, but May seems to have flown by.

Here’s what our calendar has looked like this May…

It could most aptly be characterized as “didn’t even bother to fill it out.” 🙂

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Cheesy Baked Ziti
  • Monday: Leftovers
  • Tuesday: Pork Chile verde enchiladas
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: Italian sausages & peppers
  • Friday: Leftovers


I feel like most of my reminiscing these days is thinking back to what was life was like at this time last year. The simplicity of being able to go and do everything that we wanted to do!

We’re missing our Splashin’ and Smokin’ Saturdays with Cousin Evie in particular.

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Pregnancy During COVID

Back in October, Nathan and I eagerly awaited the results of an at-home pregnancy test. Hoping there would be two pink lines, but fully expecting that it may take us months upon months to get pregnant again. And there they were. Two perfectly visible pink lines. We smiled, I teared up with joy that we were going to be blessed to do this whole parenting thing again. And so our journey began toward baby #2.

There were the usual stressors of the first trimester: the utter exhaustion, nausea, uneven hormones. The eagerness of wanting everyone to know this special little secret we were keeping to ourselves, and at the same time wanting to hold on to that little secret for as long as we could. It was an uneventful first trimester, punctuated by an anniversary trip to New York in November and the most perfect Christmas morning sharing this awesome news with our family.

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Weekday Wardrobe in Quarantine

Earlier this week, I shared our weekend, which included most of the things I’d normally include in my Friday Favorites post. So instead, I thought I’d do a bit of a funny take on what I’ve been wearing lately. It’s a cross between quarantine-chic style and what I’ve been wearing this pregnancy while WFH.


Making a pre-pregnancy shirt work just a bit longer. Invested in these comfy joggers from Amazon. Perfect for pregnancy and post-pregnancy.


Ready for a morning of working from home. These slippers are getting worn pretty much all day. And my favorite maternity camisole that I wear under everything is super cheap at Target.


This is another pre-pregnancy sweater. I love the Emma 525 sweater. They hold their shape so well, and they come in soooo many colors.

And ironically enough, I forgot after Tuesday to take any more pictures. 🙂

I did a post on our Mother’s Day weekend HERE, which includes SO many of my favorites from this past week. Until next week, have a good weekend!

Let’s Look At…Your Weekend

Once a month, I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Before we get to this month, here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at so far this year:

And today we’re looking at our weekend! I imagine when these topics were picked at the end of last year, the thought was that Mother’s Day weekend would look very different than most of the world’s current realities. But that doesn’t mean that we didn’t have fun around the house!

Fridays start our weekends, because I’m off of work on Fridays to hang out with Harrison. We spent the morning playing in Harrison’s playroom variations of soccer, kitchen, and puzzles. Harrison thinks it’s hilarious to cover Sawyer up with the couch throw pillows and then ask where Sawyer is.

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7 Quick Takes (v. III)

If you’re new around here, every once awhile I like to round up seven quick things that I’m loving and finding amusing about Harrison. It’s my way of memorializing these small little bits of his personality that he will likely outgrow in hopes that someday I look back at them and remind myself what Harrison was like growing up. Harrison is 2 now, and he’s on his sixth week at home with Nathan and I during full time quarantine. That means I’ve got loads of material watching, playing, and hanging out with our little man so much!

-1- The number of times a day I ask him, “Harrison – are your listening ears turned on?” As he points to his ears to show me – “yup – heard you, Mom. Just choosing to do my own 2 year old thing. K-Bye.”

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Pregnancy: My Second Trimester

I’m sharing a little bit about what my second trimester with baby number 2 has been like for me. For those of you who are new around here, I’m due at the end of July with our second little one. Harrison, our first baby, just turned 2 in April, and we found out in the winter that we were going to be adding a second little boy to the family!

I blogged about my first trimester HERE, and since I just finished up my second trimester of pregnancy, I wanted to share what the alleged “easiest” trimester has been like for me.

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Friday Favorites {05.01.20}

Holy smokes. That does in fact say May 1st. This marks day 49 of quarantine for us. What day are you all on?

Harrison and I have big plans today. To stay home. :). Here’s what’s bringing me a smile this week…

I’ve got to brag on this little guy this week. Today marks the third week of potty training for little man, and he is doing so so well!

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What’s Up Wednesday {04.29.20}

I remember so vividly writing my last What’s Up Wednesday at the end of March, and just having no clue how this April would unfold with the virus. There was so much uncertainty and anxiety, and while things don’t seem that different in the sense that we’re all still at home, and there’s still this crazy virus out there, somehow living a month plus of this has led me to a bit of acceptance and less fear. I don’t know how you all are hanging in there. I’d love to hear in the comments what’s been going on for you guys this past month!

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Leftover Italian sausages and brats
  • Monday: Pot roast in the slow cooker
  • Tuesday: Leftovers
  • Wednesday: Cheesy Gnocchi Florentine
  • Thursday: Leftovers
  • Friday: Take out from a local restaurant!

I’ve blogged about this before, but right now, we’re very blessed that we are both still fully employed, so we’ve been trying to get take out from one of our favorite local restaurants at least once a week to do some small part in helping all of these amazing places that we love stay afloat during this time. It may seem small and petty, but it’s a great treat for us and we’re hoping that it’s some small part in keeping restaurants afloat.

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A Little Family Introduction

I thought I’d take a minute as a bit of introduction to the Lane family. A little who’s who.

And the best place to start is with my little family…

Our little Lane family.

Nathan and I have been married for five years! We met while working at a public accounting firm, but Nathan has since moved on to a sales role at his current company. Nathan is a K-State grad, and grew up most of his childhood in Kansas City. Nathan is one of the smartest people I know. He’s confident, has an immense passion for teaching and mentoring people, including little Harrison, and is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to something he finds interesting. We often times reap the rewards of that pursuit for perfection when it comes to grilling and smoking. 🙂

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