Let’s Look At…Your Weekend

Once a month, I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Before we get to this month, here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at so far this year:

And today we’re looking at our weekend! I imagine when these topics were picked at the end of last year, the thought was that Mother’s Day weekend would look very different than most of the world’s current realities. But that doesn’t mean that we didn’t have fun around the house!

Fridays start our weekends, because I’m off of work on Fridays to hang out with Harrison. We spent the morning playing in Harrison’s playroom variations of soccer, kitchen, and puzzles. Harrison thinks it’s hilarious to cover Sawyer up with the couch throw pillows and then ask where Sawyer is.

We came downstairs and made a mid-morning snack for everyone: green smoothies! The recipe I’ve linked here never fails me. This time we used spinach, frozen pineapple, and mango. Gave myself a pat on the back for getting Harrison’ his fruit and vegetable intake for the day in one delicious smoothie. 🙂

Then if it’s nice at all, we spend most of our time outside! Harrison mows the patio

And looked for roly polies.

We check on my plants, and give them some water. It’s a very exciting activity!

During naptime, I made some chocolate chip cookies, and did some work.

Then it was time to get Harrison up, and after a quick snack of a warm chocolate chip cookie, we were back outside for a walk around the block collecting acorns, running, and finding big trucks.

Our Friday night quarantine tradition has become take out from a local restaurant, and homemade popcorn and a movie. This Friday, Toy Story was picked again. We have a Buzz and Woody fan!

Friday night was near freezing here, which is super unusual for this time of year! So I had to haul all of my annual plants from outside into our kitchen for the night to keep them safe from frost.

Saturday started with beautiful flowers for Mother’s Day from my boys.

Harrison and I caught some Mickey Mouse while Daddy snoozed late.

Then Harrison and his Dada went to deliver flowers to his Gigi as well.

This little guy hasn’t set foot in his Gigi’s house or given her a hug in almost seven weeks. And yes, I know it’s not in lines with social distancing, and yes, we are taking a chance, but this picture just fills my whole heart. He was up and through that door to give her a hug before anyone could tell him no.

I spent my ”quiet time” starting to sort through all of the baby stuff in the basement. Since my sister and I are pregnant at the same time, and I used almost all of her baby stuff when Harrison was little, we had to split up all of the newborn and 0-3 month clothes and baby gear.

I started in on that mountain of laundry and folding.

After nap, Harrison and I took a walk around the block in his wagon.

And the evening came and went with more playing and bedtime.

Mother’s Day started with Elmo and breakfast in bed from my very favorite boys.

We watched church online, had more than one battle between Harrison and myself about whether he needed to go potty…or put on regular clothes…two years old, right? We got some playing in outside, and then after nap went to visit his Mimi and give her some flowers and a card too!

The evening ended with steaks and twice baked potatoes, and me hauling my plants back inside for yet another almost freezing night! Hoping that this was the last one of the season! I need to get out and plant up my annuals!

Can’t wait to read through the link ups today! Hope you guys had a wonderful, relaxing Mother’s Day weekend too!

6 thoughts on “Let’s Look At…Your Weekend

  1. Lauren,

    Has your state not started to ease up on the social distancing guidelines with family, yet? Minnesota just announced tonight that it would let the shelter-in-place orders expire this weekend. Our retailers will be allowed to reopen on Monday and I am so excited. I have never been more excited to “spend money” at a store in my life. I also have my 30th birthday coming up and I am already planning on going OUT to a restaurant to have dinner with my family and then enjoying a cheesecake from a small local bakery with a group of friends. To me this whole quarantine has taught me to be grateful for the little things! <3

    Would you have done things differently this year if social quarantining wasn't any issue?

    1. I don’t know that they’ve eased up on the overall social distancing guidelines, but our stay at home order ended. It sure seems like everyone’s comfort level is just different right now. It’s been a blessing to have so much time together as a family, but I’m sure ready to feel safe going to do some things outside of our home again. 😊

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