Category: Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites {09.23.22}

This week has been crazy! I’m writing this on Wednesday because we are about to head down to the lake for the weekend with some friends (kids included!). I feel like anytime I take a shortened week off of work, an entire week of work gets crammed into the shortened few days of working. Anybody else feel like that?!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

We are working ever so diligently to check off our Fall Bucket list! The other weekend we met our next door neighbors at the zoo! A far cry from our usual driveway play sessions. The kids had so much fun seeing the animals, especially the tiger, who for the first time in my adult life, was not sleeping when we visited!

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Friday Favorites {09.09.22}

It always feels so strange to be gone for a week from this space! But so good, because I miss it and you all! I’m still working on my blog posts about the beach, so I’m sharing a bunch of random favorites from this week with you all!

In previous years, I’ve always pulled my annuals around Labor Day because we were headed up to South Dakota, and I was just ready to be done watering. That was all when I did the watering by hand every single day. This year, though, I’m still loving the garden and part of it still look really beautiful. It’s definitely starting to fade as we get to the end of the season, and I’m contemplating ways to swap some plants for more cool loving plants for fall.

This zinnia fade still has me in awe…

I love a coral flower, and this one continues to deliver so much beauty.

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Friday Favorites {08.12.22}

Happy Friday, friends! It was the boys’ last official week in their current classrooms, and they are off from daycare today for a teacher in-service day! We have lots of errands to run to get ready for Jonathan’s birthday party this weekend, so I’m hoping they’ve put on their ”helper” pants and are eager to be good listeners today. Hahaha. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

I took Harrison for a special birthday treat/breakfast in April, and I loved the short little one-on-one time with him. Jonathan had his first dentist appointment last week, so I took the opportunity to sneak him away for a little special birthday breakfast date, too. He apparently missed the memo that it was breakfast and opted for an iced sugar cookie. Emphasis on just eating the icing, though.

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Friday Favorites {07.29.22}

Happy Friday! It’s been a super busy week at the Lane house this week. I don’t know how, but it always feels like all of the things end up scheduled for the same week. There were hair appointments, school appointments, grooming appointments, not to mention just a busy work week, all pushed together in one week! Whew! I’m glad it’s Friday, and Nathan and I are headed out on a date night tonight!

If you read my WUW post earlier this week, then you know that we have a very special TWO year’s old birthday this weekend!

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Friday Favorites {07.01.22}

Oh my goodness, this week was busy! Harrison went to a soccer camp, and work seemed to be super busy, but we made it! I hope you had a good week, too! We’ve had a lot of wonderful things going on the past few weeks, and I’m going to share some of my favorites today!

Harrison spent a week at my parents’ cabin with his cousin, Everly. You guys, they had THE BEST time. I have to admit, I was a little nervous going into it. It was his first time away from us for so long, and he’s four years old and his cousin is five, and man, they can be a HANDFUL sometimes. But it sounds like Mimi and Papa more than survived. They thrived! And the kids have so many awesome memories running around the cabin and playing in the forest.

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Friday Favorites {06.10.22}

Happy Friday, friends! It’s been a busy week around here. I was traveling for work for a few days, which always seems to make the week fly by. I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend!

Can I be really honest with you for a sec? 2020/COVID really kind of burned me out to my very core.

I loved doing special adventuring with, back then, just Harrison and me. It filled me up. I used to be on a flexible work arrangement that allowed me to do something special with Harrison every Friday.

But COVID quarantine, working full time with him home, then having both boys be home, honestly just knocked me on my booty. And in the past year, more often than not, even when I’ve had the option of being able to have the boys at home because I had PTO to use or a holiday, I opted to send them to daycare because I truly have felt like I’m still recovering from the depletion that was 2020.

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Friday Favorites {05.06.22}

The past week and a half have felt more like…many weeks. Both of the boys ended up with Influenza A, and some really terrible side effects of Tamiflu. The washing machine was running non-stop all week, if you know what I mean. But I think we are finally on the up and up again. This year has just seemed particularly bad with viruses. I swear one or both boys has been home every other week since the beginning of the year.

But, dare I say, I’m really excited for this weekend! We are back at soccer on Saturday, and celebrating Mother’s Day on Sunday.

This morning, I’ve got to get myself ready to take the boys to school for Muffins with Mom at their daycare. It’s our very first in-person holiday party at school since December of 2019 when Harrison looked like this…

So to say I’m very excited to get to celebrate with my boys at school is an understatement!

I’ve got almost all of the plants I need for my garden this year! This year’s colors are…all of them. Every last thing that looked pretty and drew my eye.

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Friday Favorites {04.29.22}

Well just when I think we may be out of the sickness woods of the winter of 2022, I’m proven wrong again. We have one kid home sick with the flu, and the whole family is on tamiflu. Ah! When will the sickness this year end?!

We’ll be focused on getting our little guy better and hopefully having some fun along the way this weekend. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

In the middle of last week, I surprised Harrison at school before lunch, and we played hooky for the rest of the day going to a Royals baseball game together. Since Jonathan was born, the amount of time I’ve gotten to spend one-on-one with Harrison has gone down significantly. I love having both of the boys, and doing things with them, but it’s so interesting how the dynamics change when you get to focus on just one kid at a time.

Many years ago, like pre-kids, I read a fellow blogger doing a skip day with each of their kids, and I’ve held on to that idea for YEARS thinking I wanted to do the same thing when the time came around. It was the best time to just focus on my big, little man for an afternoon.

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Friday Favorites {04.15.22}

Happy Friday, friends! I’m excited for the weekend. We’re celebrating as a family Harrison’s birthday tonight, and the boys are home with me today because their daycare is closed for in-service training. I’m looking forward to an extra day of putting my Mom hat on, doing some fun things with the boys, and getting ready for Easter this weekend!

I have a whole bunch of super random favorites today! A new purse, baby shower details from a few weekends ago, and, of course, things that I saved from Instagram this week that made me smile or laugh. Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate, and have a great weekend!

I picked up a few things during Madewell’s spring sale. One of which was this new crossbody purse. I love the magnetic snap closure on top, and we all know that crossbody is a must with littles so all hands are free to juggle kid stuff!

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Friday Favorites {03.18.21}

Happy Friday, friends! We’ve been surviving with Nathan gone most of this week, but he comes back tomorrow! And I’m so excited to have my guy back. Life is just better and easier with him.

I’ve got a hodgepodge of favorites this week. My favorite self-tanner, some BIG NEWS on the house front, a cute new spring dress, and of course, pictures of my babies. This wouldn’t be the Lane blog without pictures of the Lane boys! Hope you have a good weekend!

Last Sunday, the gray cold winter finally went away, and we spent all of the time outside! It’s always amazing to me how my attitude changes when I can spend some time outside, and when the boys can run around and play ball, go on walks, and explore outside. Yay for spring!

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