Category: Lifestyle

Friday Favorites {10.16.20}

It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve done a true Friday Favorites post! I usually take most of my Friday Favorites pictures over the weekend, but I put my phone down almost the whole weekend. So while I’m missing some good recent pictures of the kids, it was good for my mental health to not feel like I had to document every thing we did.

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Friday Favorites {07.24.20}

This week can most aptly be characterized as “eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby Lane” week. Harrison was two days late, and we kept thinking that the second baby would arrive a bit earlier than the first. Nathan and I have had our schedules cleared the latter half of the week anticipating his arrival, but here we still wait.

You all know that I’m not a big nail polish girl. I’ve never liked painting my fingernails, because I invariably chip them within 24 hours of painting them. Especially during the summer and working in the garden! But I do always like to have my toenails polished during the summer. There’s something that looks odd to me about unpolished toenails. I picked up this bright pretty pink color in my recent Target drive-up order, and it’s been making me smile all week. Cheery, happy, and so summer-y!

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Friday Favorites {07.10.20}

It seems like it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged just a random Friday Favorites! We’re one week into our potentially three week quarantine waiting for baby Lane #2. A lot of you have asked me over on Instagram why Harrison is home again. So, I thought I’d chat about that here as well.

We sent Harrison back to daycare at the end of May at the recommendation of primarily Harrison’s pediatrician, and my OB agreed that, while a risk, was a low risk to send him back to daycare. My OB also, though, at the same time recommended that Harrison come back out of daycare three weeks before my due date, and join Nathan and I in “quarantine” waiting for baby’s arrival. I think the three week recommendation is based on the guidance from the CDC, but don’t quote me on that!

So given that, and after talking to Harrison’s pediatrician, who also agreed that would be best to ensure that we are at the lowest risks as we can possibly be going into delivery for COVID, Harrison’s staying home with us again from now until some period after baby’s arrival. Initial suggestions from his pediatrician were to keep him at home for at least 4-6 weeks after baby’s arrival to allow the new baby time to build up their immune system. So here we all are again, one big happy, expectant family!

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All About…Our House

We moved into our house almost six years ago come July. Our house was built in the 1970’s and is located in a suburb of Kansas City called Prairie Village. That’s on the Kansas side of the state line. I’ve said so many times to Nathan that I never plan on moving out of this house. I love it. I love our little shopping center that’s walking distance from us, love that some of our neighbors are young families as well, and this house feels completely homey to me.

We began our house search in the fall of 2013. We had a very specific area that we wanted live in, and probably more than our fair share of house feature non-negotiables. And given the market at that time, and those two factors, we looked and looked for a house for moooonths. It wasn’t until June 2014 that we finally found the perfect one, made an offer on the first day it was on the market, and as I’ve said to many friends before about this house, God must have had his hand in us getting it because it was truly a miracle that they picked our offer.

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Friday Favorites {06.19.20}

My sister in law and I have spent all week working on Harrison’s new big boy room! Prepping and painting it. I haven’t painted in yeeeaaars. Years. It is not my gift, but when our painter wasn’t going to be able to do it thanks to COVID before new baby arrived, we decided to give it another go. I’ve got big plans of getting Harrison moved into his big boy bed and settled before this new little one arrives! Nesting has kicked into high gear to get everything ready. 🙂

This week, I have a whole bunch of random favorites for you!

I was casually browsing the frozen treat aisle at the grocery store, as any very pregnant lady does, and happened upon this little delightful discovery. Ben and Jerry’s makes their cookie dough bites and brownie bites available in packages……whaaaaat? Ben & Jerry’s making pregnant lady’s dreams come true.

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Weekday Wardrobe in Quarantine

Earlier this week, I shared our weekend, which included most of the things I’d normally include in my Friday Favorites post. So instead, I thought I’d do a bit of a funny take on what I’ve been wearing lately. It’s a cross between quarantine-chic style and what I’ve been wearing this pregnancy while WFH.


Making a pre-pregnancy shirt work just a bit longer. Invested in these comfy joggers from Amazon. Perfect for pregnancy and post-pregnancy.


Ready for a morning of working from home. These slippers are getting worn pretty much all day. And my favorite maternity camisole that I wear under everything is super cheap at Target.


This is another pre-pregnancy sweater. I love the Emma 525 sweater. They hold their shape so well, and they come in soooo many colors.

And ironically enough, I forgot after Tuesday to take any more pictures. 🙂

I did a post on our Mother’s Day weekend HERE, which includes SO many of my favorites from this past week. Until next week, have a good weekend!

Friday Favorites {05.01.20}

Holy smokes. That does in fact say May 1st. This marks day 49 of quarantine for us. What day are you all on?

Harrison and I have big plans today. To stay home. :). Here’s what’s bringing me a smile this week…

I’ve got to brag on this little guy this week. Today marks the third week of potty training for little man, and he is doing so so well!

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Friday Favorites {04.24.20}

Today marks our 42nd day of the whole family in quarantine. Holy moly. I can hardly believe it’s been that long! This week was marked by celebrating my Dad’s and brother-in-law’s birthday. They share the same birthday! Many hours spent playing kitchen and mowing the patio with Harrison, and we started watching a new TV show that Nathan and I are really into now!

We’ve spent the last couple of Friday evenings watching a Disney movie and getting our fill of popcorn. Turns out that Harrison is a HUGE popcorn fan. He’ll finish most of this big bowl by himself. And this past week, we made popcorn the old fashioned way. Well, with the help of an Instant Pot.

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Friday Favorites of Quarantine {04.17.20}

It took me awhile to get to this place. I still fall back into just sadness over this whole quarantine thing. I mourn a bit the ‘old way of life.’ Mainly, getting to see our families and the freedom to come and go without fear of bringing home a deadly virus. But, I’ve also come to realize that there are things about quarantine that I genuinely love, and I’ll miss once life goes back to “normal.”

For a person whose love language is quality time, I’m getting a lot of it. Being with the two people I love the most for an extended period of time without interruption or the need to go-go-go has been a blessing. I feel more connected to my family than I have in years…heck, maybe ever.

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