Category: Lifestyle

Friday Favorites {12.13.19}

It happens every year it seems. I await the holiday season with such great expectation and excitement for the wonderful things this time brings: time with friends, many coming into town for the season that we only get to see once a year, holiday parties, family events. But at some point in the season, maybe you feel it too, the expectation of being everywhere for everybody starts to catch up with me and starts getting me down. That I just simply cannot be everywhere, and attend every event, and make every important person in my life happy, AND be the kind of mom and wife I want to be to my family – not to mention just taking care of my own mental health. Ugh. And that’s where I’m at right now. At a crossroads of choice, knowing that I just simply can’t do it all right now, but I struggle internally with feeling so guilty that I can’t be there for everyone. Anyone else struggle with that in particular during the holiday season? Maybe this is why when January comes, it feels so good to just exhale and not have the go-go-go of the holidays.

I love having this little corner, though, to reflect on the little things that I loved in the past week. Things that made me smile and brought a little bit of joy and re-centered me over the past week. Wishing you, friends, a peaceful weekend.

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Let’s Look At…Your Gift Wrapping Station

It’s “Let’s Look At” day with Shay and Erika, and I LOVE reading through these links getting a glimpse into your lives! Today we’re looking at our gift wrapping station.

My gift wrapping station has been taken over by a little boy’s playroom. I used to have a whole unused room upstairs that once a year turned into Santa’s workshop, but now, that room gets used much more by a little guy playing with his toys, dog, and soccer games.

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Friday Favorites {11.29.19}

Oh my goodness, it feels like I’ve been gone from this little corner of the internet for so long, and it’s been less than a week. I hope that your Thanksgiving was wonderful – full of family or friends that are like family. With all the family time lately, and time away with Nathan, I’m sharing a little “Life Lately” in combination with my Friday Favorites.

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Friday Favorites from Amazon Lately {11.22.19}

Nathan and I are on our way to the airport today for a little alone time in one of our favorite cities: NYC! I’m going to take a little break from blogging to enjoy time with my main guy and our family during the Thanksgiving holiday. But I’ll still be hanging out over on my Instagram Stories if you want to catch up there! I’ll be back for some Black Friday Favorites! I’ve rounded up some of my favorite Amazon purchases lately this Friday!

Harrison is in a phase where he wants to be held in the kitchen so that he can observe and “help” with all of the cooking. I love that he wants to see what’s happening and how our food gets made. But my left arm weight load just isn’t quite keeping up with how big he’s getting. Not to mention, cooking can prove pretty challenging when trying to keep a toddler away from a hot stove where he wants to lunge towards and touch the pans.

I’ve been eyeing this booster stool for a looooong time. Mostly because it was quite the investment for a baby item. However, after having Harrison fall off a chair once trying to help, I finally pulled the trigger.

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What’s Up Wednesday {10.30.19}

We’ve had the best October! We’ve done ALL the fall things. Not to mention enjoying the outside cooler temps – cooking out, playing outside in the yard, having the windows open. Those are my absolute favorite days.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


Nathan is traveling most of this week, so I’ve kept dinners easy for Harrison and myself

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Friday Favorites {10.25.19}

I love that Friday Favorites is a little recap at the end of the week. It’s almost a practice in gratitude and finding happiness and joy in the things that bring a smile to your week. Some weeks, I have more favorites than I could ever possibly share, and other weeks, I really have to think long and hard about what made this life wonderful. But that’s what it’s all about, right? Ebbs and flows. But finding gratitude always.

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Friday Favorites {10.18.19}

Today is our fifth anniversary!

I wrote a little post reflecting on what I’ve learned in our first five years of marriage yesterday here. We’re going out tonight to celebrate, but our real celebration is a trip away just the two of us in about a month. It’s going to be so much fun, while also missing my little man like crazy. But I think it’s so important to have one on one time with your partner, so I’m really looking forward to a few days away with my guy. Having no agenda, eating amazing food, and just soaking up good conversations and dreaming with him.

But, today is a FRIDAY FAVORITES post! A couple of weeks ago, Harrison helped me plant up my fall plants. So I wanted to give you a little tour of our outdoors right now, decked out in some fall decor! I love some fresh plants and pumpkins to give our house a refresh come September and October. I don’t go as overboard in the fall as I do for the summer with plants. I just do a few things here and there, so it’s totally manageable and easy to do.

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Friday Favorites {10.11.19}

I laid down in bed last night after a very long work day, and realized that I never finished today’s post. So here I am bright and early, working on finishing up the last of my Friday Favorites. Per usual, I’m linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea to share a heap of random Friday Favorites!

You guys. THEY’RE HERE!! And I LOVE THEM!!

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