Category: Lifestyle

Friday Favorites: My Loft Favorites

As we speak, Kendra, my sister, and I are on a plane heading out for a girls trip. And I. Am. So. Pumped! We are going to lay by the ocean, eat enough food that we have to unbutton the top button of our pants, and drink all the southern cocktails while we secretly scope for the cast of Southern Charm. 😉 Follow along over on the Insta.

Today, I’m linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea to share some of my latest Loft loves! Loft has long been my go to for work tops. I love the quality of the material, that they are machine washable AND dry, and that they’re so easy to dress up for work or dress down for a weekend or date night out.

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What’s Your Enneagram Personality?

I’ve been seeing it all over social media accounts that I follow. I’ve been hearing about it from Podcasts I regularly listen to. I’ve wondered what it means when people hashtag 3×5. What is this enneagram thing? And is there anything to be gained from it?

Enneagram Overview

I’m going to give you the most simplistic version of what an enneagram is ever. I’m not an expert, and there are LOADS of people out there that are and have spent considerable amount of time developing content around enneagrams, so if you have a true interest in delving more into this topic, I’d take to the internets. 🙂 But, the way that I understand it is that enneagrams are just another personality type. There are nine different enneagrams, aptly labeled 1 through 9. Most people fit into a dominant personality type with sub-personality types, thus the 3×6 or 5×4 classification.

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Friday Favorites {09.13.19}

This seems like the first real Friday of the fall to me. It’s a Friday the 13th too! Friday the 13th’s (is that even a word?) used to always kind of creep me out, but then God gave me Harrison on a Friday the 13th. I always think about that now when a Friday the 13th comes around. Maybe they’re just a little bit special and lucky in the Lane house thanks to a little munchkin who changed our lives on just such a Friday.

I’ve got another round of random Friday Favorites of things that brightened my week today linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea!

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Let’s Look At…Your Calendar

It’s one of my favorite days of the month! It’s “Let’s Look At” day with Shay and Erika  , and I LOVE reading through these links getting a glimpse into your lives! Today we’re looking at calendars!

And today we’re looking at Calendars!

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Friday Favorites: Stunning Garden Performers and Duds {09.06.19}

One of the hardest parts about the beginning of fall for me is taking out the annual plants in my garden. I always have the best of intentions of taking pictures of everything so that I can keep track of what really took to its growing spot and exploded, versus performed average to sad, sad underperformers so I never buy them again.

Sadly, I so rarely remember to take pictures, and then I end up repeating some of the same mistakes as the last year….BUT, not this year. I put this topic on my blogging calendar, which means I’m actually going to stick to it. So here it is – my favorite garden performers this year:

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Friday Favorites – Favorite Summer Memories Edition {08.30.19}

It’s the last Friday Favorites of summer. With the cooler temperatures we had last weekend, and heading up to the Hills this weekend to visit my parents, I’m mentally ready to take the step into Fall.

I thought it would be fun to look back on the summer slightly different this Friday with a round-up of my favorite summer memories this year.

We had such a fun summer. Harrison was into EVERYTHING this summer. He was interacting and starting to talk, napping less, exploring the world, and it made summer so fun!

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What’s Up Wednesday {08.28.19}

I’m not sure where this month went. We’ve been enjoying the last little bits of summer, and prepping for a trip up to my parents’ cabin over Labor Day! Today, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in the Lane’s life.


Nathan’s traveling for work again this week, and we’re getting ready to leave on our roadtrip up to South Dakota to visit my parents, so I’m going to be keeping this week sooooo easy. Like “hello prepared food section” of the grocery store. So, if you’re looking for a little inspiration, I’ll share last week’s meal plan 🙂

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Friday Favorites {08.23.19}

Some of you are all, “I CAN’T WAIT FOR FALL! Crisp air, leaves changing, pumpkin spice. Cozy sweaters.” But I’m all over here hanging on to summer. This summer seemed to go so fast. And I’m only in a small bit of denial about it coming to an end. In two more weekends, I’ll embrace fall fully. Don’t you worry. 🙂

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