Category: Lifestyle

Friday Favorites 10.22.21

I had the realization this week, as I worked through scheduling end of the year doctor appointments and PTO for work, that the holidays are coming super fast. Halloween is next weekend. Thanksgiving only a few weeks after that. And then apparently we need to already have our Christmas shopping done because nothing is going to show up on time if we wait until December. I’m sure that’s partially true…but does anyone else wonder how much we should ACTUALLY be concerned versus how much is a bit overstated?

A little bit of home decor, a lot a bit of babies, and some food for your Friday Favorites this week! Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

All of the Halloween and fall decor is making my days so happy! I shared a full tour of our home decorated for fall and Halloween earlier this week!

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How I Became a Reader

If you went back even just six months ago, I would have told you that I’m not a reader. That as much as I wish I used my free time to read, I never did except for the occasional couple of pages read before bed to help me fall asleep. It would take me months and months to read a whole book. In fact, sometimes it was a whole year of reading the same book. The fact of the matter is, I don’t have much free time. I use my free time to write here on this blog, and when I need a mental break at the end of the day, I veg out watching trashy reality TV.

And then one day back in June, Nathan mentioned that he had downloaded Matthew McConaughey’s new book Greenlights on Audible and that it was really good, and I should listen to it as well. I had been hearing so many interviews that Matthew was on talking about the book, I’d heard him read excerpts from the book, and had mentally added it to my “in a year when I finish my current book, I’ll pick that one up to read.”

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Lauren’s Friday Fall Favorites {09.17.21}

It’s been what feels like forever since I’ve done a Friday favorites post. Between our Black Hills vacation, and just having other things I wanted to talk about on here, I’ve been accumulating so many good fall favorites that I MUST share with you ASAP.

Trader Joe’s has their AMAZING fall one-wick candles out now! Honeycrisp apple and vanilla pumpkin. This is how I looked as I FILLED MY WHOLE BASKET with them…

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Let’s Look At…Everything Phone Related

It the monthly link-up with two of my favorite blogs:  (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything) to share a little look into something random in our lives. Today’s topic is…Phone Apps!

Before we get to everything phone related, let’s take a look back at what we’ve shared so far this year…

Today, we’re talking all things phone related. Including most used apps.

I did a whole post earlier this year on my favorite and most used apps. But by far and away, my most USED apps, aside from email, are Instagram and Timehop…

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Friday Favorites {08.06.21}

We’re in the final countdown of summer like so many of you! The new ‘school year’ officially starts in a couple of weeks. Harrison will officially be in preschool and required to wear a uniform. It feels like yesterday he was a little baby and preschool felt light years away.

Baby J’s first birthday was last Friday, and we celebrated by taking the boys to ice cream in our neighborhood shopping center!

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Friday Favorites {07.16.21}

We made it through a full week, friends! The boys had a great week. I had a busy week at work, but we had a very normal week.

I missed posting any Fourth of July pictures from a couple weeks ago. We had so much fun celebrating with friends! The kids stayed up late, ran around the backyard, ate all the delicious food, including homemade ice cream, and had the best time!

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June Book Review

I’ve read book review posts from so many of you all for YEARS. Enjoyed them, referenced them when I needed a new book to take to the beach, but if you’ve been here any amount of time, you know I’m the SLOWEST READER ALIVE. I read a book for sometimes up to a year. It is a slow painstaking read.

But then, Nathan mentioned that he had started listening to Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey and it was really good, and I should use our shared Prime account to listen to it. I had Greenlights on my “want to read” list for awhile, so I thought I’d finally give Audible a shot. And so began the transformation. Before I knew it, I’d “read” six books in a month. WHAT?! Life changing.

So here’s my very first ever book review. I never thought I’d see the day.

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