Friday Favorites {09.22.23}

We made it through my first week back to work! It went really well. It doesn’t feel that different when Aidan’s grandparents are watching him right now. Certainly less daunting than doing the whole daycare transition, wondering how he naps, etc. Either way, we made it to the weekend!

Nathan’s mom gave us a lovely “date night” with just baby Aidan on Friday night, while she spoiled the big boys. And I think you’d say that they had a great time!

Oh my goodness. Could those smiles be any bigger?

It’s fall time at Trader Joe’s! Which means I bought my weight plus some in our absolute favorite pasta sauce!

When it comes to any canned pasta sauce, this is our family’s favorite BY FAR. I usually add some Italian sausage or ground beef to the sauce to add some protein.

We celebrated our golden girl’s NINTH birthday this week! Jonathan wore HIS birthday shirt in honor of the birthday girl. That alone cracked me up. Then proceeded to ask me all morning and evening when we were having cake. (There was no human cake. Only a dog treat. I may have used her birthday as an excuse to go get ice cream, though.)

Our first “baby” has certainly become the best big sister to all of these boys. She’s still very much a Mama’s girl, but I can’t imagine a better dog for how sweet and patient she is with the boys.


Jonathan and I have started our own little tradition of walking, for me, and riding his bike, for Jonathan, over to the ice cream shop while Harrison is gone at soccer practice. It’s one of the things I look forward to every week. I love being able to focus on just him…and eat ice cream, of course.

My grandma’s birthday and anniversary of her passing was also this week. And while that’s certainly not a favorite, because our family misses her dearly, it is a reminder for how unbelievably thankful I am for the time I had with her.

She had a true servant’s heart. And I miss her. How lucky when we have grandparents that make such a difference in the lives of their grandkids.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {09.22.23}

  1. Love both those photos from the date night and of what your boys were up to too; our kids had such fun with their grandparents on date night they’d get mad when we arrived home and tell us to leave again! LOL. We learned to just stay out later until they were tucked into bed.

  2. It is truly a blessing when the grandparents are involved with the grandkids. Unfortunately my kiddos grandparents are missing out. They do not see it….I am afraid when they do it may be too late. The picture of you and Aidan is a framer

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