Tag: Active Lifestyle

Let’s Look At…Keeping Healthy

It’s Let’s Look day with Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything! If you’re new here, it’s one day a month that we share a little peak into some aspect of our lives. So far this year, I’ve shared:

And today, we’re talking about keeping healthy. How ironic that I’m sitting down to write about staying healthy on a day where I really don’t feel healthy….mentally, physically….But that’s just it. It’s not a straight line of healthiness at all times. It’s having habits that direct us back to feeling our best. There are a lot of facets of keeping healthy for me:

Staying Active. I’m a Bar Method devotee. I’ve been an almost daily regular at Bar classes since 2013. Days that I start my day with Bar have me feeling more energized and awake even though I get up two hours earlier before the boys on work-out days. I feel it the days that I miss class, which has me all the more excited to get back ASAP. It wasn’t very long ago that I wrote a whole blog post about my active lifestyle, and it really covers it all.

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How I Stay Active: A Q&A

It’s taken me awhile to get to a point in my life that I have a good routine going around staying active. Through all of my growing up years up through high school, being active was just simply part of life. I was a dancer, and spent sometimes 20 hours a week at the dance studio. But like so many, college came, and that routine went away, and it took me awhile to figure out what worked for me again. I’m sharing a few Q&A’s about my active lifestyle now, including the grace I give myself in this phase of life.

When did you start getting on a consistent exercise schedule as an adult?

I think like a lot of people, in my early adulthood, I went through phases of exercising. I’d go through a phase of doing nothing at all. Followed by a phase of going to the apartment complex gym every day and doing 30 minutes of elliptical. Then there’d be another phase where I’d do nothing.

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Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Everyone knows that living a healthy lifestyle is important. Improves your physical health, as well as your mental health. How a healthy lifestyle looks is different for everybody. I’m going to share a little bit about what that means for me.

I’ve shared before that way way way back in the early days of Lauren, I was a dancer.

Dancing kept me really active all through high school. Everyday, I’d get done with school and head to my dance studio for at least a couple of hours every single night. Weekends, I was there even more time participating in their entertaining groups and youth ballet company. Needless to say, “working out” and being “healthy” were never difficult because I was so active with my dance classes.

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