Tag: Jonathan

Friday Favorites {12.17.21}

I feel myself getting caught up this time of year in trying to have the perfect Christmas. Mostly ideas of peaceful cookie decorating, picturesque holiday movie watching on the couch with the whole family and a fire going, and doing all of the festive things like visiting Santa, looking at lights. And then there are little things too, for me, like wrapping each present perfectly. And I can find myself, if I don’t catch it early enough, with these high expectations of what this time looks like for our little family.

The holidays, and pretty much all special events, are better when I lower my expectations. When it doesn’t go perfectly, I don’t want my kids remembering a mom that was flustered and upset. I want them to remember these special celebrations as moments of joy strung together.

So as we head into this holiday week, I pray for you, friend, a week where we let go of the reigns a little bit. We lower the expectations of our children’s reactions and actions, the perfect picturesque holiday scenes we have in our minds, and remember that the best thing we can give our kids is a happy, joyful mom in the chaos and mess of it all. (And then let’s just all plan to have a virtual glass of wine together at the end of the night. ☺️)

Happy Friday, friends. And Merry Christmas week! ~Lauren

We went and visited Santa a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t sure how this would go, honestly. I was prepared for tears. Harrison hadn’t visited Santa since he was 1, and obviously has no memory of it.

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7 Quick Jonathan Takes (v. I)

I see it happening right before my eyes. This tiny little baby that was once so helpless, and just happy to be held is off exploring his world, is forming opinions about what he likes and doesn’t, and finding his way! I wish I could say I embrace the chaos of the toddler years, but my Type A personality walks a fine line between completely enamored with this new, independent guy that is emerging and letting go of my anxiety around the sheer mess of it all as he explores EVERYTHING. But our little guy’s personality does make me smile constantly. A few quick takes about our littlest gentleman, Baby Jonathan Brooksie, as Harrison calls him.

-1- He’s my reader. The first thing he wants in the morning when he wakes up is a book to read. He walks around with a book at all times, and will shove it up to any adult that will sit and read to him, backing his little booty up to sit down in your lap.

-2- When you ask for a hug right now, he lays his head down on your shoulder. And there’s no better feeling in the world than your kid’s head on your shoulder, as though you’re the most important person in the world.

-3- Harrison can always make him laugh. In fact, listening to the two of them laugh at breakfast, egging each other on, is one of the best sounds in the world.

-4- He’s got a sweet spot for his puppy, Sawyer. Giving her pets and hugs each morning. She obliges, mostly. Until it becomes a fistful grab of fur.

-5- Everybody calls him “Baby J.” All of his family AND his daycare, and Harrison’s classmates. When we walk into Harrison’s classroom to pick him up at the end of the day, his classmates will yell, “HI BABY J!!!” Will he ever not be Baby J? I guess that remains to be seen.

-6- He has a certain fondness for the water table in the toilet. And it’s definitely my LEAST favorite “phase” thus far. 🤢

-7- Everyone comments how relaxed he is. And he really is. Happy to go along for the ride and do whatever. But, oh man, is he my dramatic child when it comes to food. You’d think he went hungry before, because he will throw his body around and wail until food is presented on his tray to his satisfaction.

Halloween 2021

Well, sometimes even though you have two days off work, you don’t get around to sitting down and writing instead of checking things off to-do lists. So, I’m sorry I disappeared last week! We’re still enjoying Halloween and fall over here, but I love that so many friends are starting to deck the halls!

This is my own little scrapbook of my boys’ life, so we’re going to stick with Halloween for a minute and I wanted to share some pictures from the holiday. We had so much fun trick-or-treating!

Friday afternoon, the boys had their Halloween parties at daycare.

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Lanes Lately – September 2021

Well I’m thankful that this was a four day week. Work felt like a five day week crammed into a four day week, though. 🙃 We don’t have much going on this weekend, except a friend’s birthday party for Harrison, and that’s kind of the way we like our weekends!

MAKING: I planned for EASY recipes for this week, getting back into our routine, and Nathan is traveling for work for the first time since December 2019. Tacos and spaghetti with meat sauce have been my go-to’s this week after being gone last week.

We realized on a walk last weekend that this is the first time baby J will go 24 hours without seeing him in his whole life.

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Jonathan is ONE!

My sweet little Jonathan Brooks turned ONE, and last weekend, we celebrated as a family our baby boy! I was determined to have a real party, with a theme to celebrate our littlest Lane.

We originally set out to celebrate both cousin Holden & Jonathan’s birthdays together…

But my sister decided to cancel having Holden’s at the same time at the last minute due to some other time consuming things going on in their lives.

So, we just celebrated baby J!

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Friday Favorites {08.06.21}

We’re in the final countdown of summer like so many of you! The new ‘school year’ officially starts in a couple of weeks. Harrison will officially be in preschool and required to wear a uniform. It feels like yesterday he was a little baby and preschool felt light years away.

Baby J’s first birthday was last Friday, and we celebrated by taking the boys to ice cream in our neighborhood shopping center!

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Dear Jonathan (v. XII)

Every time I sit down to write this final letter of your first year, the words just don’t come to me.  What to say on such a meaningful occasion.  A year ago, Harrison and I sat on the driveway on a Thursday morning, trash day, waiting for the trash trucks to come “dump the rocks out.”  And a whirlwind of seven hours later, you’d be in my arms.  The loudest newborn scream I’d ever heard, but we were smitten.

We weren’t first time parents.  We knew the joy and love you’d bring to our house.  That there would be hard nights ahead, and easy days.  That you’d grow way too fast, and before we knew it, that we’d look at you and wonder where the bleary nights had gone and the newborn snuggles.

A year later, and the love I have for you is unending.  You watch your brother with amazement and admiration.  Squealing with delight when I take you to wake up your brother, just before we open his door.  You play peek-a-boo slapping your hands up against your eyes so your little baby cheeks wiggle.  Then peek one eye out to see what’s going on around you and laugh when someone catches you.  The floor is lava the minute you see me, insistent on being held at all times if I’m in your presence.

I haven’t shied away from loving on you.  Haven’t shied away from holding you while you fall asleep at night, savoring every last bit of your baby-ness.  I’m so proud of you already, little boy.  Proud of you.  Proud of us: mommy + baby J.  We made it.  One very full, beautiful year.  Happy birthday, my love.

I love you so big,


Dear Jonathan v. XI

Dear Jonathan v. X

Dear Jonathan v. IX

Dear Jonathan v. VIII

Dear Jonathan v. VII

Dear Jonathan v. VI

Dear Jonathan v. V

Dear Jonathan v. IV

Dear Jonathan v. III

Dear Jonathan (v. XI)

I’m writing to you while rocking you to sleep for your nap. I peer down at your calm little face. Lovie being sucked on instead of a paci.  Eleven months staring at that sweet face. It’s a bit chunkier. Rounder. But I still see that little newborn face in it that we met eleven months ago. The one that was calm but skeptical of who we were.  

And now I see peace and security in your little face.  Knowing that you’re always safe in your mama’s arms.

You’re busier nowadays.  Exploring everything in the world.  Eager to knock over Harrison’s Lego tower or destroy his neatly placed line of cars.  You squeal in excitement to see the ones you love.  You find Harrison’s insistence on lovingly calling you “stinky John John” hilarious.  It’s like your little personality was unlocked this month.  Your big, dramatic, loving personality.  And it’s so much fun getting to know our little Jonathan Brooksie.

Only one more monthly letter, little boy.  A letter to celebrate your first birthday.  It all has gone just too fast.  And I’d give anything to be able to do it all again.

I love you so big, little one.



Dear Jonathan v. X

Dear Jonathan v. IX

Dear Jonathan v. VIII

Dear Jonathan v. VII

Dear Jonathan v. VI

Dear Jonathan v. V

Dear Jonathan v. IV

Dear Jonathan v. III

What’s Up Wednesday {06.30.21}

The last Wednesday of every month, I love joining this little link up to share a little bit of what’s going on in our house this month. It’s a little bit of food, a bit of clothes, a bit of memories and exciting things coming up, all in one blog post. Head over to Shay and Sheaffer’s blogs to read through the rest of the links, too!


I’ve got ingredients this week to make a shrimp and Parmesan pasta, tacos, and a chopped salad with shredded chicken. In what order those get made, I don’t know! We’ll just wing it!


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Friday Favorites {06.25.21}

This summer seems to be flying by. Can you believe that next week is already Fourth of July weekend? Where has the time gone?

We had so much fun last weekend celebrating Father’s Day with our favorite dad around! While I barely survived making breakfast with both of the boys for Nathan (i.e. there were absolutely no pictures taken! Only repeated “don’t touch that’s!” and answering endless requests to “taste test.”) We went on a family walk to the park, where Harrison showed off his ever improving climbing skills, and went out as a family for a barbecue dinner! We love our Dada!

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