Tag: Nathan

New York City – Eat & Drink

Nathan & I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary by taking a long weekend getaway to one of our favorite cities: NYC. This was our third time to go to the city together, although, Nathan goes often for work. It was a wonderful four days getting to lay around in bed in the morning not watching Elmo, do some things in the city that we’ve never done before, and see some shows! I saved down my favorite clips from the vacation on my Instagram Highlights.

I’m breaking up our NYC trip into two parts: Eat & Drink, and Play & Stay tomorrow!

Joe’s Pizza in Greenwich Village

Joe’s Pizza (Greenwich) || Ya’ll. We have found our NY pizza. Kevin Bacon said that he wanted his last meal on Earth to be a slice from Joe’s, and after grabbing a slice…three separate times on our trip (YES! THREE!), we totally agree. It is the perfect, quintessential New York slice. Simple. Crisp, yet soft. Incredible. Nathan and I both agreed that this pizza was ‘go out of your way’ good.

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What’s Up Wednesday {10.30.19}

We’ve had the best October! We’ve done ALL the fall things. Not to mention enjoying the outside cooler temps – cooking out, playing outside in the yard, having the windows open. Those are my absolute favorite days.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


Nathan is traveling most of this week, so I’ve kept dinners easy for Harrison and myself

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Friday Favorites {10.25.19}

I love that Friday Favorites is a little recap at the end of the week. It’s almost a practice in gratitude and finding happiness and joy in the things that bring a smile to your week. Some weeks, I have more favorites than I could ever possibly share, and other weeks, I really have to think long and hard about what made this life wonderful. But that’s what it’s all about, right? Ebbs and flows. But finding gratitude always.

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Fun Fall Date Ideas

Fall can be such a romantic couple of months. With the leaves changing and the chill in the air, I love getting outside and getting to enjoy the cooler days after a hot summer.

One of the things that Nathan and I try to do on a regular basis is having at least a monthly date night. We take turns planning the date. Sometimes we like to surprise the other with the activity, and other times it’s planned well in advance. I look forward to these date nights like I look forward to sleep in the evening. It’s a few hours where we focus on each other and us; having fun together, talking, and remembering why we fell in love in the first place. Here are some of our favorite fall dates:

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5 Lessons from 5 Years of Marriage

On October 18, 2014, Nathan and I vowed to be each other’s biggest cheerleaders, to stick it out through days/weeks/months of hardship. To choose each other day after day. To celebrate each other’s successes, and support each other through failures. That day, our wedding day, was magical from beginning to end. It was a beautiful fall day with leaves changing colors and sun breaking through the reds, yellows, and greens. The morning started chilly, and by the time we were riding around in the trolley taking pictures with our closest friends and their spouses, it was a beautiful 72 degrees. Our favorite kind of day.

We danced the night away, snuck away for pictures just the two of us, and ended the evening in a vintage car ride around the Plaza and a burger at a local diner to wash it all down. It was perfect. And quickly followed by another seven days of perfection in St. Lucia on the beach: basking in our love for each other, the sun, and so much food.

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Friday Favorites {09.13.19}

This seems like the first real Friday of the fall to me. It’s a Friday the 13th too! Friday the 13th’s (is that even a word?) used to always kind of creep me out, but then God gave me Harrison on a Friday the 13th. I always think about that now when a Friday the 13th comes around. Maybe they’re just a little bit special and lucky in the Lane house thanks to a little munchkin who changed our lives on just such a Friday.

I’ve got another round of random Friday Favorites of things that brightened my week today linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea!

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All About…How Nathan and I Met

Our very first picture together at a K-State game December 2012

I sat down to write this blog post, and oh my goodness, did it bring back so many memories.  The very short version of the story is that Nathan and I met at work.  While we never worked together on a project, we saw each other at happy hours and work events, and eventually were hanging around the same crowd, so it came a bit naturally.

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