Tag: Anniversary

Our Wedding: Part II

Today is our eighth wedding anniversary. Last week, I shared some pictures and stories from our actual wedding day. It was such a special day for us. We got married in Kansas City, and it’s been so fun to go back and actually look through our wedding photos. My mom always tells us that there are few times in life where you can pinpoint a single day that your life changes forever. One is your wedding. Another is the birth of a child.

If you missed Part I, you can check it out HERE. Today, I’m sharing pictures from our reception and more!

Newly married!

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Our Wedding: Part I

Our wedding anniversary is October 18th. This year will be our eighth anniversary. Since I started this blog far after we got married and after we had kids, I realized that I had never really shared any details or pictures from our wedding. It was fun to pull up all of the old pictures and look back at this day as a prepared these blog posts. It reminded me of how young and naive we were that day. But also about how much fun it was, as well. It was a reminder of how much we’ve grown, and in particular, how much greater my love for Nathan has deepened since that day eight years ago.

October 18th was a perfect fall day in Kansas City. It was crisp and cool in the morning, and warmed up to about 65* in the afternoon. It was sunny and beautiful, the leaves in KC were just starting to change.

Both Nathan and I got ready our respective parents’ houses. Being both from Kansas City, we were lucky to be able to get ready in each of our childhood homes.

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Our Seventh Wedding Anniversary

Monday will mark our seven year wedding anniversary. As I sat down to write this post, I thought for a long while about what a surreal feeling it is to have spent so many years doing life with one person. The feeling that day to day feels like it bumps along, and not in the weight of hours, days, weeks, years we have spent working together as a team and loving one another.

But when you go to celebrate an anniversary, the weight of the words of seven years seems substantial. And I keep waiting to feel the weight of that. The weight of seven years. And still, I don’t. I look at our marriage…

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5 Lessons from 5 Years of Marriage

On October 18, 2014, Nathan and I vowed to be each other’s biggest cheerleaders, to stick it out through days/weeks/months of hardship. To choose each other day after day. To celebrate each other’s successes, and support each other through failures. That day, our wedding day, was magical from beginning to end. It was a beautiful fall day with leaves changing colors and sun breaking through the reds, yellows, and greens. The morning started chilly, and by the time we were riding around in the trolley taking pictures with our closest friends and their spouses, it was a beautiful 72 degrees. Our favorite kind of day.

We danced the night away, snuck away for pictures just the two of us, and ended the evening in a vintage car ride around the Plaza and a burger at a local diner to wash it all down. It was perfect. And quickly followed by another seven days of perfection in St. Lucia on the beach: basking in our love for each other, the sun, and so much food.

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