Our Wedding: Part I

Our wedding anniversary is October 18th. This year will be our eighth anniversary. Since I started this blog far after we got married and after we had kids, I realized that I had never really shared any details or pictures from our wedding. It was fun to pull up all of the old pictures and look back at this day as a prepared these blog posts. It reminded me of how young and naive we were that day. But also about how much fun it was, as well. It was a reminder of how much we’ve grown, and in particular, how much greater my love for Nathan has deepened since that day eight years ago.

October 18th was a perfect fall day in Kansas City. It was crisp and cool in the morning, and warmed up to about 65* in the afternoon. It was sunny and beautiful, the leaves in KC were just starting to change.

Both Nathan and I got ready our respective parents’ houses. Being both from Kansas City, we were lucky to be able to get ready in each of our childhood homes.

My paternal grandmother had made a baptism bonnet when I was baby out of a handkerchief with the intention of using it as a handkerchief at my future wedding. She passed away when I was three.

The blue pin is from my maternal grandmother who passed away about a month before our wedding, and with whom I was very close with my whole life. It meant a lot to me to carry this with me during such a special day.

Cheers to a wonderful wedding day for the boys!

One of my very favorite pictures ever of my parents…

And a favorite of my MIL with Nathan from our wedding morning…

We were off to the church for the ceremony!

My gift to Nathan…

I grew up performing in theater and dance shows my whole life. The ‘routine’ of the ceremony was an easy thing to pick up. 🙂 My dad, however, after rehearsing several times, still somehow was uncertain what exactly he was supposed to be doing before walking me down the aisle. It made me laugh…

It reminded me of a father/daughter ballet piece that he had to learn and perform with me, that he struggled with the entire time.

Ready to go down the aisle!

Reception and more fun to come in a later post. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Our Wedding: Part I

    1. It was fun to go back and look at all the pictures from that day. I think it had been years since I had looked through them!

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