Tag: Word of the Year

My 2023 Word of the Year

Last year was the very first year that I picked a word of the year. Do you do this? I liked it so much more than resolutions for myself because I actually remembered it all year long. It was chiming in the back of my head so often, particularly in the midst of an argument. My word last year was “Listen.” And I truly found myself being more conscious to listen to my friends, coworkers, kids, and husband.

Back at the beginning of December I started thinking about a word I’d like to choose the upcoming year. And the one I kept coming back to was “Trust.”

The reason I picked “trust” was because I found myself often looking for other people’s validation of my choices. I found myself second-guessing my own thoughts a lot. I wanted to focus myself when I started to find myself swayed by other’s opinions and thoughts, or seeking out other’s approval, for the voice in the back of my head to whisper to me “trust.” Trust yourself.

Recently, given the path that we’re walking on this pregnancy and the ultrasounds we’ve had for this little one, my word that I picked for the year has taken on another meaning. Trust in our guts. Trust in God that he will walk us through what is before us. Trust that it will all be made good in His perfect timing.

How strange that the word came to me before it hit me like a ton of bricks of needing it? I love when it feels like there’s a reminder in everyday life that God’s walking with you already. Right there, walking with you through life.