What’s Up Wednesday {09.27.23}

Happy WUW post. You guys know I love this post. A little bit of everything from our life lately.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: It’s still pretty hot here, so I haven’t switched over to more fall and winter type dishes. We’re eating grilled chicken, sausage pot pie, and homemade carnitas burrito bowls this week.


Lately, the videos of Jonathan popping up on my phone from a year ago have me marveling at how much has changed for him in a year.

He was still a big talker even last year, but his language has just exploded in the past year.

Remembering the way their little voices used to sound is the hardest part for me to keep in my memories. You can see them physically grow, as they grow out of clothes. You see their face shape changing and their hair. But their voice…that’s just harder to remember. And I’m endlessly thankful for the videos I took of these boys. And reminded to keep recording them now!

3. WHAT I’M LOVING: The blessing in disguise that having our daycare push back Aidan’s start date has been. It brings me so much happiness to not only get to see my parents and Nathan’s parents with baby Aidan…

…but to also have him around the house more than anticipated going back to work.

In other news…apple cider donuts and pumpkin bagels are making mornings much more bearable. 🙂


We’ve been apple picking with the cousins…

We spent half a day with our designer picking out finishings for our basement renovation

I blogged about what we’re doing in our basement just yesterday!

I finished up my maternity leave with a lunch with Nathan & some flower inspiration for next year…

We’ve been watching a lot of football…and humoring Daddy by cheering on the Broncos (along with the Chiefs)…

And just generally enjoying being outside, hanging with family, and getting ready for a busy fall!


Do I say this every year around this time…cold & flu season. Every year. I dread it.

6. WHAT I’M WORKING ON: We’re all just working on finding our new normal now that I’m back to work!

7. WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT: I’m so excited about Halloween coming up, and the kids’ costumes! November 1st is my favorite day on social media all year. I can’t get enough of cute kids in their Halloween costumes. It makes my day!

8. WHAT I’M WATCHING & READING: I only got through one book last month, so I owe you all a book review this upcoming month!

We watched the Kelce documentary on Amazon Prime a few weeks ago and it was reaaaalllly good. There was happiness, there were tears. Made me like those Kelce brothers even more.

9. WHAT I’M LISTENING TO: The sound of rain against the window. It’s certainly starting to look more like autumn on days like this.


I’m officially on the overalls trend train

Aside from my new overalls, this dress continues to make a regular appearance

11. WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND: We’re celebrating a friend’s first birthday this weekend!

12: FAVORITE AMAZON FIND THIS MONTH: I didn’t buy a single thing from Amazon this past month that was exciting or new. And that in and of itself should be celebrated. Ha! Someone tell Nathan that my Amazon purchases this past month were well under control.

13. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH: We have so many fun things coming up in October! Our ninth wedding anniversary, pumpkin patchin’ with the cousins, and Nathan is running a half marathon! It’s going to be a fun month!

Happy Wednesday, friends!

One thought on “What’s Up Wednesday {09.27.23}

  1. I love seeing all these photos of your boys! That one of all three of them in their jerseys smiling and laughing is just so precious. You are so right about not being able to remember how their voices change.. my boys voices are all so deep now I can not remember what they used to sound like at all.

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