Category: Family

Dear Harrison (v. VI),

It was Friday the 13th. The weather was overcast and cool for a spring day. I woke your daddy up in the middle of the night after wondering by myself for several hours if this was the real thing. 

I was so unsure. So insecure. Afraid that I wouldn’t be a good enough mama to you. Afraid I would fall short for you. And yet the time had come for me to meet you. This strong, sweet little boy that would change my entire course of life. 

In your short three years you have already given me the whole world. 

When I’ve been sad, you’ve climbed into my lap and hugged me saying, “it’s ok, mama. Deep breaths.”

When I’ve laughed so hard at you, you’ve flashed me a smile with some side eye, knowing you’ve brought joy. 

When I’ve just been in a funk, you’ve said, “mama, you’re my best friend.”

You are wise beyond your years. Your heart is deeper and more beautiful than I could have ever dreamt. 

You are such a precious gift to this world. And I’m thankful for the front row seat to it all. Happy birthday, my beautiful boy. 



What’s Up Wednesday {03.31.21}

After a full week last week of pretty much constant rain, it gave way to a beautiful weekend. Nathan went golfing for the first time in over a year, we played outside for hours on end, and even got to spend some time with my sister and the cousins.

Today, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


  • Saturday: Cheesy Pasta Florentine
  • Sunday: Burgers & Hot dogs
  • Monday & Tuesday: Leftovers
  • Wednesday: Shrimp Fried Rice
  • Thursday: Leftovers
  • Friday: Take-out


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Lanes Lately // March 2021

I said on Friday that I’d ghosted this little corner of the internet lately. That means that there hasn’t been many life updates, so it seemed right to do a little Lanes Lately to catch you all up on the daily happenings around here…

MAKING: The grill is out, people! And burgers and hot dogs are being grilled! Grilling and smoking season is my faaaaav. I love heartiness of winter food, but food from the grill or smoker just tastes better in my opinion.

I’ve also got chorizo chili planned for later this week when the weather turns dreary and rainy. Our favorite for dreary, cold days!

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A Birthday Interview with Nathan

It’s Nathan’s birthday today! At a full three years younger than me, he’s turning 33 today. I sat down with Nathan to do a quick interview so you all could get to know him a little better. 😊

When you were younger, what did you think you’d be when you grew up?

N: How young? Um. An athlete.

L: Like a professional athlete? What kind of professional athlete?

N: It varied. Depending on the season. But that was probably the most common answer I’d give as a kid.

L: At what point do you feel like you had to give up your professional athlete dream?

N: Who says I have?

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One of My Biggest Regrets: Living through Postpartum Depression

We were in the hospital after Jonathan, our second son, was born. Our nurse was getting ready to discharge us to go home and introduce big brother Harrison to this littlest Lane. She was walking me through things to look for after I went home that would require medical attention.

“If you experience sadness lasting longer than two weeks, you’ll want to see your doctor.”

I felt a lump in my throat. “And what would that mean?” I asked.

“That’s a symptom of postpartum depression.”

I felt Nathan’s hand on my back in support, and my eyes welling up slightly. The realization two years after Harrison was born that confirmed my suspicions. That after Harrison was born, I suffered from postpartum depression.

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Let’s Look At…Our Love Languages

Once a month I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at this year:

Today, we’re looking at love languages. When I hear someone talk about love languages, I immediately think they’re talking about Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages. Both Nathan and I have read his book, and it clearly speaks to millions of other people, as well. With over 42,000 five star reviews on Amazon 😲, it’s sold millions and millions of copies, been translated into other languages, and is probably the most notable ‘relationship’ book on the market. Even if you haven’t read Dr. Chapman’s book, you’ve probably heard of the five love languages.

  • Acts of Service
  • Quality Time
  • Gifts
  • Affirmation
  • Physical Touch

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Valentine’s Day Traditions

Nathan and I used to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a traditional way when we first started dating. We’d have a date night out somewhere, exchange small gifts and cards. Being a homebody, though, and not wanting to deal with the crowds of Valentine’s Day dates and restaurant reservations, we decided one year to make our own pizzas. We made our own dough and sauce, opened up a nice bottle of wine, and enjoyed pizza and TV. And we loved it.

We loved the chance to cook something together. Loved analyzing how we could perfect our dough. How much we loved the sauce. And enjoying a TV show together is just kind of homeostasis of our relationship. It’s our go-to together time.

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7 Quick Takes (v. VI)

If you’re new around here, every once in awhile I like to round up seven quick things that are making me laugh or melting my heart about Harrison.

I love going back to read these because it’s an easy way that I can memorialize these small little bits of his personality as he grows.

-1- Harrison greets me every morning and every evening after coming home from daycare with the same proclamation. “DRY UNDIES!!!” So proud of you, bud.

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What’s Up Wednesday {01.27.21}

Before I get into What’s Up Wednesday, I just wanted to thank you all for the support and love for me and little baby J yesterday, when I blogged about his plagiocephaly and baby helmet. Both here and on Instagram, there were just so many kind words. I’m so very thankful. It took me some time to process everything that was happening with Jonathan for myself, and then be ready to talk openly about it. I know, though, how much I appreciate others vulnerability in the less than perfect moments of life because of how much I learn from them. So, anyways, I just wanted to say, “Thanks!”

Ok – I love going back and reading these posts. A little window into what’s happening in our life at the Lanes lately. But somehow, my last What’s Up Wednesday was in October. I don’t know how, or what happened in life…but it’s high time to share a little Lane life.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve got so many good leftovers in our fridge that we’re going to be eating leftovers pretty much all week. And a good thing too because this week is super busy for me at work.

  • Sunday: Leftovers
  • Monday: Leftovers
  • Tuesday: Leftovers…or maybe Beef with Broccoli
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: Pulled pork tacos from my parents!
  • Friday: Carry out dinner


A lot lately, I’ve curled up in Harrison’s bed putting him down for the night and told him stories about things he used to do when he was little.

Like how he would come into our bed Saturday morning, and jump right into the middle. He’d get himself all comfy cozy under the covers, and we’d watch Sesame Street. Lately, Harrison has loved hearing stories about things he did when he was younger.

Also, TODAY is our niece, Everly’s, fourth birthday! Happy birthday, cousin Evie! This was just last year…

And now she’s got her own sense of style. Have to say her style at four is more impressive than mine at 36.

I wish we could be eating sprinkle cake, running around your basement, and opening presents with you today!

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Friday Favorites {01.22.21}

It’s been a crazy week at the Lane house. Baby J and I have been running from one doctor appointment to the next, all while trying to juggle a busy time at work. I’m thankful for some rest this upcoming weekend, the promise of good take-out to celebrate my birthday with my boys, and Chiefs football on Sunday (hopefully with our main QB!). Happy Friday, friends!

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