Category: Our Life

Our Nighttime Routine

I’m so routine based. I love routine. I find it so comforting. How type A does that make me?!?! Yes, I can laugh at my delight in routines. But I was particularly excited to learn that children also like routine. It helps when they know what’s coming next, and that it happens in the same way every time. So I thought it might be fun to share some of our routines here. First, I thought I’d share our nighttime routine!

Nighttime routine always starts with the kids’ bath…

This is Nathan’s part of the evening. He’s in charge of bathing the boys, greasing them up with lotion, and getting them in their jammies. I’ve had a lot of friends ask me if we really bathe the boys every night.

And the answer is, “Yes!”

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What’s Up Wednesday {05.26.21}

If you’re new to here, once a month, I link up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life! It’s a little a bit of everything. What we’re eating, what I’m wearing, what I’m looking forward to, what I’m dreading. A little life update in one post…

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: Did you see my Trader Joe’s haul yesterday? I’m eating all the snacks from my TJ’s. It’s a blessing and a curse the week after a Trader Joe’s run, because I find myself at the pantry trying a different snack VERY FREQUENTLY.

As far as what we’re making this week, I’m making a BBQ shrimp boil in the Instant Pot, Pork Fried Rice, and my grandma’s sloppy joe’s recipe.


Remember back when we took vacations? I’ve got a serious itch to get out of KC for a little bit. Our very last family vacation was our trip to visit my parents in South Dakota in 2019

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Trader Joe’s Staples

I went to Trader Joe’s this past week with a list of five things, and true to form, I came home with a full cart and two bottles of wine. Trader Joe’s isn’t a weekly must go to grocery store for us. I usually make it to TJ’s once a month, sometimes even less than that. So when I do make my monthly shopping run, I get all of our Trader Joe’s staples. And a few new things to try along the way, too.

All the snacks that I like to have in the fridge and pantry. Hard boiled eggs for an easy, quick breakfast or to throw on top of a salad. We LOVE the Bambas and Inner Peas for the kids. All the cheese snacks in the fridge. Nathan and I go through SO MUCH cheese snacks. We’re worse than the boys. 😊. The Marcona almonds are delicious, and I saw these truffle versions the last trip and had to try them. SO GOOD. And Nathan loves some beef jerky, too.

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Lanes Lately – May 2021

I took last week off blogging, and I hadn’t really intended it. I had ideas about posts written down, but I try to be very intentional about where I spend my time. Baby J came home on Wednesday afternoon sick and he ran a 101-102 degree temperature for five days. Poor little guy was whiny, exhausted, and just so not himself. So with a baby at home during work days, and the beautiful weather outside this past weekend for gardening, something had to give. That was writing blog posts last week.

I hope you all had a great week! Baby J is on the mend, and back at school.

MAKING: Very little. We’ve been the fortunate beneficiary of the last few weeks before my parents head up to their South Dakota cabin to get a lot of food from them. Ribs, brisket! And we went to our very first restaurant post-COVID the past week. J’s very first restaurant experience ever at nine months old! He got the hang of it in no time, and both Harrison and J liked the people watching and different atmosphere.

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What’s Up Wednesday {04.28.21}

These are some of my favorite posts to read on others’ blogs. A little peak into a whole variety of things going on in Lane Life Lately. Today, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


I’m making two meals this week: Mix and Match Mama’s Sausage Vodka Pasta + Cafe Delite’s Balsamic Baked Chicken Breast with Mozzarella Cheese


Where the time goes, honestly. You all know I’m a Timehop addict. Timehop is an app that shows you pictures from that day in years past. And right now, I’m in a whole land of newborn Harrison-ness from three years ago. And I’m just baffled about how it happened that the little kid that stands in front of me now is the same helpless little baby just three years ago.

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My Favorite and Most Used Apps

I’m guilty, like so many of us, of spending far too much time on my phone. When you think back, though, over what a phone was used for ten years ago to now, it’s remarkable how indispensable these little computers in our purse have become. Today I’m sharing what my favorite and most used apps are on my phone, which means we’ll have to start with the biggest chunk of my time going to…

The ‘gram. Instagram by far and away is the most used app on my phone. I love watching people’s stories, looking at the beautiful pictures they post and often times inspiring captions. I’ve connected with people I would have never met before through the ‘gram, and reconnected with people I went to school with so many years ago. I think it’s truly a remarkable community, when used responsibly and for good.

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Friday Favorites {04.23.21}

Happy Friday, friends! I am two weeks post second vaccination this week, which has me so very thankful! And ready to do all the things. Is it strange, though, I still feel super cautious about doing some of the things we used to do regularly before this pandemic? I can’t wait to go out to a restaurant with Nathan, but a little part of me is still saying, “Yeah, but is that smart? Are you sure you want to do that?” Amazing how we can re-train our brain. May be time to start re-training it to be more normal. 😊.

I’ve got a whole lot of family favorites this week. Enjoy and happy weekend!

I know Easter was forever ago, but I haven’t had an opportunity to share any pictures yet from our Easter celebrations. We got the chance to see my family for Easter this year, and I had so much fun watching Harrison and cousin Evie Easter egg hunt at my parents!

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Let’s Look…Our Fridge + Pantry Staples

Once a month I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at this year:

Today we’re sharing a look into our pantry and fridge. I’m going to share a little about what I find I put in our cart every week to get us through the week. We have the very simple basics of bread and milk. I have thing for Dave’s Killer Bread White Bread Done Right, though. I’m not sure if it’s weird to have a favorite bread, but I will literally go to a different grocery store to procure this bread if Whole Foods is out. 😆

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Friday Favorites {04.02.21}

This week turned into a dumpster fire. Jonathan’s class at daycare closed after one of his teachers tested positive for COVID. Harrison came home on Wednesday evening with hives all over his body, so we kept him home the rest of the week. There was also a full time job in there that after being gone all last week needed all of the work things from me. I kept thinking to myself, “Seriously? Could there be anything else?” Don’t tempt fate, though. 😊. We made it to the weekend. I’m so excited for Easter egg hunting with the babies. What are your favorite Easter traditions?

We have an eight month old in the house! Jonathan is so close to crawling, and for the time being, army crawls EVERYWHERE. Nathan and I both looked at each other last weekend when he made his way all the way over to Sawyer’s water dish, and agreed we needed to refresh our baby proofing procedures. Time for the gates to come back out, food dishes off of the ground, and re-locking those cabinet drawers. You can read my letter to my eight month old HERE.

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What’s Up Wednesday {03.31.21}

After a full week last week of pretty much constant rain, it gave way to a beautiful weekend. Nathan went golfing for the first time in over a year, we played outside for hours on end, and even got to spend some time with my sister and the cousins.

Today, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


  • Saturday: Cheesy Pasta Florentine
  • Sunday: Burgers & Hot dogs
  • Monday & Tuesday: Leftovers
  • Wednesday: Shrimp Fried Rice
  • Thursday: Leftovers
  • Friday: Take-out


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