Category: Our Life

Easter Fun

Easter is not CANCELLED this year. I mean, it wasn’t cancelled last year, either, but it felt like it. We had our Easter outfit ready, brunch plans, and BAM. COVID. Easter at home. I remember Easter well because none of us changed out of our pajamas last year, and I thought to myself, “Well this is going to make for some really memorable pictures.” See…

Mom forgot to buy an Easter basket, so Harrison collected eggs in Dad’s baseball cap. And we literally looked like this alllll day. But this year, I’m ready. I’ve got the treats, I’ve got the baskets, and even better, we’re going to be able to see my parents for an Easter egg hunt because #covidvaccine!

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It’s been well over a year since we all first heard of COVID-19. It’s been a bit over a year of quarantining/self-isolating/social-distancing. And late last week, Nathan and I were lucky enough to get our first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. I finally went to bed for the first time in over a year breathing a little easier. Knowing that we were on the path to not having to live in fear and anxiety of this virus.

This past year was truly unbelievable. If I hadn’t lived it, it would be hard to believe. As this chapter feels like it’s coming to an end, I wanted to chronicle here formally what this past year held for us as we navigated really hard decisions for our family, missed holidays and birthdays, bringing a new little boy into this world, and doing every day life so much different than we had ever done it before.

March 12, 2020: My work team packed up all of our work items, and left our client’s site for the last time. It would be the last time that we would be back on site with our client. This is the first weekend that we “social distance” as a family, but we still send Harrison to daycare the next week as we come to the realization that it may be better to have him home with us later that week.

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Friday Favorites {03.19.21}

It sure seems like lately I keep thinking back to what life was like a year ago. How much anxiety and fear I had of the virus, making hard decisions to take Harrison out of daycare, not knowing how long it all would last. I remember wondering when the “new” normal would feel normal. It’s always amazing to me how eventually you look back at it, and realize you no longer obsess over it every day, and it has become a part of the normal. I’ve got a few random things that have made me smile this week for you all…

I love the way that Harrison is challenged when he moved up into a new class. The other day, they sent me a picture that the kids were learning the importance of cleaning up messes they helped make. Sign me up. Harrison has always loved helping clean up, but I love the lessons they are teaching him at school.

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Let’s Look At…The Perfect Night In

Once a month I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at this year:

Today we’re talking about the perfect night in. And haven’t we all had plenty of nights in this past year? Hahaha.

I love a good night in. I am a HOMEBODY to my very core. I prefer staying at home with my favorite people in the world than any night out. It feeds my soul to get in my comfies, curl up on the couch, and snuggle my boys. Point being, it’s my happiest place in the world.

I thought I’d share my favorite way to spend a night in in three different ways…

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Friday Favorites {03.12.21}

I just realized that Harrison’s birthday is a month away tomorrow. How?? And also, every other year, I have a party theme picked out, invitations picked out and ready to be sent, and probably all of the decorations for the party purchased, too. Last year, COVID came in with one big wallup and there was no birthday party for the invitations I had sent. That two week quarantine to slow the spread turned into a year. Do you ever think about what if you knew then what you know now? Wow.

We’re still not planning a big party for Harrison. I’m hoping we can do a belated third birthday party in the summer when everybody is vaccinated, so he can run and play with his whole family.

In case you were on the fence like I was about spending thirty bucks for a little tub of CREAM, let me save you some time. The reviews are true. The raving about this product is all true. Harrison has struggled for forever with eczema, and while we generally can keep it under control with daily preventative maintenance, when Jonathan started having trouble with baby acne and severe dryness on his cheeks, I finally bit the bullet and bought the thirty dollar tub of cream. After two days, and Jonathan’s skin was crystal clear and hydrated, I wished I hadn’t waited TWO YEARS to buy it. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so cheap…

If you’re also one of those people who can’t stand to pay for shipping, and must reach the minimum order size to not pay for shipping, I also bought their hair shampoo and Dream Cream. Both without fragrance because of Harrison’s super sensitive skin. Here’s a 10% off code if you’ve been on the fence trying it!

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Lanes Lately // March 2021

I said on Friday that I’d ghosted this little corner of the internet lately. That means that there hasn’t been many life updates, so it seemed right to do a little Lanes Lately to catch you all up on the daily happenings around here…

MAKING: The grill is out, people! And burgers and hot dogs are being grilled! Grilling and smoking season is my faaaaav. I love heartiness of winter food, but food from the grill or smoker just tastes better in my opinion.

I’ve also got chorizo chili planned for later this week when the weather turns dreary and rainy. Our favorite for dreary, cold days!

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Friday Favorites {03.05.21}

I’ve ghosted more than I like over the past few weeks, and I’m sorry. I have the best intentions of getting up early to write or writing on the weekends, and then I end up choosing a work-out or sleep, or work before writing. My client for work is soooo close to the finish line, though. One more week to go, and I’m committed, as in I’ve actually written or started writing, all of my posts for next week. So, it’s going to happen.

While the week was busy with endless hours of work, I’m looking forward to the weekend. We’ll be spending a lot of time outside, getting the grill out for the first time this season, and spending the morning at the zoo with the cousins on Saturday.

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Friday Favorites {02.26.21}

This has been a week. Work has been crazy busy. Jonathan had three different doctor appointments this week, which meant even less time to get work done during the day, and I’m feeling so exhausted emotionally and physically from the past few months. I have my eyes set on a couple of weeks from now when my super busy work will be done, though. And spring starting to peak around the corner has me itching for a reprieve from the long hours, and for more time to spend outside with the boys.

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What’s Up Wednesday {01.27.21}

Before I get into What’s Up Wednesday, I just wanted to thank you all for the support and love for me and little baby J yesterday, when I blogged about his plagiocephaly and baby helmet. Both here and on Instagram, there were just so many kind words. I’m so very thankful. It took me some time to process everything that was happening with Jonathan for myself, and then be ready to talk openly about it. I know, though, how much I appreciate others vulnerability in the less than perfect moments of life because of how much I learn from them. So, anyways, I just wanted to say, “Thanks!”

Ok – I love going back and reading these posts. A little window into what’s happening in our life at the Lanes lately. But somehow, my last What’s Up Wednesday was in October. I don’t know how, or what happened in life…but it’s high time to share a little Lane life.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve got so many good leftovers in our fridge that we’re going to be eating leftovers pretty much all week. And a good thing too because this week is super busy for me at work.

  • Sunday: Leftovers
  • Monday: Leftovers
  • Tuesday: Leftovers…or maybe Beef with Broccoli
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: Pulled pork tacos from my parents!
  • Friday: Carry out dinner


A lot lately, I’ve curled up in Harrison’s bed putting him down for the night and told him stories about things he used to do when he was little.

Like how he would come into our bed Saturday morning, and jump right into the middle. He’d get himself all comfy cozy under the covers, and we’d watch Sesame Street. Lately, Harrison has loved hearing stories about things he did when he was younger.

Also, TODAY is our niece, Everly’s, fourth birthday! Happy birthday, cousin Evie! This was just last year…

And now she’s got her own sense of style. Have to say her style at four is more impressive than mine at 36.

I wish we could be eating sprinkle cake, running around your basement, and opening presents with you today!

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Friday Favorites {01.22.21}

It’s been a crazy week at the Lane house. Baby J and I have been running from one doctor appointment to the next, all while trying to juggle a busy time at work. I’m thankful for some rest this upcoming weekend, the promise of good take-out to celebrate my birthday with my boys, and Chiefs football on Sunday (hopefully with our main QB!). Happy Friday, friends!

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