Category: Our Life

Giving Thanks for My Grandpa Bush

{{My Grandpa Bush was promoted to glory last Saturday morning. I process feelings by writing, and in particular writing letters. Below is a letter I wrote to my Grandpa this week.}}

Dear Grandpa,

I just polished off a chocolate chip cookie. It made me smile and think of you. You never turned down a sweet, and always so willingly took our Halloween cast-off candy each year.

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Friday Favorites {11.13.20}

I’ve got a soft place in my heart for Friday the 13th. Little Harrison Lane graced us with his presence in this world on a Friday the 13th. It was the one day that I didn’t want him to come, but now they seem kind of special to me. I hope you all had a good week, and are headed into a fun weekend ahead. Only a couple more weeks until Thanksgiving, which seems just impossible!

I have to give credence to this huge historic moment that’s definitely a favorite this week.

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Let’s Look At…Our Holiday Menu

Once a month, I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Sometimes it’s fashion related, sometimes home, sometimes how we do holidays. Here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at so far this year:

Today we’re sharing our holiday menus.

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Friday Favorites {11.06.20}

This week has been fall perfection. The leaves are at the top of their game, and the weather has been pleasant enough to be outside all. the. time. Jonathan and I have spent all the time going on walks, cleaning up gardens, and just sitting outside this week. Next week turns cold here.

All the fall this week! My absolute favorite! When I found out I was pregnant, I was really excited to be on maternity leave during the fall to get to enjoy beautiful leaves and cool walks, and this week DELIVERED. Now to mentally prepare myself for the big dip into cold temperatures this upcoming week.

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What’s Up Wednesday {10.28.20}

My last What’s Up Wednesday was in June! Four whole months ago! I few things have changed since then. Little Jonathan has changed our family forever. I can’t believe he’s going to be three months old on Friday. How do babies grow up so fast?!

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Chicken pot pie
  • Monday: Leftovers
  • Tuesday: Chicken teriyaki stir fry
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: Homemade pizza
  • Friday: Carry out dinner


Halloween’s past! We’re not doing trick-or-treating this year, but I love looking at how much Harrison has grown since his first Halloween.

When Harrison was six months old, he dressed up as Where’s Waldo?

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Friday Favorites {10.23.20}

Happy Friday! I woke up earlier this week realizing that I only have a couple more months of leave left with my sweet little one. And somehow, this leave of absence from work has felt lightning fast compared to my leave with Harrison. I treasure every moment with my boys.

Sometimes a cute new mug can brighten the beginning of any day. Right? Especially when filled with piping hot autumn blend coffee. 😊

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Pumpkin Patchin’ 2020

I feel like it goes without saying at this point that none of our normal traditions seem very normal during a global health pandemic. That didn’t stop us from taking the kids out to the pumpkin patch this past weekend. It was bitterly cold and windy. While the kids didn’t seem to notice the chilly temps, it was a quicker trip than usual to head back to the car and warm up. Anytime that I’m really not feeling up for a kid activity like this, I remind myself that I only get so many years with them little where they want to hang with their parents at the pumpkin patch. So while it wasn’t a picture perfect day, seeing the cousins together again was well worth the cold.

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Friday Favorites {10.16.20}

It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve done a true Friday Favorites post! I usually take most of my Friday Favorites pictures over the weekend, but I put my phone down almost the whole weekend. So while I’m missing some good recent pictures of the kids, it was good for my mental health to not feel like I had to document every thing we did.

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