Category: Our Life

The Lanes Lately – October Edition

I’ve been gone from blog world for almost two months. I thought I’d only be gone for six weeks. Maybe even only four if everything went well! But like everything with life and a new baby, you just can’t really estimate what life will be like juggling two little ones instead of just one.

To make matters more interesting and challenging, because #COVID, Harrison was home with us for about a month leading up to Jonathan’s birth and for two months afterwards. This is his very first week back at daycare. I adore his daycare, and he has truly thrived there, so I was eager to get him back to his routine, his friends, and a place he really loves, but it also weighs on me these types of decisions right now. Whether he’ll be safe from coronavirus, whether we will be ok if he brings it home to us…you just can’t really know. We weighed the risks and benefits of it all, and decided that for Harrison and our family, it was best for him to go back to school. I know so many of you have had that hard decision to make this fall too, and it makes me so happy when I see other moms supporting each other and the hard decisions we make for our families. So keep it up, friends! This is a tough year and season of life, but I have no doubt that good, good things are coming.

MAKING: A whole lot of energy bites. I blogged the recipe HERE. We go through at least a full batch of these weekly right now.

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What’s Up Wednesday {07.29.20}

As I’m writing this over the weekend, we’re still waiting on a little boy to make his appearance. Harrison was exactly two days late….so we’re hoping between the rainy weather change and the fact that Harrison was a few days late, that we’re going to be having a baby sometime this week. I’m writing this listening to THE NEW TAYLOR SWIFT ALBUM. What a happy little surprise that she decided to drop a new album to brighten up quarantine and welcome the newest Lane to the family. 🙂

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Marinated flank steak with chimichurri and roasted red potatoes
  • Monday: Leftovers
  • Tuesday: Jambalaya
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: No idea….
  • Friday: Still no idea… surely there will be a baby by Friday


Hot is the understatement of the century for the weather in Kansas City right now. And I’m missing the pool. Public pools are closed in most of the metro right now, and when it’s this hot out, I miss them and having someplace to take Harrison to cool off a bit.

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The Lanes Currently…

Harrison is napping upstairs, and I’m finishing up my one, now cold, cup of coffee. Planning for the week ahead, assuming we’re still on Baby Watch 2020. I thought we’d do a little “currently for the Lanes…” Here we go…

MAKING: Making up toddler activities. With Harrison back at home, I’m back trying to come up with good toddler activities to keep him busy! Harrison loves all things sensory, so I try to do sensory activities with him as much as I possibly can. But there are some days that I’m just not up for the mess. That goes for baking too. You all that bake with your toddlers are my hero. Whenever we do that I end up stressed and want to eat all the brownies we’ve just baked.

WEARING: Lots of sunscreen! And minimal make-up. I realized the other day that I wear three different products on almost a regular basis during the summer with sunscreen in them.

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Friday Favorites {07.10.20}

It seems like it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged just a random Friday Favorites! We’re one week into our potentially three week quarantine waiting for baby Lane #2. A lot of you have asked me over on Instagram why Harrison is home again. So, I thought I’d chat about that here as well.

We sent Harrison back to daycare at the end of May at the recommendation of primarily Harrison’s pediatrician, and my OB agreed that, while a risk, was a low risk to send him back to daycare. My OB also, though, at the same time recommended that Harrison come back out of daycare three weeks before my due date, and join Nathan and I in “quarantine” waiting for baby’s arrival. I think the three week recommendation is based on the guidance from the CDC, but don’t quote me on that!

So given that, and after talking to Harrison’s pediatrician, who also agreed that would be best to ensure that we are at the lowest risks as we can possibly be going into delivery for COVID, Harrison’s staying home with us again from now until some period after baby’s arrival. Initial suggestions from his pediatrician were to keep him at home for at least 4-6 weeks after baby’s arrival to allow the new baby time to build up their immune system. So here we all are again, one big happy, expectant family!

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Blogaversary Nordstrom Giveaway!

It’s been a year since I started this little internet space, and made the leap to making my Instagram PUBLIC. I love having you internet friends to connect with and share life with, so it seemed that it was high time to share some of the love with my first GIVEAWAY!

I’m giving away a $50 Nordstrom gift card to one person over on my Instagram. All you have to do is:

-1- Follow me on Instagram. My instagram handle is @sunwashedlinen.

-2- Tag a friend in the comments to share the love! You can tag up to ten friends in separate comments for additional entries.

-3- You’ll get an additional two entries for sharing the post on your Stories!

That’s it! Giveaway closes at 11:00 CST on Thursday, July 9th, and I’ll contact the winner on Friday!

Given that I’ve been at this for a year now, I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my favorite pictures and posts.

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What’s Up Wednesday {06.24.20}

The days of June have come and gone so quickly! I knew that things would really feel like they were speeding up as we head into the home stretch before meeting our newest baby boy! July is already baby month! Or at least, we think so. I guess if he decides to be very late, we could end up with an August baby as well. Harrison was two days past his due date, and right or wrong, I’ve got it in my head that I’m going to have the full forty weeks before this little one arrives too.

Tell me – did your babies arrive early, on time, or late?? Were second babies more on time or earlier than first babies??

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: For Father’s Day, we’re going to do take out from a local restaurant!
  • Monday: Leftovers
  • Tuesday: Salmon & sautéed spinach
  • Wednesday: Chicken nuggets and Mac & cheese – Nathan has insisted from the first day that we were dating that Mac and cheese must be served with chicken nuggets. I’m guessing that combo reminds him of his childhood
  • Thursday: Leftovers
  • Friday: Carne asada tacos


Preparing for this newest little Lane boy has me super reminiscent of the early days of bringing Harrison’s light into this world.

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Our Before Baby Summer Bucket List

We’re coming up on the last few weeks as just a family of three. The temperatures are rising, and just about everything that reminds me of summer is closed this year. But rather than dwell on the ‘what could have been,’ I’ve put together a list of fun summer things that I want to do with our little family of three before baby brother arrives at the end of July.

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Let’s Look At…Where I’m Dreaming of Vacationing

Once a month, I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Before we get to this month, here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at so far this year:

Today, we were supposed to share what was inside our carry-on bag. To be able to participate this month, I would have had to have the foresight to document what was in my carry on bag last November when Nathan and I got away for a long weekend in New York to celebrate our anniversary. [Stay + Play NY, Eat + Drink NY] That was the last time I traveled on a plane or packed my carry on bag!

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