Tag: Life Lately

What’s Up Wednesday {07.27.22}

This is always my favorite post of the month. They’re the most fun to go back and read, it’s a little bit of food, a little bit of my Timehop addiction, reading, watching, all wrapped up in one post.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: I’m trying a new Half Baked Harvest recipe for my resident shrimp lover in the house (Mr. Harrison): Garden Herb Shrimp Scampi. We’re going to attempt to brave the heat this week and grill some burgers and hot dogs, and taco stuffed sweet potatoes, which I’ve never done before either! We’re rounding out the week with a couple of fun sweet treats for the boys to help me make: watermelon popsicles and blueberry cobbler, so I can use up some of the blueberries we picked and froze last month!

2: WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT: It snuck up on me, but my littlest boy is turning 2 this weekend! This past year seemed to fly by, and it’s amazing going back and watching videos of our Jonathan at this time last year. I think we always think about so much changing the first year of life, but my goodness! They change so much in year 1 to 2! Walking, talking, becoming so strong-willed and independent. Love my little guy so stinking much, and watching the boy that he is becoming now!

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The Lanes Currently…

Harrison is napping upstairs, and I’m finishing up my one, now cold, cup of coffee. Planning for the week ahead, assuming we’re still on Baby Watch 2020. I thought we’d do a little “currently for the Lanes…” Here we go…

MAKING: Making up toddler activities. With Harrison back at home, I’m back trying to come up with good toddler activities to keep him busy! Harrison loves all things sensory, so I try to do sensory activities with him as much as I possibly can. But there are some days that I’m just not up for the mess. That goes for baking too. You all that bake with your toddlers are my hero. Whenever we do that I end up stressed and want to eat all the brownies we’ve just baked.

WEARING: Lots of sunscreen! And minimal make-up. I realized the other day that I wear three different products on almost a regular basis during the summer with sunscreen in them.

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