Category: Our Life

What’s Up Wednesday {10.26.22}

Another WUW! I hope you all have a good week so far. I can’t believe we’re already heading into the holiday season. Halloween until Christmas always feels like a crazy mad dash that happens in the blink of an eye. And I’m not going to lie….all of those influencers putting up holiday decor already….I already bought a few new pieces for our Christmas. They definitely got me with the “buy it before it sells out like it always does” bit! I do love the couple of things I bought, though. I tend to add a couple of new things each year, and retire the decor I’m just not loving anymore.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We had spaghetti and meatballs on Sunday. It’s a family favorite. I make everything homemade, but make a ton of sauce and a ton of meatballs, so I can freeze a majority of them for easy dinners in the future. 🙂

Then crockpot pot roast and baked potato soup with homemade pretzels rounds out the rest of the week!


Halloween’s from years past. It’s always around this time that I start thinking about holidays in past years.

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A Day in the Life: September 2022

I had planned on doing an update on the fall gardens today. How I changed out my planters and added pumpkins for fall. But I didn’t get around to getting all of my garden clean-up and fall planting done. So, instead we’re doing a day in the life of the Lane fam! A random weekday from start to finish.

And right off the bat….I forgot I was planning on documenting this day. But, got up early to head to my work-out class at Bar Method.

Headed back home, and listening to my daily news update from the New York Times.

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Friday Favorites {09.30.22}

I’m sure like so many of you, have been watching the coverage of Hurricane Ian just feeling so awful for everyone in its path. Just so many prayers for the people who are dealing with it’s aftermath already and those that are bracing for its impact on the east coast.

I’ve rounded up five things that have made me smile this week and brought me joy! Hope you found some joy in this week, as well. Have a good weekend, friends!

These seeds from Floret Flowers arrived this week. Can’t wait to sow them in the garden and watch them bloom in the spring! Hopefully next spring, I’ll have these beautiful flowers in the garden…

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What’s Up Wednesday {09.28.22}

The end of another month means another What’s Up Wednesday!

How often do I say that this may be my favorite post of the whole month?! I love the little peak into people’s lives.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We got back from the Lake of the Ozarks Sunday afternoon. I was thankful that I had done my meal planning the week before we left, so I knew what we needed for groceries for the week! I really try to have meals planned out before we go out of town, so I’m not scrambling when we return. It doesn’t always happen, but I’m always thankful if I do have it already done!

We grilled chicken on Sunday and made a tossed salad and corn on the cob.

Then we’re also planning on chicken taquitos this week, which is a household favorite, and very easy pasta with sausage and my favorite seasonal sauce from Trader Joe’s.


At the end of September, I feel like with October next week it is truly fall here in the Midwest. And it has me thinking about how fast this summer seemed to fly by. The one summer that the boys were 4 and 2. They were busy. They loved digging in the dirt, playing soccer. Mowing every Saturday was the most exciting thing of the weekend.

I watched their little brotherly relationship really grow this summer. Listened to them tickle fight and eagerly wake each other up in the morning. It was a summer with a lot of good memories for our family. I’m so thankful for that!

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Friday Favorites {09.23.22}

This week has been crazy! I’m writing this on Wednesday because we are about to head down to the lake for the weekend with some friends (kids included!). I feel like anytime I take a shortened week off of work, an entire week of work gets crammed into the shortened few days of working. Anybody else feel like that?!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

We are working ever so diligently to check off our Fall Bucket list! The other weekend we met our next door neighbors at the zoo! A far cry from our usual driveway play sessions. The kids had so much fun seeing the animals, especially the tiger, who for the first time in my adult life, was not sleeping when we visited!

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Let’s Look At…Closet Organization

It’s Let’s Look day with Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything! If you’re new here, it’s one day a month that we share a little peak into some aspect of our lives. So far this year, I’ve shared:

Many years ago now, Nathan gifted me a new closet. We used a very reasonably priced Elfa closet system to re-do my closet in our primary bedroom, and I’ve loved it everyday since then.

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Our Summer & Fall Bucket Lists 2022

This summer on an afternoon that we didn’t have much planned, and Jonathan still snoozing for his naptime, I decided that Harrison and I should come up with a summer bucket list. All sorts of things that we wanted to do that summer to make it the best and most memorable one yet! He gave me ideas, and I wrote them down. I hung it up on our door to the garage as a reminder of things we could do on a spare weekend, and we were lucky enough to check each and every item off of our summer list!

I thought it would be fun to share some pictures from checking off those items…

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Friday Favorites {09.09.22}

It always feels so strange to be gone for a week from this space! But so good, because I miss it and you all! I’m still working on my blog posts about the beach, so I’m sharing a bunch of random favorites from this week with you all!

In previous years, I’ve always pulled my annuals around Labor Day because we were headed up to South Dakota, and I was just ready to be done watering. That was all when I did the watering by hand every single day. This year, though, I’m still loving the garden and part of it still look really beautiful. It’s definitely starting to fade as we get to the end of the season, and I’m contemplating ways to swap some plants for more cool loving plants for fall.

This zinnia fade still has me in awe…

I love a coral flower, and this one continues to deliver so much beauty.

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Friday Favorites {08.26.22}

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s a big day and weekend for us! We’re officially setting off on our first flying family vacation with just the four of us. I’ve got so many bags to pack, and lists to check off before we head out the door. But I gathered up a few of my favorites from this week for you!

Please ignore my greasy hair that needed to be washed in all of these pictures….but I just couldn’t wait to share with you the Nani swimsuits I bought to try out for our beach trip! I personally discovered this brand a year ago, and bought one suit from them. It’s my absolute favorite suit. And this is the only picture I have of it…my sister is really going to appreciate being in the background of this picture yawning…

The one above is on major sale right now. Like half the cost of when I bought it. Top is linked here, and bottom here. I wear an XS in both top and bottom.

So I bought a bunch of colors and a few tops, and tried them out.

Saw my sister wearing this top originally, and after seeing it all summer, I had to have it. And these bottoms in color Zuri are both cute and comfortable.

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What’s Up Wednesday (early!) {08.24.22}

This is my favorite post every month. I love sharing and reading about just the everyday things that people are into currently! We’re going to be gone next week on vacation, so I’m sharing my WUW with you early! I just couldn’t miss it.

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: This week we’re doing homemade pizzas, cheesy sausage pasta florentine, and lemon butter chicken piccata!


Reminiscing and enjoying the pictures and videos from Jonathan and Holden’s second birthday party! We all had so much fun celebrating our little COVID babies!

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