Category: Our Life

What’s Up Wednesday {April 2022}

This might be my favorite post of the month. They’re the most fun to go back and read, it’s a little bit of food, a little bit of my Timehop addiction, reading, watching, all wrapped up in one post.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


Aside from leftover pizza galore, I’ve made carne asada tacos this week, and chicken gyros. May round out the week with some stuffed peppers.


Past Harrison birthdays…This was his first birthday. His only truly ”normal” birthday…

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A Day in the Life: Weekend Edition!

Are you as interested in Day in the Life posts as I am? There’s something about getting a peak into someone’s everyday life that satisfies the same piece of me that adores reality TV. (Yes….I know reality TV isn’t actually real. But I love it all the same.) So how about I take you along for a typical spring Saturday with the Lanes?

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Friday Favorites {04.15.22}

Happy Friday, friends! I’m excited for the weekend. We’re celebrating as a family Harrison’s birthday tonight, and the boys are home with me today because their daycare is closed for in-service training. I’m looking forward to an extra day of putting my Mom hat on, doing some fun things with the boys, and getting ready for Easter this weekend!

I have a whole bunch of super random favorites today! A new purse, baby shower details from a few weekends ago, and, of course, things that I saved from Instagram this week that made me smile or laugh. Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate, and have a great weekend!

I picked up a few things during Madewell’s spring sale. One of which was this new crossbody purse. I love the magnetic snap closure on top, and we all know that crossbody is a must with littles so all hands are free to juggle kid stuff!

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Life Catch Up

For many reasons, of which I won’t bore you with, life was hectic and not as planned last week when I work on a majority of my blog writing for the upcoming week. I’m taking this week to catch up and get ready for the week ahead, which includes a very important four year old birthday! (i.e. googling how to make chocolate frosting for a birthday cake.)

I always appreciate your understanding for needing some time away occasionally, and for always popping back in the week after!

What’s Up Wednesday {March 2022}

This might be my favorite post of the month. They’re the most fun to go back and read, it’s a little bit of food, a little bit of my Timehop addiction, reading, watching, all wrapped up in one post.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


We did steaks over the weekend, Tikka Masala, and Chicken Pot Pie!


When we moved into our house. We bought our home several months before our wedding. We had been house searching for close to a year when we finally found our little home. It was such a big overwhelming decision, and I wondered then if we’d love it as much as I thought we would…

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Let’s Look At…The College Years

It’s ”Let’s Look” day, where I share a little peek into a random part of our life. I’m linking up today with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of my life.

Last month, I shared what we ate in a week.

This month, we’re sharing a bit about our high school and college years. I loved this prompt. It took me down a happy rabbit hole of looking at pictures, and thinking about the Lauren of college and how much I’ve changed.

Technically this prompt was let’s look at the high school and college years…but it’s pretty clear looking back at my Amazon Cloud drive that I failed to save very many high school pictures/they’re probably all printed pictures that never got scanned into digital format.

I went to college at a small liberal arts college in Holland, Michigan called Hope College. Undergraduate population of 3,000 students right off of Lake Michigan. It was the most fun four years of my life. I met some of my very closest friends to this day, and I’m forever grateful to the education I received and the genuinely good and kind people I met at Hope.

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Friday Favorites {03.11.22}

I’ve got my fingers crossed that this Saturday is our last super cold day of this season. I’m eager to get back outside with the boys and go on walks, go to the zoo, and all of those other fun activities we’ve missed this winter!

We had such a great week. It started off going back to in-person church for the first time in almost two years. Harrison was so pleased to be dressed up ”handsome,” and several kind ladies at church commented on his cute-ness, which sent him into the ultimate combination of shy-ness and admiration, and it’s ending with a little self-care for myself. I’m going to get a massage to start the weekend off right!

If I decorate for spring, it will surely come to stay. It was time to put away my ’winter’ decor, and refresh with faux stems, colorful accents, and a new spring doormat. I picked up this one from my local garden nursery, but there’s a similar one HERE.

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Lanes Lately {March 2022}

Sharing what one might call a ”photo dump” on the gram…but all in one blog post. Things I didn’t post, forgot to post, and little pieces of life I want to hold on to forever.

Life looks a hectic running around after this little one…

Jonathan is in full blown destructor mode. His favorite toys are objects around the house and our master bathtub’s water. He has his usual go-to kitchen drawers. I find this particularly fascinating, because they are not the same kitchen drawers that Harrison used to like. Harrison was more of a measuring cup drawer fan. Jonathan enjoys dad’s grill tools and loaf and muffin tins drawers.

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Sitting in the In Between

I’ve sat down to write about our process for deciding what to do with our house at least four times. I end up paralyzed by the fact that we haven’t made a decision, and I find myself rightly or wrongly wondering, “what’s the point in sharing when you don’t even have the end result yet?” But the processing of what we want to do is hard. It feels like we’ve analyzed and re-analyzed, and then analyzed some more exploring every possibility, and nothing feels quite right. For two people making a big life decision, we both don’t like it when something doesn’t feel right. That gut feeling of “yes! This is it!” guides so much of our decision making. We’re still just waiting for direction of something feeling truly right.

And yet, we know we need to do something related to our house. So here’s some of the backstory…

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What’s Up Wednesday {02.23.22}

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, which means it’s time for our monthly link up to share a little peak into our lives this past month. A little bit of food, a little bit of nostalgia, fashion, what we’re looking forward to all in one place!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


  • Friday: Nathan and I went out for dinner to celebrate his birthday in combination with the Eric Church concert!
  • Saturday: We did take out and cake with the boys to celebrate our favorite Dad
  • Sunday: Steak dinner at Mimi and Papa’s to celebrate our February birthdays
  • Monday: Spaghetti and meatballs. Yum! It’s a family favorite.
  • Tuesday: Leftovers
  • Wednesday: Zuppa Toscana soup with salad and ciabatta bread
  • Thursday: Leftovers again


Last year at this time, I have so many cute pictures of Baby J in his helmet…

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