Category: Our Life

Friday Favorites {02.18.22}

Who else is dealing with weather that can’t make up its mind? I was walking Sawyer outside on Tuesday, and Thursday woke up to snow. About this time every year, my attitude towards snow shifts. I’m all good with it up until about February 15. But once we’ve had that first taste of spring-like weather, which always happens around mid-February, I just can’t mentally go back to winter mode.

Hope you all are staying warm wherever you are today! Let’s grab a cup of coffee and jump into some Friday Favorites.

This weekend is Nathan’s birthday! He’s the best daddy and most amazing husband. The boys and I just love him so darn much, and can’t wait to celebrate him! Adult birthdays are so much more fun with the joy of the kids around. 😊

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Let’s Look…At What We Eat in a Week

I love joining this little monthly link-up with random prompts to share a small aspect of our lives. I missed January while we were in the depths of surviving having two kids home with COVID. The prompt related to organizing in the new year, and I can assure you if I had written that post, it would have said, ”I’ve organized nothing. I’m just surviving.”

But this month is about what we eat in a week!

Given that we have a toddler and preschooler, what I eat is pretty much whatever is left on my kids’ plates that they refuse to eat. #parentsoflittles

Every morning, the boys wake up and have toast and yogurt. Every day. And this is the bread I swear by. It is GOOD.

There was a point in time during the pandemic where it was impossible to get, and I can attest, this bread is hard to replace.

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Friday Favorites {02.04.22}

I’m sitting in the midst of a playroom that looks like a bomb went off in it. The kids are home for what seems like the millioneth day this past month because of a snowstorm shutting daycare (and the city) down for the day. Another day trying to balance work and taking care of the kids, while Nathan is on calls all day. It feels impossible lately. This phase of life. A period of time where the kids can’t be trusted to just sit and watch movies all day. Where a sickness, snow day, or emergency trip to urgent care (yeah, we had one of those on Monday), hijacks the entire day, and I feel left in a lurch to try to figure out the bare minimum of what needs to be done at work to attend to my number one priority, the kids.

I’m sure it doesn’t get easier after this phase. The hard just morphs into a different kind of hard. But I’ve found myself a lot this month wondering how I can keep up with this. How to make all of the pieces fit together, that are so far from fitting together right now.

Thanks for staying with me, friends. I gathered up a handful of favorites this Friday. Happy weekend!

The Chiefs game result was not a favorite of this past week, but cheering on the Chiefs with the boys this season has been so much fun! While Harrison flips between being a Chiefs fan and a Broncos fan, he’s starting to understand some of the rules of the game. Such a crazy and fun season!

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Bats in the Chimney

At the end of 2021, after having lived in our house for seven years, we finally got our chimney repaired to usable, working condition. We spent hours and hours making a fire and sitting in front of it over winter break. The smell of the wood burning, the coziness of it all. It brought us so much joy over the past few weeks. And we’ll chalk this up to yet another thing in life that we wondered why we waited so long to fix.

How we came to finally repairing our chimney, though, is a comedy of missteps. It all started this past early summer when Nathan and I were sitting down to watch a TV show in our living room after putting the boys to bed.

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What’s Up Wednesday {01.26.22}

These prompts each month give me the most joy to go back and read. It’s a little peek into everything we’re doing in life right now. A monthly re-cap! And I just have so much fun writing them and reading them.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: Sunday football means PIZZA! Other than that, we’re keeping it easy this week with slow-cooker carne asada tacos. (Seriously, they are sooo good!). Going to try a creamy broccoli cheddar soup recipe as well this week!


About a year ago, Jonathan got his helmet to correct a flat spot on the back of his head. The condition is called plagiocephaly, and I remember thinking then, while I felt devastated at the time and really down, that I would look back at those pictures a year from now and realize how fast it seemed, and how quickly they change.

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Thoughts on the Pandemic

Most of you all probably know that last week, I tested positive for COVID. Both of the kids and Nathan tested positive shortly after that. We have no idea who brought it home, although, I have my guess. And so began our quarantine. Yet again. We spent five months of 2020 in quarantine, and I honestly thought that after we were vaccinated in April of 2021, the pandemic would pretty much be over for us.

Ohhhh…what wishful thinking that turned out to be now looking back.

I’m writing this at the start of another week of quarantine. A full 14 days juggling all of the tasks and responsibilities, and, of course, keeping the kids alive and healthy.

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COVID Positive

On Friday, Harrison was sent home from daycare abruptly mid-morning because his teacher had tested positive that morning. And that led me, after having a very mild cold since last Monday to decide maybe I should just check to make sure it’s not COVID. And sure enough,

Positive. So we’re in quarantine this week. Trying to work two full time jobs with little kids at home. So given all of that, I haven’t had time to write much this week. I’m going to take the week off to take care of my family, and hopefully get everyone back to full health. Stay safe, friends!

Friday Favorites {01.07.22}

I always feel like I deserve a pat on the back for making it through the first full week back at work after the holidays. The temperatures finally dropped to winter cold, and I’ve struggled finding the motivation this week. We’re looking forward to the Chiefs v. Broncos game this weekend at our house. Nathan is at least excited that his game will actually be shown here in the Kansas City market. Ha. Hope you all have a great weekend ahead!

I love Christmas decor, but I looooove the blank slate and uncluttering that comes with taking all the decorations down. Anybody else get a thrill over how big their house seems with all the Christmas decor coming down?

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Our Christmas 2021: A Photo Diary

Happy New Year, friends! I hope you all had a joyful and restful holiday season. I always find the time between Christmas and New Year to truly be a time of relaxation with so many people off work, and finally feeling like I can truly unplug from work email and tasks.

We had a really wonderful Christmas. Harrison’s excitement this year for all things Santa and Christmas Day was palpable and contagious. We had so much fun opening gifts from Santa on Christmas morning, enjoying a slow brunch with just our family and opening presents. It was so nice out on Christmas, that we actually got to play outside a bit. Then we had my parents over for Christmas dinner later that evening.

I wanted to share some of the photos from the day all in one place.

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Merry Christmas! From, the Lanes

This is it, friends! My last post of 2021. 117 posts this year!

I’m planning on taking off the rest of the year through the new year to give myself a mental break and be present with my little family! I’ve so appreciated and loved the people I’ve met through this space. Thank you for reading and being a virtual part of our family.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!