Grab Bag Q&A – Pregnancy Edition!

I just wanted to quickly say a sincere ‘thank you’ for all of the well wishes and congratulations on my last post. I always feel a bit uncertain sharing such big life news for some reason. It’s such a vulnerable thing, even when it’s so exciting, and I just appreciate the kindness of you all.

Given that this pregnancy news is very new to the internet world, and we’re already almost halfway through this pregnancy, I wanted to answer for my blog friends certain questions that always seem to come up when I talk with girlfriends about family and having babies. And while I documented my second pregnancy with Jonathan on the blog, I don’t think I’ve ever talked about some basic family and pregnancy questions!

So, I thought it would be fun to have a chat between girlfriends, just like I do in real life about all things babies and pregnancy!

Did you always know you wanted to be a mom? No. I never really focused deeply on a life vision for myself. I didn’t as a little girl dream of a wedding, but assumed that someday I would meet someone I’d want to spend my life with and we’d build our lives together. Similarly, I never really envisioned myself as a mom when I was younger. The overthinker in me thought it sounded too hard and a whole heap of things out of your control. So even when I met Nathan, I wasn’t sure I wanted children, and he very much knew he wanted to be a dad.

My college roommate often marvels and jokes with me about how different I am than the person she knew so well in college. A girl who didn’t want any kids at all, felt so awkward being around little ones, and thought for sure that motherhood wasn’t for me.

That thought process changed over time. I can’t really point to one moment or set of circumstances that changed, but my heart eventually came around to the idea of wanting something more than just Nathan and myself.

What was the most surprising thing about pregnancy? I research everything. So truthfully, I wasn’t terribly surprised by much of the physical part of pregnancy. What did surprise me was the mental toll it takes on me. I don’t feel like myself and I struggle to find motivation to do things I generally enjoy when not pregnant. I definitely don’t feel my best self the entire time, and I don’t enjoy the process.

That being said, I’m really trying to enjoy this “last” one, and appreciate what my body does for me.

What does almost 38 year old to be mom wish you had known as a 33 year old new mom? Almost nothing works out the way you think it should. The birth, feeding, going home, new splitting of responsibilities with your partner. And it will all be ok. This too shall pass.

From a very practical standpoint, I had no idea that there were things you needed for breastfeeding and pumping aside from like…a pump. You guys, I was clueless. My sister came in clutch bringing me over a breastfeeding kit about a month before I had Harrison.

Biggest regret of pregnancy and post-partum? Aside from letting my post-partum depression after Harrison go undiagnosed and just suffering through it, which is honestly a HUGE, MASSIVE regret, I regret not doing newborn photos. So we are not making that mistake this time! I thought they were too much money and an unnecessary luxury after Harrison, Jonathan was born in the stinking middle of the COVID pandemic and I didn’t want any person that I wasn’t 100% sure didn’t have COVID around him, so here we are. I want newborn photos.

Are you staying in your house or planning on moving? We haven’t figured out where everyone is going to sleep yet, but we’re planning on staying where we are for now. We love our neighbors who have young kids and our location! I can’t decide whether I want the boys to share a room or if we take our upstairs playroom and turn it back into a bedroom so that all three kids can have their own rooms. What do you all think?

Have you thought about names? We’ve always had a girl name that we like, and still do. But we struggle with boy names. So if this is another boy, lord help us come up with the perfect name.

Are you finding out the gender? Yes. We’re going to find out the gender. We did early genetic testing, so we technically have the gender card from that.

Are you hoping it’s a girl? Woof. That’s a loaded question. Yes and no. I’d love a girl, but at this point, I’m also very happy being a boy mom. If I ended up with three boys, I’m sure there would be an initial sadness to not have a girl and the chance for a mother/daughter relationship, cute girl clothes, and maybe the chance to go pick out wedding dresses with her someday. But I know, similar to what happened after having Harrison, that a point would come that I couldn’t imagine life any other way.

There are so many mothers of three boys that I really admire, including having grown up next to a family of three boys who felt like brothers. I think there is something really special about being a mom of all boys. Our neighbor from growing up was truthfully one of the most impactful women in my childhood, just like a second mom and her love of her boys shaped how I saw how truly wonderful the mother/son relationship could be.

She passed away the year I had Harrison, and I’ll always remember one of her son’s eulogies at her funeral. He said, “Mom loved many things, but she loved being a mom the most of all. She loved being our mom.” More than anything else, I hope my kids can say that about me one day.

Are you sure this is it? Yes. I’m sure. I’m very confident that our family will feel complete after adding this little one. And that my body and mind can’t handle another pregnancy.

We’re Pregnant!

We’re adding baby #3 to the Lane crew this spring! This little one’s due date will be right around mid-April, which is also the same time as Harrison’s birthday. I’m well into my second trimester now, and our 20 week sonogram is just a few weeks away after the Thanksgiving holiday.

It’s taken us so much longer this time around to be able to tell friends and family. Life already feels so busy with just two little ones, and we wanted to be able to tell as many people as we could in person.

I wrote the below post when we first found out we were pregnant, and I thought this was would be the perfect opportunity to share it……

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Let’s Look At…Where We Shop for Our Moms

It’s Let’s Look day with Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything! If you’re new here, it’s one day a month that we share a little peak into some aspect of our lives. So far this year, I’ve shared:

Today we’re talking about where we shop for our Mom. This is my mom, Cheryl.

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Our Christmas Holiday Traditions

Before we get to today’s post, let me just encourage you US friends to get yourself to the polls today. It is Election Day and damn it, you deserve to make your voice heard. Your vote is important. So please please please, do your research before you go, show up with your post it note of who you’re going to vote for, and get your vote in. I spent an hour last week researching the candidates on my ballot and filling out my advanced ballot. I honestly enjoy this process so much understanding what candidates stand for and picking a person that I think is the best for the job they are running for. So go do your thing! Your voice matters. You matter!

Now onto some fun content…

This upcoming time of year always seems so full of traditions for many people! It’s such a great way to look forward to the season and its festivities. I’m sharing some of the traditions we’re planning on partaking in this holiday season, and I’d love to hear what your favorite holiday tradition is for the season in the comments!

The past couple of years, George, the Elf on a Shelf visits us starting on December 1. Last year, I got smart and purchased from a local mom-owned company an Elf kit for George to help me with fun activities for him to participate in over the season. Harrison loves finding George each morning, and I’m hoping this year, Jonathan may start to join in.

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Halloween 2022

I love Halloween with little kids. When Nathan and I first moved into our neighborhood, we were the youngest people in the neighborhood by at least ten, but probably close to 15 years. Our very first Halloween, I was so excited to have trick-or-treaters in a real neighborhood! And we had about 5 total trick-or-treaters. But slowly, our neighborhood has turned over in the past five years. Younger families have moved in that have kids around our age or are in elementary school, and it’s so fun seeing the neighborhood alive with kids on Halloween night running from house to house!

We started our Halloween at the boys’ daycare trunk-or-treat. They were so excited to wear their costumes for the first time and see their friends from school!

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How to *Almost* Squirrel-Proof Your Pumpkins

I thought this was the year. The year that I finally figured it out. You’ve probably been hearing me complain for years about our squirrels eating my pumpkins, digging up my plants, eating my flowers. The squirrels in Prairie Village, Kansas are vicious. They take no prisoners.

And this year…I thought I figured it out. Figured out how to squirrel proof my pumpkins from becoming soon-to-be hibernating squirrels food.

Every year, I put out my sweet little pumpkins, and everything looks cute and fall-ish for a week at best. And then, they find the pumpkins. And they chew through them like they aren’t being fed off-cast seeds from my bird feeder every dang day (which they are. They are very well fed squirrels.).

I had a small success. Maybe with my outrageous squirrels you’d call is more than just small success…but this year, my pumpkins were out for well over a month before they met their fate.

Here’s what I did….

  • Clear semi-gloss spray paint
  • Red pepper

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Potty Training

We’re almost three weeks into Jonathan’s potty training. And that seems high time to talk about all things potty training and the transition to daycare.

It’s certainly an interesting time when your life seems to be going so well and you’re in a good little rhythm of no longer having to worry much about blow-outs, you head out the door with a diaper and some wipes and don’t think much of it, to now revolving yourself on having a potty on hand or being very near a potty!

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Happy Halloween, Friends!

I don’t know what happened with my post on Wednesday – when I logged on mid-morning, I had a notice that it hadn’t posted successfully! If you missed that post because you tend to read super early in the morning, make sure you go back and read it!

I’m taking the blogging day off to prep for Halloween, do the Halloween things with the kids, and enjoy the holiday! I hope you have a great weekend wherever the spooks take you. 🙂

What’s Up Wednesday {10.26.22}

Another WUW! I hope you all have a good week so far. I can’t believe we’re already heading into the holiday season. Halloween until Christmas always feels like a crazy mad dash that happens in the blink of an eye. And I’m not going to lie….all of those influencers putting up holiday decor already….I already bought a few new pieces for our Christmas. They definitely got me with the “buy it before it sells out like it always does” bit! I do love the couple of things I bought, though. I tend to add a couple of new things each year, and retire the decor I’m just not loving anymore.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We had spaghetti and meatballs on Sunday. It’s a family favorite. I make everything homemade, but make a ton of sauce and a ton of meatballs, so I can freeze a majority of them for easy dinners in the future. 🙂

Then crockpot pot roast and baked potato soup with homemade pretzels rounds out the rest of the week!


Halloween’s from years past. It’s always around this time that I start thinking about holidays in past years.

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October 2022 Book Review

If you are going to read any book review of mine of the entire year, this is the one. This is it. I read two books this month, and was BLOWN AWAY by both. One was the most beautiful and moving book I’ve read certainly this year, if not ever. I would be shocked it it doesn’t end up in my top spot as most loved book for the year. The other just knocked me on my booty with SO MANY things to think about and unpack about myself.

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