Good golly. Today you are three years old. And I can just hardly believe that three years has already come and gone with you, sweet Baby J. You have brought us such JOY since that hot and humid July 30th.
It is impossible not to smile while you’re around. You are constantly saying something to make us laugh, making a funny face, or doing a silly dance. That is, when you’re not getting down to the very serious business of mowing, weed wacking, and leaf blowing the lawn.
You are so easy to love. Every single person who is around you any amount of time tells me that. Teachers, family, friends. You are something so special and unique in the way you make people light up inside.
You are such a precious soul, my Baby J. It’s such a sweet, quiet little soul. And while the outside world sees all of the quirkiness and laughter you bring, your daddy and I see your quietness and thoughtfulness. The way you let others take the spotlight and shine in the things they love. How you encourage and cheer as loud as your little voice will let you for others.
You are something special. I wish I could keep you this age forever. I want to remember all of the lightheartedness. The way you feel even now as I carry you up the stairs to bed, sucking on your lovey. You touched my heart and healed me the day you were born. Giving me another chance to live into the newborn stage of life again with fresh eyes. And you still heal me even today. Reminding me of happiness and joy in the world.
Thank you for your light in this world. You are magic, little one. Happiest birthday, my sweet Baby J. We love you so much.
Love always,