Happy June! I hope you all had a good long weekend!
Gardening is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. I spend so much time poking around the gardens outside, seeing what’s growing, admiring how things grow together and interplay. Every summer, I try to give you a little peak at how my gardens are growing this year. So here’s my first installment of the Lane family garden 2022. There’s still work to do, but you don’t fully appreciate the work and growth without the ’before’ pictures.
The west side garden. This bed gets full sun. I love zinnias as fillers of this garden in between the peonies and other annuals. I’ve added a few more perennials this year. The lime green stonecrop in the front of the beds is an annual, and I planted white supertunias in between each one this year. The clematis on the trellis is in its second or third year, and looks super full and gorgeous.