Friday Favorites {03.17.23}

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, friends! Have you ever tried explaining what St. Patrick’s Day is to a four year old? It’s really quite difficult and confusing. You have to wear green, or people can pinch you. Well, you shouldn’t pinch your friends. But that’s what you’re supposed to do. Even though you should keep your hands to yourself.

Either way, we’re going to celebrate with some green waffles and marshmallows, wear our green, and call it a day.

Let’s do some Friday Favorites!

The nursery has been getting painted this week!! I truly feel like this is the latest I’ve ever pushed getting “settled” before a baby comes. I’m hoping that once I have a place to decorate and put all of this little one’s things, that I’ll get myself in gear to finish getting out the rest of the baby things…like the bouncer…swing…swaddles…bottles…pacifiers.

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Let’s Look…At Our Best Amazon Purchases

Hey! It’s “Let’s Look” day! If you’re new here, once a month, two of my favorite blogs host a link-up to share about some small routine aspect of our lives. I always love a good look into someone else’s life, don’t you? Even the mundane, I find fascinating how other people live.

So far this year, I’ve shared:

And today, we’re sharing our best, most favorite Amazon purchases of all time. With such a looooong and robust relationship with Amazon Prime, the task of finding the BEST purchases of all time is BIG.

Ask a former auditor to rank things based on ALL TIME greatness, and you’ll find yourself a very overwhelmed former auditor who will likely make a spreadsheet with tabs by category to evaluate said items. It’s who I am. If anyone needs to check my paper trail behind this list, you can be assured that I will have it.

Favorites for the Kids:

The Hatch alarm clock has been a game changer for both of my kids. I have one child that I used to dread waking up because it was like waking a troll that had been hibernating for the last 50 years and was not ready to get up yet. And one child who thinks that 5:30-6:00 am is the time the day starts. The Hatch now wakes my troll child every morning, and informs my early riser that ‘it ain’t time to start the day’ yet until the light goes off. I love that I can control the Hatch through my phone, and it wakes them with a beautiful simulated sunrise and flute or chimes. You know, whichever you prefer. It also replaced their white noise machines, so pulling double duty!

These cute little boy dress shoes made for a wide foot were perfect for our littlest this winter.

For the Home:

This pillow is worth every last penny. I can’t believe I spent 35 years of my life sleeping on the cheapest Target pillow I could find. That is all.

This cookbook is maybe my most favorite cookbook ever. SO many good recipes! I loved it so much, I gifted a copy of it as my “favorite thing” of the year at our Christmas book club!

For You:

Upgrading my hair dryer was a big moment. Love this new one. Love how quickly it dries my hair, and all of the attachments that it comes with. And it was a fraction of the price of a Dyson hair dryer.

It’s not often that I sing the praises of Amazon fashion. I feel like more often than not, the clothes can feel cheap and poorly made. But I wore this dress on repeat all of last summer. It was super good, durable quality, AND it was so comfortable and cute. Looked put together while being soooo simple. It comes in like….50 different colors too.

This travel toiletry bag is the best one I’ve ever purchased. The quality is so good. That is, the zippers aren’t jankity and hard to close. The space is just the right amount for me, and I love that it hangs up on the back of a hotel bathroom door. I’ve had it three years now, and it’s still very much a favorite.

Those are, I think, my all time favorite Amazon purchases. It was a tough list to come up with, but it seems like a good round-up to me. 🙂

Our Spring Home 2023

Spring is my very favorite season of all. When nature comes back to life, plants start to bloom and begin to burst with color. You get those absolutely perfect patio cocktail weather days that just feel like a fresh breath to your soul.

I love the smells of the grill going in the evenings, the kids playing outside and the windows open. It’s just my ultimate happy season.

As soon as March 1st rolls around every year, even though it’s still usually very cold, I’m ready to pack up my winter decor. Bring on the colors, pastels, and cheeriness.

I’m sharing a little peek at our spring home switched up for spring and summer.

Sawyer modeling/napping/hoping that the reason I’m in the living room is to give her a belly rub.

I truly love switching out my shelves for the season.

Always have to have seasonal color with throw pillows, IMO.

The blue striped ones are new this year from Target. And they have a removable cover – all the better to throw them in the wash when my kids invariably wipe their dirty hands on them.

Don’t sleep on the dried flowers at Trader Joe’s! I picked up some dried lavender to put in the vase by my bed, and some pussy willow stems for my outdoor spring containers.

And our kitchen table this spring…

And now I’m going to go daydream about my first cold glass of rose on the patio this spring, post-baby. 😊. Happy spring, friends!

Friday Favorites {03.10.23}

We got a little taste of beautiful spring weather last weekend. And now, this weekend is going to be cold and grey. Isn’t that always the case, though? Spring seems to show up for just a moment. Enough to quench your soul and make you feel alive again. And then it disappears for another month…or two. But it had me daydreaming about spring walks with the new baby, and garden centers filled with flowers.

It was just enough to brighten our home and my soul.

We’ve had a super busy week at the house this week. We had an egress window installed in the basement, so that one day we can finish off the basement and count the square footage as finished space. AND I prepped our (used to be) playroom for our painter to come start work on painting the new nursery!

Last weekend, a few of my friends threw me the cutest little baby sprinkle. My motto post-COVID is that all things should be celebrated, so even though I had a baby shower and no one knows the gender of this little one, I loved getting to see all of my girlfriends in one place!

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A Pregnancy Update: The Final Push

I just wrapped up my Week 34 OB visit. By this point in pregnancy, it feels like I spend more time at the doctor’s office than I do working some weeks. And given that we’re only about six-ish, or less, weeks out and I’ve done virtually no documenting of this pregnancy, I thought we’d do a little update.

Baby is growing so well! Given the area of the baby that our high-risk pregnancy doctors are watching closely, we’ve had growth ultrasounds every four weeks. The baby is measuring each scan around the 60th percentile and a few days days ahead of my due date. While the area they are monitoring hasn’t changed to “totally normal and no need to monitor further,” we’ve done all that we can at this point to understand what the remaining risks are for the baby and what it could potentially look for the baby after delivery. We’ve been able to eliminate completely some of the potential issues through additional testing. But now we wait and see…

Nathan and I are, for the most part, at peace with that. Although it was a road for me to get to a place where I could let it go and just trust God and our doctors.

I’ve had people ask what we are having this time. Annnnd. While we know what we are having, we aren’t sharing this time around. We had to do something different for this very last baby!

As far as readying ourselves to welcome this third little one, I have to admit that I feel very behind. We have moved the boys’ playroom from the remainder upstairs unused bedroom down to the basement. And we’ll use the former playroom as this little one’s nursery. And aside from that, I’ve done nothing to the room. I’m anxiously awaiting the painter to come and paint for me so I can start final prep of the room!

Then there’s the old question of how do I feel. I feel like I’m ready to be done with pregnancy. While I can caveat this with disclaimers that I’m absolutely so thankful that my body allows me to be pregnant, and that we have been really blessed to not struggle with conceiving, etc. I am ready to move to the next phase of life of raising our kids. My body certainly feels every bit of this third pregnancy. The aches and pains, the insomnia, the heartburn, the general discomfort from having feet kicking my ribs, the baby hiccups that always seem to happen when I lay down to go to sleep at night. I am very ready to have my body back to myself for forever.

And now we wait, and hope that the scans of this little one continue to be good. And hopefully get a nursery pulled together before it arrives! I feel all of the excitement and nervousness that comes as the end nears.

Garden Drip Irrigation: How To & Favorite Products UPDATED

A couple of years ago, I wrote a post about running drip irrigation in my flower beds. I started off small with a very manageable one garden bed having drip irrigation, but over the past few years, I’ve expanded to run drip to nearly all of my beds AND my containers.

Not to be dramatic, but in the life of gardening, drip irrigation has been a GAME CHANGER.

I wake up every morning, and there’s a little pool of water coming out of each of my containers before I’ve even poured my morning coffee. I spend all of my time gardening outside cutting back, de-heading, and enjoying rather than watering every. single. day. It makes going on vacations a breeze, because I don’t wonder if my plants will die while I’m gone. It’s been AMAZING.

Given that it’s been a few years, I’ve honed my favorite products and technique, and it’s time for an updated post.

For flower beds, I ran 1/2″ drip irrigation to them.  I originally started out with the DIG brand, which is sold at Home Depot, but I think it’s kind of tough to work with and manipulate into the connectors.  If I could start all over again, I’d use the Rain Bird brand sold at Home Depot or Ace.  The issue is that you kind of need to stick with one brand for the lines and connectors, because even though there are many brands that are 1/2″ lines/connectors, they don’t necessarily fit snuggly together, and thus, leak at the connection spot.

To run drip lines to a flower bed, you’ll want, depending on the comapct-ness of your plants, supply tubing, emitter tubing, a bunch of different options of connectors (t-shape, l-shape, straight), and an end plug to clamp off the end of your line. 

You’ll also likely need a hole punch, if you are going to add some targeted emitters to your supply line, as well as emitters that stick in the hole and deliver the water to your plant. 

You’ll also want either 1/2″ irrigation stakes or I opted for the basic metal garden staples to hold down the line into the ground.

I ran 1/2″ supply line tubing (that’s tubing that is just a solid tube with no holes/emitters) to the areas of my beds that had larger established plants.  Where I had my established plants, I added emitters using a hole punch and adding specific 1 GPH emitters to water those specific plants.  Then the parts of the bed that didn’t have established plants and I put in annuals every year, I used an emitter supply line that already has emitter holes punched in it.  I personally chose the one that had emitters every 12 inches – but they come in every 18 inches as well.  That way I wasn’t worrying about getting water to one specific plant per emitter, but it instead just kind of saturates the whole area for me.

I’ve used two types of timers as well at my spigot – the Rainpoint timer and the Orbit timer- both have performed fine, but I think I prefer the Orbit brand.  It has slightly more functionality than Rainpoint.  You kind of have to decide how many zones you want hooked up at the same time to automatically water to determine how many outputs on your timer you need.  For instance, in our backyard, I have two drip zones that water at different intervals, and I wanted to have a regular hose hooked up all of the time that I could use normally, so I opted for a three output timer in our backyard.

Lastly, I did add drip irrigation to all of my container pots last year, and loved it.  I have a ton of containers on our patio in the summer and they require daily watering.  I loved this kit – it had everything I needed to run it, and I just bought extra tubing and emitters when I ran out, but it was a great starter kit for containers.

Drip irrigation can seem overwhelming at the beginning, but it’s fairly intuitive once you get started. If you’re starting for the first time, I’d recommend starting with just one smaller bed, and then increasing the area you cover farther down the road, like the next gardening season. There’s always something to be learned the first (and second, and third) time around you do something that’s unique to your own circumstances, so splitting it up in chunks makes it much more manageable!

What’s Up Wednesday {02.22.23}

My favorite post of the month! Truthfully, the last Wednesday of the month came fast this month. If felt like I was just writing January’s version of this post!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: This week we’re going to have potato soup and homemade soft pretzels chicken fajitas.


Being so close to welcoming this new baby has me reminiscing about this sweet little COVID baby. Baby J had the loudest cry ever from the moment he was born. But was the absolute best snuggler. I’ve said it before that this birth and post-partum was not what I had ever envisioned, but this little guy healed my heart during a time that the world just felt so lonely and broken. Forever grateful for him.

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Dear Jonathan, (v. XV)

{{A note to the reader: I’ve written my little boys letters throughout their whole lives. I share some of them here on this blog. Some are kept just for them in their memory boxes. Letters are my way of memorializing their childhood and their mama’s love for them.}}

We’re less than two months away from you not being my little baby anymore. While you waffle between wanting to be called Baby J or Big J, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be stuck calling you Baby J for forever. Maybe until I get used to just calling you Jonathan.

I’m worried about how you’ll do in this transition to big brother from littlest brother. You have always been my little shadow. Always preferring to be held by Mama, hugged and cuddled by Mama. You’ve grown up so much over the past couple of months, though. Seeking more independence, you’ve insisted that “No, I DO it.” But I still worry. Worry that you won’t get the attention you need to know you’re still so loved. Worried that you may be jealous of your new little sibling.

Let’s make a plan, little boy. That when you’re feeling lonely or need Mama time, you come hold my hand. And I’ll know that you need me for time alone with just you.

We’ll sneak away for even ten minutes of playing together in the bounce house trying to chase you around. Or plan a date night for burgers and ice cream. Or just cuddle in your bed before falling asleep at nap.

Change can be hard. But good comes out of change. It stretches us and teaches us what we’re capable of in the present. And I just know that you’re going to be great big brother.

You are so special. You are a piece of my heart. Always will be. I love you treats, little one.

Love always,


Friday Favorites {02.17.23}

Between being SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS, Valentine’s day this week, and celebrating Nathan’s birthday this weekend, it feels like it’s been such a busy and fun week getting to celebrate so many things! The downside of working for a team scattered all over the US, though, is that no one else seemed to care that Kansas City was shut down on Wednesday for a championship parade. 🙂

I’m so excited to celebrate Nathan this weekend! The boys are pumped for cake and happy birthdays, and I’m looking forward to a fun birthday date night on Sunday.

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