What’s Up Wednesday {08.30.23}

This WUW post feels like no time at all has passed since my July one. Another month gone in the blink of an eye. We are in full fall activities mode here. All of the things have started, the boys are loving their new classrooms, and I’m sharing a bit of what we’ve been up to this month!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We had a Lane family favorite, Chicken Taquitos, on Sunday. Monday we had buffalo chicken wraps, and last night was Crockpot Italian Beef sandwiches. We’ll do leftovers the rest of the week!


I’m a couple of weeks out from going back to work. And I can just hardly believe that five months has already gone since our little Aidan’s birth.

The first three months felt so hard. Aidan was our worst nighttime sleeper, and the days were just a blur of survival. But once we turned the corner, it’s flown by.

Summer always feels to zoom past. One minute you’re looking at all of the time ahead of you and the fun things that are planned for the summer, and a nanosecond later, everyone is back to school, routine, and in our case, getting ready to start our new normal.

I’m going to miss loving on this sweet boy all day.

3. WHAT I’M LOVING: I’ve gotten back into meditation on a regular basis. And it’s really making such a difference in my ability to deal with the ups and downs of parenting. Accepting emotions. Giving myself a minute to regroup.

Loving this app so much. Love the new meditations each day, but also the curated playlists of calming music. It’s been such a huge lift in my mental health lately.

We also became E-BIKE owners! And I’ve been loving getting to go on rides with the boys!


Since my last WUW post, we have a newly minted three year old in the house!

We celebrated with a Young, Wild, and THREE bounce house birthday!

We had ALL OF THE CHANGES. The end of our journey at our old daycare, and moving Jonathan to a new daycare. Harrison starting Kindergarten!

A Royals game with the boys, where Harrison got a foul ball! And Jonathan and Aidan’s first Royals game!

Jonathan officially graduated to a full bed frame off of the ground. And he is VERY pleased with himself.

And I have been trying to soak in every last single minute I get with my littlest Lane before I go back to work.

5. WHAT I’M DREADING: Going back to work. Missing my little guy and our one-on-one time.


Kitchen research! We are just wrapping up out kitchen design. I hauled my sheet pan over to Lowe’s the other day to see if the counter-depth fridge we were contemplating fit my sheet pan. 🙂

What are we doing here, Mom?

7. WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT: I’m excited about the impending holidays of the fall.

And if we didn’t have enough changes going on, we have a basement renovation starting next month. Ahhhhhh! I am really looking forward to a more finished basement for this winter when we are all stuck inside, though. But for the next three months, at least, the basement will be a construction zone.


I’m all in on the new Real Housewives of New York cast. Love love love it this season!

And I shared my (mostly) monthly book review the other week! I’m just finishing up listening to Siblings without Rivalry for a second time.

9. WHAT I’M LISTENING TO: See above. 🙂


A. lot. of. t-shirts. and. shorts.

These jean shorts from Target are by far my favorite non-athletic shorts. I own them in three different colors, and they’re only $22. Stretchy, cute. They are my jam.

And once a summer, I straighten my hair to remind myself why I don’t straighten my hair in our humidity.

And occasionally get dressed up for a rare girls’ brunch. I wore this top for our family pictures this summer!

11. WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND: It’s Labor Day weekend! I’m WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING!!!!!! With Nathan’s sister, Ashton! I Can. Not. Wait.

So excited for this beautiful bride!!

And we have plans to go apple picking with the cousins this weekend!


Some months I buy all the fun Amazon things. And other months, I’m excited about my new soap dispensers.

13. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH: My parents coming back to KC.

I love how much they enjoy their time in the Black Hills…but the world just doesn’t seem right…

…until they’re back in KC.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

7 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday {08.30.23}

  1. I LOVE the Calm app. I have used it for over 4 years now. A couple of years ago they offered a lifetime subscription. I hope they are in business a loooooong time! My sleep therapist also endorsed it.

    1. A lifetime subscription?! I’ve been loving it so much. Do you do new meditations each day? Or do you come back to ones that you like over and over again?

  2. The Royals game pic is too precious. Im loving the new season of NY housewives too. Basement Reno – so fun! …but I’m sure very hectic. Enjoy your last bit of maternity leave 🙂

    1. I was really doubtful about a full re-cast of RHONY, but consider me a believer now. Love the new young energy!

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