Category: Our Life

Let’s Look At…Meal Planning!

I’m back! It was so good to step away for a little bit and get out of KC for a little bit and see my family. I’ll recap South Dakota later on this week, but today is the monthly link-up where we share a little look in to a random part of our lives.

First, let’s look back at everything we’ve shared this year.

Today, we’re sharing how we meal plan!

Every Thursday, I take thirty minutes of my day to plan out our meal plan for the next week. I take a look at our calendars, what activities we have going on during the week and any weekend plans, and figure out the number of meals I need to plan to cook at home.

I use this meal planning pad that has a magnet on the back to plan out our meals. Usually, I end up cooking three nights a week, we do take-out on Fridays generally, and then we have leftovers the rest of the nights.

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What’s Up Wednesday {08.25.21}

This might be my favorite post of the month. They’re the most fun to go back and read, it’s a little bit of food, a little bit of my Timehop addiction, reading, watching, all wrapped up in one post.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


We’re eating MY version of Iowa Girl Eats Cheesy Pasta Florentine, Asian Crockpot Pot Roast (the crockpot is coming back hardcore now that I’m starting to think about fall), and Parmesan Chicken Cutlets with corn on the cob.


We’re getting ready for our trip to my parents’ cabin in South Dakota. The last time we were there was 2019, and we looked like this…

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Friday Favorites {08.06.21}

We’re in the final countdown of summer like so many of you! The new ‘school year’ officially starts in a couple of weeks. Harrison will officially be in preschool and required to wear a uniform. It feels like yesterday he was a little baby and preschool felt light years away.

Baby J’s first birthday was last Friday, and we celebrated by taking the boys to ice cream in our neighborhood shopping center!

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Our Morning Routine

A few months ago, I shared our nighttime routine. Today, I’m going to give you a glimpse into our morning routine when the boys head off to school!

Mornings in the Lane house are controlled chaos. When the boys are headed off to school, our morning routine is the same every morning with almost no deviation. So we can get the boys off and us ready for work as quickly as possible! I’m sharing what our morning routine looks like today!

My alarm goes off at 4:53 am. Yes, 4:53. I like to wake up on odd numbers. So weird, I know!

Then I get dressed and head off to my work-out class at Bar Method.

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What’s Up Wednesday {07.28.21}

It feels like I’ve been gone for so long after missing posting last week. Jonathan had a couple of nights just not sleeping well. One of which Nathan & I were up until 12:30 in the morning trying to calm him and put him back to sleep. And then Harrison was sent home last week with a fever, which puts all life on hold as we try to keep the few balls in the air that have to be kept there – like work, and taking care of a sick little one. Ugh. It kills me to see my babies have such a hard time.

So it only seems appropriate after being gone a whole week that it’s time to share a little about our life lately! I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


We’re going to try the viral tomatoes + feta TikTok pasta this week (but switch out feta for Boursin cheese!), easy beef burrito skillet, and homemade chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese (Harrison’s favorite meal.)


Jonathan’s first birthday is on Friday. It was the longest, shortest year. Between COVID, quarantines, missing family, to life somewhat back to normal and catching up and meeting all of the people that he would have met as a newborn in the past few months, it’s been a whirlwind.

Around first birthdays, I spend a lot of time looking back at pictures and videos. It’s truly incredible how much changes in a year.

Here’s what Jonathan’s birthday looked like…

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What’s Up Wednesday {06.30.21}

The last Wednesday of every month, I love joining this little link up to share a little bit of what’s going on in our house this month. It’s a little bit of food, a bit of clothes, a bit of memories and exciting things coming up, all in one blog post. Head over to Shay and Sheaffer’s blogs to read through the rest of the links, too!


I’ve got ingredients this week to make a shrimp and Parmesan pasta, tacos, and a chopped salad with shredded chicken. In what order those get made, I don’t know! We’ll just wing it!


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Friday Favorites {06.25.21}

This summer seems to be flying by. Can you believe that next week is already Fourth of July weekend? Where has the time gone?

We had so much fun last weekend celebrating Father’s Day with our favorite dad around! While I barely survived making breakfast with both of the boys for Nathan (i.e. there were absolutely no pictures taken! Only repeated “don’t touch that’s!” and answering endless requests to “taste test.”) We went on a family walk to the park, where Harrison showed off his ever improving climbing skills, and went out as a family for a barbecue dinner! We love our Dada!

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Friday Favorites {06.18.21}

Thankfully, work was a little slower this week. Which was helpful given that I ended up at the doctor with a double ear infection and sinus infection. 🙄 I thought adults didn’t get ear infections anymore. But somehow, I was able to achieve it. Two times over. Here’s to antibiotics and the weekend ahead celebrating our favorite Dada! Hope you all have a wonderful one!

This is the face of the bravest little boy I know, who is super excited to have started swim lessons! He went head first into jumping off the side and the biggest splashes of his whole class. (The girls in his class were less than impressed with being splashed. I can relate, because I was totally that girl growing up. Boys, amiright?). I am so proud of him, and I love watching him learn to swim! I have yet to brave the pool with both little boys by myself, though. Not sure I’m ready for that.

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Summer Bucket List 2021

Last year, I shared our summer bucket list before becoming a family of four. And this year, I’m so excited for Jonathan to get to enjoy all the summer things that we love so much! There’s still a lot of firsts yet to go for our little guy, and some of these I can’t wait to do with him! And Harrison, of course.

  • Swim Lessons! For Harrison
  • Go to the zoo
  • Head to the Farmstead
  • Blueberry picking
  • Splashin’ and Smokin’ with the cousins
  • Homemade popsicles
  • Go to our local ice cream shop
  • Lots of walks – in our truck, scooter, and bike
  • Take a vacation as a family
  • Celebrate Jonathan’s first birthday!
  • Play dates with our friends
  • Re-catch up with friends that we’ve missed during COVID – lunches and happy hours!
  • Get to know our neighbors better
  • Do a cousin sleepover