Category: Our Life

Friday Favorites {01.15.21}

I’m not sure where this week went. I’ve been stealing away as many minutes as I can rocking my sweet baby J to sleep in the evenings. Harrison has taken a liking to a game he calls “car crash,” which involves pushing matchbox cars into a big “car crash” pile. Everyone has settled into a new routine getting out the door in the morning, and playing and having dinner together at night. It’s kind of almost felt…dare I say…normal…? (Whaaaat? What’s normal in a pandemic world???). Anyways, happy Friday friends!

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Let’s Look At…My Coffee Station

If you’re new around here, once a month I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at last year:

It’s a new year, and that means a whole new set of prompts and things we’ll “look at” this upcoming year.

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Friday Favorites {01.08.21}

I just had to go back and re-type that date. 2021. Wow. You ever have one of the moments that you remember back when you were really young and you’d calculate how old you’d be in certain years, and thought to yourself, “WOW. I’m going to be SO old then.” I feel like that every new year. We’re a few weeks out from my 36th birthday. The US is a complete s*** show (sorry, not sorry. Call it like I see it). I just finished my first week back at work after my maternity leave. And the pandemic didn’t magically go away when the clock struck midnight on December 31. Which is a serious bummer. When does it all end?

Ugh. My heart is so heavy after what happened this week. Just when it feels like it can’t get heavier, something more unbelievable happens. And I think it’s an injustice to our nation and our fellow Americans to not say something when you see wrong in this world. So here I am saying that what is happening in our country is wrong. Enough is enough. And as much as I see influencers and brands saying that they just want to be a happy place and post pretty, inspiring pictures, there is a point where you must stand up and speak. Your. Voice. Matters. Every last single small voice matters.

On a lighter note, happy Friday. Let’s do these favorites.

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Christmas 2020 – A Photo Diary

We missed our family this Christmas. Our usual Christmas routine involves a chaotic day. It starts with Christmas at our house to open presents from Santa and our immediate little family. It’s then followed by brunch and presents with my side of the family at Mimi and Papa’s house, and then afternoon naps and Christmas dinner/presents with Nathan’s family. And we missed it this year. Especially having extra sets of hands to entertain kiddos during the day. 🙂

But we made the most of it, and had our little Christmas at home with just the four of us. Complete with Zoom calls to our families, a big brunch and ending with steaks for Christmas dinner. It was both exhausting and so much fun. Harrison really started to understand Santa this year (he comes down the chim-a-lee) and had so much fun. Here’s what our Christmas looked like this year…

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Merry Christmas + Happy New Year

One last blog post this year. I thought about doing a recap of our year, but I think like pretty much every single person, our recap would look like “here’s a picture of us staying home in March! And here’s one of us staying home in April!”

And truly the brightest spot of our year was adding our little Jonathan to the family. I’ve grieved a lot that this birth was not the way we expected because of COVID. Our family couldn’t be there to surround us. We still have family members who live near us that haven’t met our little guy yet in person.

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Friday Favorites {12.18.20}

It’s the Friday before Christmas! Does it feel like Christmas is only a week away to everyone? I keep thinking that I have at least a couple more weeks.

There are few things that can stress me out at the pure thought of them than baking. The thought of baking with Harrison, and I can already feel myself start to sweat. (That doesn’t mean that I don’t do it every once in awhile! I want both of my boys to grow up with memories of baking cookies and breads together. Not to mention, who can deny that there’s anything better than having fresh chocolate chip cookies around?). However, I’m always grateful when my MIL brings over a plate of Christmas cookies because she is an AMAZING baker, and we are very willing and happy consumers. 😜

Do you have a baking day for Christmas cookies?

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A Day in the Life of Maternity Leave

I wanted to document one of our typical days during maternity leave. I had intended to do this while Harrison was still home, and then I realized that was too tall of a task. Jonathan was still getting into a routine, and Harrison was like a small hurricane keeping me on my toes every day. So I chose last Wednesday to document a very normal day of maternity leave.

5:03 Wake up time if I’m working out before the boys are up!

5:33 am – Bar Method workout in my living room with spaghetti sauce jars as weights

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Let’s Look At…Our Christmas Card

If you’re new around here, once a month I link up with two of my favorite blogs (Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything), to share a “look” into some little aspect of our life. Here’s a peak back at what we’ve “looked” at so far this year:

Today we’re sharing our Christmas cards!

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Friday Favorites {12.04.20}

Remember back in March when the world shut down, we all thought for sure we’d be through this pandemic in a few a weeks? Maybe a month. And all of the germ experts were like….you all have no idea. Buckle up. This thing is likely coming back for a second wave in the fall and winter. And that seemed so impossible and so far away?? And here we are in December. Still in a pandemic. CRAZY. We’ve been through almost an entire year living in a pandemic. It seems like the end is in sight, though. There’s hope that we don’t have another year of this, at least. And I am READY to be able to see my family again.

I’ve got a whole host of FAMILY stuff today. What’s this blog without Jonathan and Harrison pictures? A little bit of style and one of my FAVORITE sales of the year. And just some randomness. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

Watching these little guys together over the holiday weekend was the best. Four days of Harrison giving hugs to his brother, trying to make him laugh, and fetching his lovie for him when he cried. I love being their mom.

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Lanes Lately – December 2020

Thought I’d share a little bit of what’s going on around our house lately (aka pictures that I didn’t post on Instagram.)

MAKING: We’re in chili mode over here. Once the temperature drops to 50 degrees or below, it seems to be on repeat at least every other week.

Chili and then the once a year Biscuits & Gravy made their return this Thanksgiving. I make homemade biscuits & gravy for Thanksgiving, and holy smokes. Every year, I wonder why I don’t make them more. Here is the BISCUIT recipe, and here is the GRAVY recipe.

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