Tag: Harrison

10 Random Things Lately

I could say that life has been busy lately….that would be an understatement. But I’m guessing you probably presumed that when I disappeared a few weeks ago. Since it’s been sooo long since I shared anything, I thought I’d share 10 random things from life lately…

  • The older boys went to their very first wedding. And they had the very best time dancing, eating, and drinking special drinks. Not to mention that they looked so handsome!
  • Harrison is rounding out the end of his Kindergarten year. That seems impossible to believe…but it’s nearly here! We had his school’s open house, and he loved showing us around the school and everything he’s worked on this year!

We celebrated Harrison’s sixth birthday with friends! AND a Mommy & Daddy date to Top Golf. If you thought he would have the BEST time at Top Golf, you would be right.

We installed and planted two raised beds near our new shed. I’m growing lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and raspberries. Crossing my fingers that we’re successful! I haven’t been much of a food gardener until this year.

We all tested positive for strep (besides Nathan) four days before leaving for Florida with my sister’s family. Poor baby Aidan has been on antibiotics for ear infections so often recently that they had to treat him with daily shots this time around. I was just thankful to have found it before we left and got on the airplane! At least strep is an easy fix.

And of course with it being springtime, I am busy planting, planting, planting! And so excited this year to help people with their summer containers. It’s doubly fun dreaming up combinations for customers and getting them installed!

Jonathan has taken to calling adding sugar to your cereal as adding “seasoning.” He routinely asks us for Cheerios with seasoning now. When do we live in a world where kids name everything?

Shortly after Aidan’s first birthday, he started walking. And now we have a baby walking everywhere! He wants to get into all the things, climb all of the stairs, and absolutely does not want to be left by himself EVER. He now has mastered Mama, Dada, and a lot of telling us “MO! Mo! Mo!” while signing “More.” He’s also recently added “yeah” to his repertoire, and we love asking him yes or no questions to hear him say, “Yeah?”

He’s officially moved up to the Toddler classroom at school, and I guess that fully shuts a door on baby years. We have been so blessed to have three sweet, healthy babies and for me to have been able to enjoy six months off with each of them during my maternity leave.

My little business has been growing faster than I had ever imagined! I absolutely love everything about it – from helping with landscape consultations, to full blown landscape drawings and renderings, and container installations. It’s been so much fun!

I’m hoping that I can get back to a more consistent posting schedule, but I think I may need to make it through May before that kind of time frees up!

What have you been up to this month?


Dear Harrison on your 6th birthday,

Hi, buddy. Happy birthday! I asked you the other day if you were excited about turning six and why, and you said yes! Because it means you can go to first grade! You have always been so excited to get bigger. To learn new things, become more independent, do the big kid things. I look at you these days and all of the baby-ness of you is gone. You have grown into a full blown kid. And man, I just think you are the coolest kid.

I love so many things about you. You are the absolute best brother. Even though at times you’re a little stinker to them…especially Jonathan…wow, you are so protective and loving of them. You frequently tell me that Aidan is your favorite in the family. You love and care for your people so deeply. And you’re upset if you don’t get Mommy hugs before you go to sleep at night. I wish I could hold onto that for forever!

You are the BEST helper. If there is a task to be done, you are happy to roll up your sleeves and help. You love feeling involved, and working with me or Daddy on a project. I love working with you side by side.

You are fiercely competitive. As Daddy says, “If harnessed correctly, it will make you great.” And wow, I can see that already. Your desire to excel in everything you do will no doubt serve you will in life. Never willing to settle for just ok or average.

I sit here writing this, and just feel like its so inadequate to describe how amazing I think you are today. You changed my life forever when you arrived on Friday, April 13th. I had no idea the depth of love I could have for someone. That there would be no greater feeling in the world to have your son look up at you and say, “I love you, Mom.” And even though I’d love to keep you little forever, it is such an honor watching you grow up.

Happy birthday, my love.

Love always,


My Little Thankful Turkeys

Our little turkeys have been creating their annual thankful turkeys this month. It’s so fun to see how the things they are thankful for changes year to year. Their maturity and understanding of gratitude has changed so much in a single year. Here are a few of my favorites from each boy this year…


Right off the bat, Harrison’s day one thankful item was Jesus & God with Day 2 followed up with hi family. I don’t think there is a more first-born answer on day one and two than that. This contrasted sharply with Jonathan’s day 1 thankful item…you’ll have to read on for that. 🙂

Aidan made it onto Harrison’s thankful turkey three times. Can you tell Aidan is the favorite? First as part of his family, loving Aidan the most. Then as part of his brothers. And finally just a flat out thankful for “Aidan.”

I know he must be learning something at school when out of nowhere he’s thankful for his “community.” Let me tell you something that we’ve never discussed with him….what the word community even means.


In true second/middle child fashion, Day 1, Jonathan was thankful for Mowers & Tractors. Need I say more?

Aidan, again, made it onto Jonathan’s thankful turkey with a special call out in his family. And also, Jonathan was thankful for Aidan’s paci and loveys. I’m not sure why that is….maybe he cries too much? Maybe because Jonathan also is thankful for his own lovey? Who knows…

And I just need to point out how many yard and tractor items made this turkey. Five days. Five days of being thankful for various things related to yard work and tractors. He’s a man of simple pleasures.

I’m taking next week off from both blog world and work to focus on our family, decorate for Christmas, and hopefully have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Fingers crossed – because last year I had a house full of sickies for Thanksgiving.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday as well!

7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. XIII)

If there was ever any doubt that fall has started, it’s the first virus of the season. I apologize for the ghosting over the last few days as I took care of a sick boy, while still trying to get myself back in the swing of working full time.

From time to time, I like to gather a few things that feel unique to each kid and share them as quick takes. It’s my way of capturing a bit of their personality as they grow up. Little Harrison doesn’t mispronounce things very often now, but there is definitely things that feel so uniquely Harrison that I want to remember them for forever.

-1- Harrison is my competitve kid. He is interested in EVERY sporting event. I remember wondering in school gym class how there seemed to be children that just naturally were already so good at playing sports, when I myself had never played sports before being forced to play them in gym. And then I had a child that was interested in sports from the moment he could walk – and I got it.

He wants to know who is playing every sporting event, who each person is cheering for, and what colors each team is wearing. Every. Single. Game.

-2- Speaking of competitive, his obsession with winning extends to which team he cheers for in a game. He HATES losing, so usually will flip flop what team he’s cheering for based on who is winning.

-3- Every game he watches, he likes to build the players out of his counting blocks based on their uniform colors, and then proceeds to play the game with his players while watching the game on TV. This child could not be more different than me growing up if he tried.

-4- He’s five years old, and believes himself to be pretty much completely devoid of the need of parents. He informed us going into Kindergarten that once he was in Kindergarten that he “wouldn’t need us anymore.” Except for a ride to school…and to make his food…and do his laundry…and buy him things. But everything else, he’s got covered.

-5- Aidan is his “favorite” because he’s the “softest” member of the family. That baby skin speaks to Harrison’s love language.

-6- As if it was ever in question, Harrison’s favorite subject in school is “gym.” He has a particular fondness for all of the elementary school games he’s learning: kickball, dodgeball, and something called “toilet tag.” Sounds like a winner with the elementary school crowd if I’ve ever heard of one.

-7- His favorite shows to watch right now are Spidey and the Chiefs vs. Broncos game that’s a recording from last year’s game. He narrates this game as though it’s the first time he’s ever watched it, and that no one has seen the ending. But he’s well aware of who wins the game. 🙂

I love my little sports obsessed boy.

Friday Favorites {02.10.23}

I have a note on my calendar today that Kindergarten enrollment opens today. Kindergarten. Have we really already passed the baby, toddler and preschool years with our oldest? Oh my goodness. I’m so excited for him, and he’s so ready. And still, I’d just give anything to go back to one more day with this little boy…

And now I’m casually crying at my computer…He was always Harrison. From the minute he was born. I look back at it now, and I can see it ever so clearly. His contemplative nature and the need to figure things out. His a million miles a minute “Hurricane Harrison” was there from the beginning. The doer, goer, tryer, confident little boy was always there.

Here I am off on a tangent again. But, alas, it feels monumental. Kindergarten.

We had a good week. Started it off with some nicer weather and being able to play outside, and then Chiefs Superbowl spirit week at school! Here’s a look at some things that brought a smile to my face this week.

Speaking of Harrison, Nathan and Harrison got back from their annual boys’ ski trip to Breckenridge. I love that Nathan wants to do this trip. I smile just thinking about these two spending one-on-one time together. And Harrison seems to be a natural picking up another activity…

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Christmas 2022: A Photo Diary

I’m sitting at my kitchen counter with a bar of dark chocolate while one of our little boys naps upstairs after being sent home from daycare with a fever yesterday. Looking back through these pictures makes me eternally grateful. With little ones, I find myself treasuring any holiday we get without sickness and spent with family.

Here’s a look at how our winter break went…

Our annual making of our Chex Mix with the boys. I love a “recipe” that is so easy for kids this little, and they can snack while we make it.

And yes, we make it on the floor of the kitchen every year. It works for us.

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Halloween 2022

I love Halloween with little kids. When Nathan and I first moved into our neighborhood, we were the youngest people in the neighborhood by at least ten, but probably close to 15 years. Our very first Halloween, I was so excited to have trick-or-treaters in a real neighborhood! And we had about 5 total trick-or-treaters. But slowly, our neighborhood has turned over in the past five years. Younger families have moved in that have kids around our age or are in elementary school, and it’s so fun seeing the neighborhood alive with kids on Halloween night running from house to house!

We started our Halloween at the boys’ daycare trunk-or-treat. They were so excited to wear their costumes for the first time and see their friends from school!

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Let’s Look At…How We Choose Halloween Costumes

It’s Let’s Look day with Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything! If you’re new here, it’s one day a month that we share a little peak into some aspect of our lives. So far this year, I’ve shared:

There are two types of people in this world. Those that LOVE dressing up in costumes, brainstorming ideas of things they/their kids can be, and putting it all together. Then there are those that can feel the creative muscle needing to be flexed, kind of grimace at the prospect of trying to pick the *perfect* costume, and then wonder why Halloween costumes are so stinking expensive. But in the end, look at the finished result and are like, “Wow. That was so much fun.” I am the second type.

Coming up with Halloween costumes for children is as much as I can take in using my creativity. We are not a dress-up family. The kids will look adorable, get all of the treats, and I will soundly scrounge through their takings when they go to bed at night and pick myself out a Reese’s or Butterfinger to enjoy.

We have only done Halloween a few times, so we’re going to do a Halloween parade of costumes over the years. 🙂

Harrison’s very first Halloween, I wanted a costume that was “homemade” but also easy….because we all know, creativity and crafts are not my strong suit. Thus, Waldo from Where’s Waldo was born. And I thought he was a particularly cute Waldo.

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7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. XII)

If you’re new here, you’re probably wondering what “quick takes” are exactly. I like to jot down things that are making me laugh or smile about each boy every once in awhile and commemorate them in a blog post. They are little reminder and windows in time of their personalities, the things that they are interested in, and the absolutely adorable things they say at these ages.

It’s almost Harrison’s half birthday, and that always seems like a good time to commemorate the little things I’ve jotted down about him.

-1- The things he’s dreaming about being lately include a soccer player, but only for Chelsea FC, a tree cutter, and a mommy and daddy.

-2- We signed an incident report that he forcibly removed a “friend” from the teacher’s chair because the rule is you don’t sit in the teacher’s chair. After reminding his “friend” of the rule, and them not complying, he took matters into his own hands.

-3- If anything is any object is on the floor, it gets kicked by our soccer player. All toys are treated as soccer balls, dropped items in the kitchen, shoes sitting on the floor…all kicked.

-4- When I pick up Harrison from school, I ask him what was one nice thing that he did for a friend that day. And he without fail replies, “Uhhhh. I forgot to do anything nice.” And then after a couple more seconds, he asks me to offer suggestions of ways he may have been nice that day and not realized it, so that he can get appropriate credit for his kindness.

-5- I do not know what is happening inside his classroom, but every one of his friends calls him “Harrison Thomas.” I can only imagine that he is declaring himself Harrison Thomas over and over again to his friends.

-6- He refers to the cartoon dog Bluey as Gluey.

-7- Before he goes to sleep at night, I tell him, “I love you so much. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” And right now, he replies, “Mommy. I love you so so so so much. You’re the goodest Mommy.”

I can’t believe that I’ve been doing this motherhood thing for four and a half years already. What an absolute blessing this boy has been to me.