Category: Our Life

Let’s Look At…Tidying Up

It’s Let’s Look day with Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything! If you’re new here, it’s one day a month that we share a little peak into some aspect of our lives. So far this year, I’ve shared:

Being a Type A personality, I have a soft spot for things be orderly and tidy. If you want to speak my love language, talk to me about organizing and everything having a place.

The flip side of that coin is that I would be the most bitter, frustrated mom and wife ever if I spent the time needed to tidy everything at the end of the day.

I used to be that super bitter, exhausted, shell of a human being as a brand new mom. I wanted my house to look the way it did before babies. It’s just not possible, though. There will come a day when the boys are off on their own, and my house can be mostly tidy at all times. But I’m doing my best to enjoy living in a house that’s a little messier.

I try to do a small amount of tidying every day. Usually I take 20 minutes after the boys leave for daycare and tidy things that are at a level that I just can’t live with anymore. I get as much done as a possibly can before the clock hits about 8:10, and then I just let the rest go. For the rest of the day. That’s right. I don’t bother to tidy up at all after the morning.

Come along with me as I tidy one morning…

Always left with a sink full of dirty dishes after the boys’ breakfast.

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I Know I’m in the Minority Here…

But we’re going to talk about the things I don’t like that seemingly the entire world LOVES.

I just find myself shrugging my shoulders and moving on about these things…but I do think it’s fun to find other fellow haters of the same things. So, if you see something here that you’re totally on board with not understanding the appeal, let me know!

Cinnamon :: That cinnamon Christmas smell makes my head hurt. It’s just waaaaay too much for me. And that being said, like full-on cinnamon things like: Big Red gum, hot tamales….yuck. So gross. I will not, however, be turning down a cinnamon roll anytime soon. I’m not crazy.

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Friday Favorites {07.29.22}

Happy Friday! It’s been a super busy week at the Lane house this week. I don’t know how, but it always feels like all of the things end up scheduled for the same week. There were hair appointments, school appointments, grooming appointments, not to mention just a busy work week, all pushed together in one week! Whew! I’m glad it’s Friday, and Nathan and I are headed out on a date night tonight!

If you read my WUW post earlier this week, then you know that we have a very special TWO year’s old birthday this weekend!

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What’s Up Wednesday {07.27.22}

This is always my favorite post of the month. They’re the most fun to go back and read, it’s a little bit of food, a little bit of my Timehop addiction, reading, watching, all wrapped up in one post.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: I’m trying a new Half Baked Harvest recipe for my resident shrimp lover in the house (Mr. Harrison): Garden Herb Shrimp Scampi. We’re going to attempt to brave the heat this week and grill some burgers and hot dogs, and taco stuffed sweet potatoes, which I’ve never done before either! We’re rounding out the week with a couple of fun sweet treats for the boys to help me make: watermelon popsicles and blueberry cobbler, so I can use up some of the blueberries we picked and froze last month!

2: WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT: It snuck up on me, but my littlest boy is turning 2 this weekend! This past year seemed to fly by, and it’s amazing going back and watching videos of our Jonathan at this time last year. I think we always think about so much changing the first year of life, but my goodness! They change so much in year 1 to 2! Walking, talking, becoming so strong-willed and independent. Love my little guy so stinking much, and watching the boy that he is becoming now!

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The Black Hills 2022: Part 1

We got back last week from a trip to the Black Hills in South Dakota to visit my parents. For those that are new here, a bit of history on the Black Hills for my family, because this isn’t going to be a typical travel post about what we did and where we ate!

My parents grew up at the foot of the Black Hills in Rapid City, SD. My maternal grandparents bought some land in the Black Hills before my living memory, and lived in the Hills pretty my entire childhood. As kids, we’d always spend a week in the Hills visiting my grandparents. My sister and I have wonderful memories in the Hills growing up. We’d catch and release chipmunks, go camping, feed the deer, hike (I hated hiking growing up, though), and just generally lived outside in nature for a week.

Years ago, my parents bought land in the Hills as well, and in 2014 built a cabin on that land. They spend their summers living at the cabin, and the rest of the year they live in Kansas City. Thus began our own family annual pilgrimage to the Hills once a year.

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What’s Up Wednesday {06.29.22}

Happy What’s Up Wednesday! A little bit of everything in one post. I LOVE this post every month, and they’re my favorite to read of other blog friends! So let’s get into it!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We made HBH’s Chicken Gyros again, because we’re absolutely obsessed with the taziki sauce! We’re also having another Half Baked Harvest recipe this week: Lemon Butter Chicken Piccata, and some easy pasta with TJ’s sauce from the jar to round out the week. 🙂


We’re getting ready for our trip to my parents’ cabin in South Dakota. Here are a few pictures from last year at the cabin

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Friday Favorites: Lauren’s Favorite Media

I thought we’d do something a little bit different today for Friday Favorites. I’m sharing all of my favorites MEDIA related as the first in a segment of ”getting to know more about Lauren.” 🙂

Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of all time is Good Will Hunting, and it has been for years! I can quote pretty much the entire movie by heart. I love the characters, the dialogue, the whole thing.

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Friday Favorites {05.27.22}

It’s Harrison’s last day of “school uniforms” for the year, and in daycare terms, I think that officially marks the start of summer for us! We don’t have much in the way of plans this weekend, but I’m hoping for lots of time outside with the boys.

I’ve been tucking our littlest to bed under his amazing quilt my Aunt made him. Nightime moments rocking the boys and putting them to bed, while sometimes feel overwhelming and like one more thing to do before I can relax, I always enjoy those moments with my boys the absolute most. Listening to Harrison talk to me about whatever is on his mind. Watching Jonathan fight sleep and finally give in to his heavy, droopy eyelids. It’s the most precious time as their mama right now.

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Lanes Lately {May 2022}

I was wondering what I should write about today. I had a weird assortment of things that were on my mind, or I wanted to share with you all. So a Lanes Lately post was born! Hope you guys had a good weekend!

MAKING: Chicken gyros with homemade taziki sauce. You guys. These are SO GOOD.

Taziki sauce recipe HERE + Chicken recipe HERE.

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Friday Favorites {04.29.22}

Well just when I think we may be out of the sickness woods of the winter of 2022, I’m proven wrong again. We have one kid home sick with the flu, and the whole family is on tamiflu. Ah! When will the sickness this year end?!

We’ll be focused on getting our little guy better and hopefully having some fun along the way this weekend. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

In the middle of last week, I surprised Harrison at school before lunch, and we played hooky for the rest of the day going to a Royals baseball game together. Since Jonathan was born, the amount of time I’ve gotten to spend one-on-one with Harrison has gone down significantly. I love having both of the boys, and doing things with them, but it’s so interesting how the dynamics change when you get to focus on just one kid at a time.

Many years ago, like pre-kids, I read a fellow blogger doing a skip day with each of their kids, and I’ve held on to that idea for YEARS thinking I wanted to do the same thing when the time came around. It was the best time to just focus on my big, little man for an afternoon.

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