Tag: Our Life

What’s Up Wednesday {11.30.22}

The holidays always seem to fly by, and this time feels no different. Even though it’s been a month since my last What’s Up Wednesday post, it feels so much shorter than that. I’m looking forward to so many things this month with the kids, especially! It’s such a magical time with little ones!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: I struggle figuring out what to make for the family the week after a holiday. It feels like so much effort goes into planning out the holiday meals, and then the next week I have no motivation to do anything…so we are doing spaghetti and meatballs, all of which I made double of the last time and froze half of them for just such an occasion. Crockpot carne asada tacos, and lemon butter chicken piccata.


Our Thanksgiving was such a comedy of errors….Nathan was still pretty sick, but insistent on cooking the turkey. Needless to say, he made countless mistakes in his cooking, including cooking the entire bird upside down.

At the end of the day, I was the only one who ate Thanksgiving dinner. The boys each had a roll, and Nathan pushed food around his plate. One that we will never forget, for sure!

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Lanes Lately – November 2022

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week. Truly can’t believe it. I’ve got a Thanksgiving meal to finish planning and shopping for, and Christmas lists to be finalized for Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping!

MAKING: Christmas gift lists! I’m being more intentional this year about keeping track of what I’m planning on getting each person and what has already been purchased. I always feel like I get to the week before Christmas and can’t remember what I bought for everybody and then overbuy because I panic that I haven’t bought enough for one or both of the boys.

I have very clear memories of my mom not remembering either, and finding Christmas presents stuffed away in her closet months later that she had intended to give on Christmas morning.

WEARING: Sweatshirts and leggings almost every day! Maternity pants are still a little big for me right now, but I’ve definitely sized out of anything remotely considered comfortable in the normal pants world.

LOVING: I’m obsessed with this candle. I just ordered another one for my office! It smells like apples, vanilla, and just a hint of oak. And oh my, it’s so cozy and perfect.

I’m also loving doing Thankful Turkeys with the boys this year. I don’t think there’s probably any mother of toddlers who isn’t following Busy Toddler, but this is one of her activities for the month of November. Each morning, I sit down with the boys at breakfast and ask them what is something or someone that they love, and write it on a feather and add it to each of their Thankful Turkeys. Both the boys and I look forward to this every morning. In fact, the other day, I had forgotten, and Harrison yelled at me down the hall, “Aren’t we going to do our Thankful feathers today?”

Can you guess which turkey belongs to which boy?


This pillow. Obviously, every night. But I got this pillow for Nathan last year for his birthday, and I took a nap with it recently and woke up thinking to myself…..I have to have this pillow. I’m a side sleeper, and the pickiest person about my sleep set-up. I wish I was one of those people that could sleep anywhere at any time, but I’m just not. I believe in investing in the things that contribute to a really good night of sleep. A nice mattress. Soft, cool sheets. And a really good pillow. Nothing changes how your day starts like a good night of rest.


Currently I’m enjoying my one very cherished cup of coffee a day. Of all the food items you give up in pregnancy, I think enjoying a couple nice hot cups of a coffee in the morning is the one that I miss the most.


My boys. I know that sounds lame, but I think to myself at least once a day, wow. I love this age. I love this time of year with so much excitement for them. (And also, why can’t my two year old just do what I say rather than shouting ‘NO!’ at every last request in endless quest for power. 🙂 )

That’s a little bit of our life lately! Hope you’re having a good week!

What’s Up Wednesday {10.26.22}

Another WUW! I hope you all have a good week so far. I can’t believe we’re already heading into the holiday season. Halloween until Christmas always feels like a crazy mad dash that happens in the blink of an eye. And I’m not going to lie….all of those influencers putting up holiday decor already….I already bought a few new pieces for our Christmas. They definitely got me with the “buy it before it sells out like it always does” bit! I do love the couple of things I bought, though. I tend to add a couple of new things each year, and retire the decor I’m just not loving anymore.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We had spaghetti and meatballs on Sunday. It’s a family favorite. I make everything homemade, but make a ton of sauce and a ton of meatballs, so I can freeze a majority of them for easy dinners in the future. 🙂

Then crockpot pot roast and baked potato soup with homemade pretzels rounds out the rest of the week!


Halloween’s from years past. It’s always around this time that I start thinking about holidays in past years.

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A Day in the Life: September 2022

I had planned on doing an update on the fall gardens today. How I changed out my planters and added pumpkins for fall. But I didn’t get around to getting all of my garden clean-up and fall planting done. So, instead we’re doing a day in the life of the Lane fam! A random weekday from start to finish.

And right off the bat….I forgot I was planning on documenting this day. But, got up early to head to my work-out class at Bar Method.

Headed back home, and listening to my daily news update from the New York Times.

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What’s Up Wednesday (early!) {08.24.22}

This is my favorite post every month. I love sharing and reading about just the everyday things that people are into currently! We’re going to be gone next week on vacation, so I’m sharing my WUW with you early! I just couldn’t miss it.

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: This week we’re doing homemade pizzas, cheesy sausage pasta florentine, and lemon butter chicken piccata!


Reminiscing and enjoying the pictures and videos from Jonathan and Holden’s second birthday party! We all had so much fun celebrating our little COVID babies!

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Let’s Look At…Tidying Up

It’s Let’s Look day with Shay @ Mix and Match Mama and Erika @ A Little Bit of Everything! If you’re new here, it’s one day a month that we share a little peak into some aspect of our lives. So far this year, I’ve shared:

Being a Type A personality, I have a soft spot for things be orderly and tidy. If you want to speak my love language, talk to me about organizing and everything having a place.

The flip side of that coin is that I would be the most bitter, frustrated mom and wife ever if I spent the time needed to tidy everything at the end of the day.

I used to be that super bitter, exhausted, shell of a human being as a brand new mom. I wanted my house to look the way it did before babies. It’s just not possible, though. There will come a day when the boys are off on their own, and my house can be mostly tidy at all times. But I’m doing my best to enjoy living in a house that’s a little messier.

I try to do a small amount of tidying every day. Usually I take 20 minutes after the boys leave for daycare and tidy things that are at a level that I just can’t live with anymore. I get as much done as a possibly can before the clock hits about 8:10, and then I just let the rest go. For the rest of the day. That’s right. I don’t bother to tidy up at all after the morning.

Come along with me as I tidy one morning…

Always left with a sink full of dirty dishes after the boys’ breakfast.

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Friday Favorites {07.29.22}

Happy Friday! It’s been a super busy week at the Lane house this week. I don’t know how, but it always feels like all of the things end up scheduled for the same week. There were hair appointments, school appointments, grooming appointments, not to mention just a busy work week, all pushed together in one week! Whew! I’m glad it’s Friday, and Nathan and I are headed out on a date night tonight!

If you read my WUW post earlier this week, then you know that we have a very special TWO year’s old birthday this weekend!

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What’s Up Wednesday {07.27.22}

This is always my favorite post of the month. They’re the most fun to go back and read, it’s a little bit of food, a little bit of my Timehop addiction, reading, watching, all wrapped up in one post.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: I’m trying a new Half Baked Harvest recipe for my resident shrimp lover in the house (Mr. Harrison): Garden Herb Shrimp Scampi. We’re going to attempt to brave the heat this week and grill some burgers and hot dogs, and taco stuffed sweet potatoes, which I’ve never done before either! We’re rounding out the week with a couple of fun sweet treats for the boys to help me make: watermelon popsicles and blueberry cobbler, so I can use up some of the blueberries we picked and froze last month!

2: WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT: It snuck up on me, but my littlest boy is turning 2 this weekend! This past year seemed to fly by, and it’s amazing going back and watching videos of our Jonathan at this time last year. I think we always think about so much changing the first year of life, but my goodness! They change so much in year 1 to 2! Walking, talking, becoming so strong-willed and independent. Love my little guy so stinking much, and watching the boy that he is becoming now!

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What’s Up Wednesday {06.29.22}

Happy What’s Up Wednesday! A little bit of everything in one post. I LOVE this post every month, and they’re my favorite to read of other blog friends! So let’s get into it!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We made HBH’s Chicken Gyros again, because we’re absolutely obsessed with the taziki sauce! We’re also having another Half Baked Harvest recipe this week: Lemon Butter Chicken Piccata, and some easy pasta with TJ’s sauce from the jar to round out the week. 🙂


We’re getting ready for our trip to my parents’ cabin in South Dakota. Here are a few pictures from last year at the cabin

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Friday Favorites {05.27.22}

It’s Harrison’s last day of “school uniforms” for the year, and in daycare terms, I think that officially marks the start of summer for us! We don’t have much in the way of plans this weekend, but I’m hoping for lots of time outside with the boys.

I’ve been tucking our littlest to bed under his amazing quilt my Aunt made him. Nightime moments rocking the boys and putting them to bed, while sometimes feel overwhelming and like one more thing to do before I can relax, I always enjoy those moments with my boys the absolute most. Listening to Harrison talk to me about whatever is on his mind. Watching Jonathan fight sleep and finally give in to his heavy, droopy eyelids. It’s the most precious time as their mama right now.

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